The pretty cover for The Pool Boy’s Beatitude by D J Swykert makes me want to dive right in. Great job on it, Mandie van der Merwe.
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I originally told D J Swykert I would review one of his other books, but he had this one hanging around and sent it instead. I am always game to try something different, so here we go.
Jack is a pretty poor excuse for a husband and a human being. He is an alcoholic, striving to reach the bottom…of the bottle. Breaking the promises he makes before he even gets them out of his mouth, he figures one little slip, one little drink, what does it matter if he jumps into bed with a client.
A man whore, but the women are just as bad, cheating on their husbands.
One thing we can say in his favor, he can cook up a great meal and loves doing it.
I just kept thinking, he’s a selfish dickwad bragging about how all the women love him, wanna fuck him and take care of him, whether he’s stumbling drunk, passing out and getting the shakes so bad he can’t even drink a cup of coffee.
Is it possible to redeem himself before I reach the end of the story?
He meets Sarah. He experiences love for the first time. Can she be his saving grace?
Once the Piper catches up to him and he is sent to jail, I become more interested.
If you have never known anyone with an addiction, this will give you insight into their behavior. How they will say and do anything to get what they want, what they need.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Pool Boy’s Beatitude by D J Swykert.
3 Stars
In space, the expansion of the universe exceeds the speed of light. In a jail cell the speed of light slows, time ages and deteriorates slowly to a crawl.
Jack Joseph understands physics. He understands the nature of quarks, leptons, dark matter and the desire to find the God particle. What Jack doesn’t understand is Jack.
He has a Masters degree in particle physics, an ex-wife, a sugar mama, a passion for cooking and chronic dependencies he needs to feed. He cleans pools to maintain this chaotic lifestyle.
Spinning about in a Large Hadron Collider of his own making, the particle known as Jack is about to collide with a particle known as Sarah.
He sounds like a real charmer
For sure. LOL
Don’t hire him to clean your pool, Sherry! LOL I find it interesting to read outside the box now and then. Found some new authors that way.
LOL You just never know what’s out there if yoy don’t give it a shot.
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