- Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
- Sunday Salon is hosted by Readerbuzz
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Hi Everyone. Another week and I did do a ton of reading. I got soooo wrapped up in Jack Killborn’s novels that I couldn’t stop. I read everything I had on my Kindle. WOW…some great stories! Have you read any of his work? I’ve also been reading some A M Hargrove. Have you ever read her work? She writes some steamy romances, but I first learned of her through her Guardians of Vesturon series. We have been having some pretty nice weather since Ida went through. Luckily, for us, it curved around us. We did have some squalls as the bands passed over us, but they were quick and like a normal afternoon summer thunderstorm here in the Florida Panhandle. We are having a bit of a cooling off spell. The pool is more refreshing, though I still prefer the high 80s. I have become a wuss. That means the clock is ticking and summer is going out with a bang. LOL
Stay safe and wear a mask..
LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
- Sherry’s Shelves 8.22 – 8.28 #thesundaypost #thesundaysalon
- Music Monday – Puff The Magic Dragon by Peter Paul & Mary @peterpaulmry
- Review For New Release – Mr Ultra Mega Love by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff @MimiJeanRomance
- Giveaway – Never Say Chai by Kirsten Weiss @GoddessFish @KirstenWeiss
- Giveaway – Rebel Correspondent by Steve Procko @RebelCorres @iReadBookTours
- Review For New Release – City of Prey by Blake Pierce #BlakePierce
- Books From The Backlog – Daynight & Arbitrate by Megan Thomason @megan_thomason #booksfromthebacklog
- Giveaway – Malice In Miami by Barbara Venkataraman @dollycas
- Giveaway – Relatively Normal Secrets by C W Allen @GoddessFish @cwallenbooks
- Tackling The TBR 8.28 – 9.3.21 #tacklingthetbr
COMING UP ON fundinmental
- Sherry’s Shelves
- Music Monday
- Giveaway – Ghost Cat of Ocean Cove by Mollie Hunt
- Books From The Backlog
- Giveaway – Trace of Doubt by Diann Mills
- Tackling The TBR
- You can see my Giveaways HERE.
- You can see my Reviews HERE.
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- Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.
- I am an Amazon affiliate/product images are linked.
- Thanks for visiting fundinmental!
Yay for a week with lots of reading! I had a crazy week at work and so didn’t get much reading done due to being tired and stressed, as well as it being an almost 500 page book! Hope you have a good week!
Lisa Loves Literature
Glad you guys were kept safe when Ida passed by. Yay for a fab binge read and some pool time. I have one AM Hargrove on my Kindle and it looks like a sci-fi so that should be fun.
Have a good week, Sherry!
You prefer the weather in the high 80’s? Wow! You don’t hear that very often.
The Jack Killborn books sound good, especially if you raced right through them! I love it when I am caught up in a series that way. I’ve had his Jack Daniels Mysteries (under J.A. Konrath) on my want to read list for awhile. I haven’t tried anything by Hargrove.
I am glad to hear you were safe when Ida came through. The weather here has been so up and down temperature wise. Looks like the heat is back.
I hope you have a great week!!
I haven’t read those authors but I probably have some of their books. lol. I never get rid of books. I like the slightly cooler weather for yard work. I wanted at least some rain but we didn’t get much. Have a great holiday weekend!
Glad Ida missed you guys! Although yeah the cooler weather must be a bit of a change!
Hope you’re having a nice long weekend…
I haven’t read any Jack Killborn, but I’ll have to check him out! Nice to hear you avoided Ida’s wrath!
Noooo I never heard of Kilborn before, but I just read the description of “Afraid” and immediately downloaded it. I’m intrigued by the scary being in the house that likes popcorn. lol Thanks for mentioning him to us!
We dodged the worst of Ida here, too. It went through a little bit to the east of us. We only had rain with a bit of gusty winds.
It’s been chilly here also… but we can get some of our hottest weather here in September, so I’m hoping for a few more warmer days before fall hits!
I was delighted to see the temperatures were in the seventies this morning when we walked. I’m looking forward to cooler weather. So glad Ida passed around you. Hurricanes are horrific. Why do I continue to live along the Texas Gulf Coast?
It looks like you have been greatly enjoying the Jack Killborn novels. I’ve never read him or A M Hargrove either, but I’m happy you’ve found some great authors.
I haven’t read those authors, I’ll check them out.
Glad Ida missed you!
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