The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice.
The only rules are to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your ereader and find any sentence or a few ( no spoilers) that grabs you and post it.
Please join Rose City Reader every Friday to share the first sentence or so of the book you are reading along with you initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.
Please include the title of the book and the author’s name.
FREEBLOOD by Marny Copal
There is plenty of blood, guts and gore for all of you gruesome horror lovers.
What does it take to kill a vampire? Are the stories you’ve heard really true?
I read and reviewed Freeblood by Marny Copal in February of 2013.
I was looking at my bookshelf, it’s just something I do, and saw this cover. It’s different from many covers and stands out, so I grabbed it for this weeks meme. I hope you enjoy another fun and gruesome horror novel for the waning days of October.
(page 56 of a paperback)
But she didn’t know she’d end up this way, a small voice cried from within. She’d heard that vampire blood was powerful and that she coud get hooked, but she didn’t believe it. Addicted? Not her. Will of steel. She’d drink the blood a couple times, rescue Mom and Theo, then she wouldn’t need it anymore.
(Book Beginnings)
A slender feminine figure stepped out of the apartment building and started across the rubble. In the dim twilight, Quinn recognized the precise, purposeful gait of her cousin. Picking her way through burned-out remains wasn’t a typical hobby for the well-groomer Kasey, so Quinn knew this meant trouble. She dropped her armload of bricks and ran the back of one glove across her brow.
Kasey planted herself squarely. “Have you been keeping secrets from me?”
My Review of Freeblood by Marny Copal
Secrets and lies have surrounded 21-year-old Quinn Zauber since a vampire killed her mother and brother a year ago. Jo-Jo Huang, her best friend and roommate, has offered steady support, even going along with Quinn’s crazy ghost-hunting schemes. Now Jo-Jo has been kidnapped, and clues point to an audio recorder the roomies placed in Portland’s notorious underground tunnels.
With her naïve cousin Kasey riding shotgun and an old attraction, paranormal investigator Del Whelan, imposing his own brand of help, Quinn searches for Jo-Jo, fights supernaturals, and strives to keep her horrible secrets under wraps.
What Quinn doesn’t realize is that her witch bloodline makes her of special interest to one of the deadliest vampires around.
Click on the cover to get your Amazon affiliate copy of Freeblood.
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This was a great book. I’m going to pop over to Goodreads and see if Marny has written anything new!
Nope, nothing new. Maybe I’ll email her and see if she’s got a new one coming out. I know she wanted to do more with these characters.
Looks like a great book. The cover is interesting too. Lots of love, Emily
Why was she holding a pile of bricks? But this definitely sounds interesting! I love the idea of vamp blood being addicting, it sort of reminds me of True Blood! Thanks for sharing
Hope you have a good weekend!
My Friday post
Juli @ Universe in Words
The plot sounds interesting, but blood, guts, and gore? Not for me! Hope you’re enjoying the story.
My Friday post features Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind.
Wow so much vivid description to this novel; it feels a bit too blood-soaked for my taste, but I hope you enjoy it
Have a lovely weekend!
Here’s mine:
Sparrow’s BB & Friday 56
Definitely perfect for this time of year!
Happy weekend!
Hi Sherry! Thanks for the shout out.
Nothing new out yet, but I’m working on the next book in the series.
Have a great weekend!
That’s great to hear Marny. I’ll be waiting!
Thanks for the comment everyone. Happy to have you drop by, Marny, and let us know there is more coming. I never doubted it. LOL
That is an eye-catching cover. Both of the snippets and the blurb are interesting. The snippet from page 56 rings true; I imagine that’s how addicts feel about their addiction.