DID THAT CAPTURE YOUR ATTENTION. LOL That gives you a sense of the atmostphere of doom and gloom that Ivy Keating and Scot Spotson have created.
Camouflage…by Ivy Keating & Scott Spotson…the title had me curious, but the woodsy cover had me captivated. I love book covers that have trees and forests on them, there’s just something about them that draws me in, wanting to walk through them, touching them, wondering how old they are….
Welll, got a little carried away there. Let’s get on with it.
Shall we start by welcoming Ivy Keating to fundinmental? Hi Ivy. I am so glad to have you visiting and I would like to thank Caffeinated Services for steering you my way.
Interview with Ivy Keating
Where do you get your ideas for Camouflage?
Camouflage was inspired by the New England landscape. I live in a beautiful part of Connecticut, filled with forests and lakes. I kept looking at the forests and wondering what could be in there that we can’t see. Then I thought—if we find something extraordinary, what would we do with it? The questions would not leave me, so I enjoyed answering them in my book.
What is your writing process like? Are you a plotter or panster? Do you write in an office or elsewhere?
I’m a plotter. I work out the story I want to tell from beginning to end. Most often when I start writing for the day I have an idea of how far I hope to move the plot along. This does not mean that I never change direction or edit what I’ve written. I’m very open to making changes.
I can write anywhere. Currently I write in the front hall of my house because I like the space. I also help my daughter commute to college and I write in the library.
Name a living author you’d like to have coffee or tea with and tell us why.
I really love the way Michael Crichton uses science in his stories. Jurassic Park is of course a huge commercial success. The idea of finding Dinosaur DNA seems possible the way he explains it. This writer studied at Harvard, is a film producer, and a director. We’d also be able to talk about growing up on Long Island.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on an adult fantasy set in the medieval period, Sarana and the Dark King is about a ruthless king who controls a creature called a Valomere. This wolf-like animal has the magic to cause instant death. Only one thing can stop his reign of terror, a commoner with a secret past and a powerful Valomere of her own.
Cover Art: Robyn Hart
A title like Camouflage and a cover with a forest…what can possibly go wrong?
I love Ivy Keatinng’s inspiration for the story. Proves my thoughts, that you have to keep have your mind open 24/7 to let those ideas filter into your subconscious, let them percolate, and become a story.
Vanessa felt drawn to Quarry Head, where she had dropped off her friend Jason for a jog and he was never seen again. Quarry Head is a 300 acre state park in Connecticut.
Sean was considered too young to be the police chief, but it is what it is. He did have a problem that he kept secret, he had taken a blow to the head and it had affected his vision. He corrected the problem with special contact lenses. There were some bonus side affects, he had superior night vision and he focused on shapes over color. I’m thinking that will come in handy, with a title like camouflage…and a deadly prehistoric creature.
Sean heads out to the Park and comes home without Jason…but he does have a new member to add to his household…Scout, an abandoned dog. Hmmm…
This is all sounding more and more like the B movies that I love so much. So, will they capture it or kill it? Myself, I have watched enough movies, like the Croc movies and Anaconda and the well known Jurassic Park, that I know what happens when you try to capture it. KILL IT! Study it or KILL IT!
What would you do? What if it is a discovery of a lost species, a new species? Would you jump at the chance to learn about a new creature? Or would you only see the danger and opt to KILL IT!
I didn’t know the ending and I love that. I had thought it was going to be so predictable. The pacing and suspense kept me engrossed, reading, thinking, pondering, waiting… The characters grew and developed deeper personalities. A little romance never hurts a creature feature either.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Camouflage by Ivy Keating and Scott Spotson.
4 Stars
A missing man, a new police chief and an unexpected New England town mystery.
When Sean Dermott, the newly appointed police chief, sees the report that a popular local high school coach is missing, his growing fascination with the alluring Vanessa Strauss, who reported the disappearance, makes him determined to solve the case.
The investigation leads him and his team deep into Quarry Head Park, a local scenic preserve with nature trails and expansive views. There is no sign of the missing man, but what he does find terrifies him to the core.
From the depths of the park, a deadly prehistoric looking creature emerges, attacks swiftly and silently, leaving devastation in its wake. In the chaos which follows, it is up to Chief Dermott and a team of scientists to fight for balance by ensuring the safety of his town and preserving this remarkable discovery.
He will risk his career, his reputation and even his own life to stand by what he believes to be right. The question is, will he succeed, or will all be lost?
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Scott has written eleven books: “Life II,” a time travel novel; and its sequel, “Bridge Through Time,” “Seeking Dr. Magic,” a novel that imagines what happens when a powerful wizard comes of age as a young man, and wreaks his havoc on the world, which is yet unaware of his existence; “Delusional,” in which a woman in love suddenly experiences hallucinations and resolve to track down her tormentor before it’s too late; “The Strange Life of Brandon Chambers,” in which a young man suffers from hallucinations throughout his life, but others also see them and these illusions contain clues to a deeper meaning–or do they?; “Wizards Rising: The Cataclysm,” in which four arrogant wizards take over North America and thrill the populace with deadly wizard games; “Alia Tero: The Many Lives of Darren Datita,” in which a bewildered young man must deal with the strange rules of an Earth-like society in an alternate universe; “My Wizard Buddy” series, children’s books in which Tyler has a boy wizard as a real friend, not as an imaginary one, and “You Know You’re Thin When…,” a humor book using large single panel cartoons.
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I’ve been waiting for this review, and I’m excited to see it’s a good read! On my TBR!
Fabulous. It was a great read and I do love my creature feature books.
I plan to start reading Camouflage this week. Just finished Fossil River and this sounds similar. In the mood for some creature features. Fun review, Sherry!
Sweet. I look forward to seeing what you think. Hope you love it too.
This is completely new to me so thanks for introducing it to me and I loved your interview and review!
Very nice. Glad you enjoyed it!
Thank you Sherry, I enjoyed your perspective. This one makes you ponder many what ifs.
Thanks. I love when a book raises questions for me.
I love the suspense and not knowing, but agree a side of romance never hurt.
I never realized that I do like a little romance with my creatures and murder. Blogging has made me more aware and want as many elements in a book as will work.
Sounds good, Sherry. Thanks for sharing!
My pleasure Lauren.
I have been seeing this book everywhere and I love the sound of it. Great review!
Glad to hear it.