Earth is a resort destination for aliens in Trespassers by Todd and Tim Wynn.
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Hop aboard for an alien adventure in this scifi tale of mystery, intrigue, romance and intergalactic travel.
I love their description of us humans, but you will need to check out the book for yourself to learn it.
Denokin was an abductor of earthlings. It had become ho hum for him. Until…
Stewart and Mindy worked at the division that regulated alien traffic on earth and were responsible for their presence being kept a secret. For all we know, one could be sitting right beside us, right now. Look to your left, look to your right. Could they be an alien?
It was Bruner’s job to prove of the aliens existence. The poor guy is being duped and used by his own government.
When confiscating Denokin’s ship, Stewart failed to secure all the aliens on the ship, so Earth has some unexpected visitors…Trespassers.
The aliens lives mirror ours, in some ways. They have families, they go to school, they get married, they take vacations…
I couldn’t help but laugh when Mindy realized she was attracted to Stewart, as if seeing him for the very first time…and he’s HOT. I don’t feel this is a spoiler, because, come on, we all know its gonna happen.
There are many different types of aliens and Earth is considered a resort stop for them. Seeing Earth through their eyes makes me appreciate our world even more, reminding me of its beauty. I prefer to think of it as a resort destination, like them, and wonder at the marvels before me…water, nature, hills and valleys.
Trespassers by Tim & Todd Wynn is a science fiction fantasy unlike others I have read. The writing is serious, but not dark. The characters had me in their grasp, as I decided which I liked and which I didn’t like. Some were just doing their job, but I still didn’t like it. There were no villains, in my mind. Just human beings trying to do the right thing. We are primitive, they are so much more advanced than us.
All in all, a fun read with entertaining characters and, maybe, there is even a lesson to be learned through fiction. So, hop aboard and meet the Trespassers.
3 Stars
B.R.A.G. Medallion Winner 2015
When four alien visitors arrive on Earth and disappear into the cornfields of Indiana, it is Stewart Faulkner’s job to find them. Who they are, where they’re headed, and what’s important enough to make them jump from a moving spaceship are all questions that Stewart must uncover. And he will have to do it all while
1) training a new team member named Mindy—who is developing a crush on him;
2) flying under the radar of his boss to make sure he’s not removed from the case; and
3) staying one step ahead of a government agent named Karl Bruner, who is determined to expose the presence of aliens on Earth.
Sounds like something fun and different, Sherry:)
It was. I did enjoy it and it had some really fun characters.
I love the concept in this book. Very clever. Earth makes a great vacation spot!!!
For sure, but it doesn’t always go as planned. lol
Sounds “out of this world!” Oh, maybe that should be “in this world?”
LOL. Was different from a lot of books I read and that is a very good thing.
This one sounds like huge fun:)
Ya never know who you might meet on vacation.
Now that does sound like a refreshing take on things. I’ll have to give this one a try at some point. Thanks, Sherry!
I like when a premise seems new and different. I hope you do give it a try. It was a fun read.
Oh that does sound like a good time. Had a giggle at his earthling abductions being ho hum for him. lol
It was a fun read and I wonder what aliens really think of us. Could this be true? lol