- Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
- Sunday Salon is hosted by Readerbuzz
- Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
- **images are linked to Amazon (I am an affiliate)**
Hi Everyone. Not much going on this week. Mr Wonderful was at his mother’s house, so I binged on Below Deck and Twilight. I love both and Mr Wonderful gets bored with them, so whenever he is away I am binging. How about you and yours? Do you have favorites and hates? The weather has been springy…cloudy, windy, rainy and got a bit chilly too. The battle of the leaves in the pool has been ongoing and another week or so I think it will all pass and I am calling it summertime!!!!
Stay safe and wear a mask..
LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
- Sherry’s Shelves 3.7 -3.13.21 #stackingtheshelves #thesundaypost #thesundaysalon
- Music Monday – The Middle by Zedd @Zedd #musicmonday
- Review – Eight Cylinders by Jason Parent @AuthorJasParent #Horror
- Buried Treasure – What Lies Beneath The Graves By Kathryn Meyer Griffith @KathrynG64
- Books From The Backlog – Multiple Motives by Kassandra Lamb @KassandraLamb #booksfromthebacklog
- Saving Seals #1 – Saving Ryder by Jane Blythe @jblytheauthor #romanticsuspense
- Giveaway – Murder on the Metro by Jon Land @jondland @partnersincr1me
- Tackling The TBR – 3.13 – 3.19.21 #tacklingthetbr
COMING UP ON fundinmental
- Sherry’s Shelves
- Music Monday
- FREE Paranormal – Planting Pearls by Virginia King
- Review – All Those Who Came Before by Kathryn Meyer Griffith
- Books From The Backlog – The Mystic Wolves by Belinda Boring
- Giveaway – Unwitting Accomplice by Sid Meltzer
- Tackling The TBR
- You can see my Giveaways HERE.
- You can see my Reviews HERE.
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- Look on the right sidebar and let’ talk.
- Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.
- I am an Amazon affiliate/product images are linked.
- Thanks for visiting fundinmental!
I watch very little tv but I’m enjoying the new Equalizer series. I also went back and have watched a couple episodes from the beginning of SWAT. The weather here will finally be warming up and a bit less rain.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
I like Twilight too.
It’s starting to get nicer here too. Finally! Have fun binging.
I am not ready for summer yet. I am actually enjoying the spring a lot, though it snowed my first night in Arizona last week. It was like really depressing for me, but all the locals were excited.
My dad and I both love horror, action adventure and SF films. I like some musicals and animated, and historical drama but he loves foreign, westerns and martial arts which don’t interest me.