I love stories about vigilante justice and psychological thrillers. This is my first Chris Lewando book and I am looking forward to reading it.
Deidre is a solitary creature. She cracks me up and I can totally relate to her. She studied psychology, but switched to law. She had stepped into her job not even knowing she would be good at it.
She’d had all she could want as a child, a privileged life, until her dad, a pediatrician, was pushed out because of a baby snatching scandal. There had been children, boys and girls, disappearing. Now, someone is asking questions. Why now?
Her sister has a busy life, a husband and children, so an impromptu visit is not a simple thing. But there is more to the visit than just catching up. These questions and Deidre’s need for answers has her worried.
This is one of those books I find hard to share, because I don’t want to spoil anything for you I will say, we have our share of bad ‘guys’ and good ‘guys’. How it will al unravel I cannot say, but I am definitely eager to find out. We have subterfuge, danger, some trying to do the right thing and some trying to stop them.
Children’s lives are on the line. Kidnapping, sex trafficking, unfit parents that hate their children they brought into the world…and who is going to stand up for them, save them from evil?
It’s not easy to tell who to trust. I have a good feeling about one man, because she needs someone to love, someone to show her the good things in life. Someone to show her there is more to life than work and a glass of wine while reading vampire romances. Love that touch. Now, maybe you can see why Deidre speaks to me.
Chris Lewando has kept the pacing moving right along with mystery, suspense and, yes, some disgusting villains who I wished the worst. The one surprise I figured out pretty early, but I still loved the twist. I will definitely keep my eye on Chris Lewando.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Silence of Children by Chris Lewando.

Twenty year ago, Deirdre’s father, a paediatrician was implicated in a child-abduction scandal that cost him his job, forcing him to change his identity. As an adult, in discovering her father is involved in something decidedly shady, she confronts the horrific possibility that he is linked to a paedophile ring. When two men enter Deirdre’s life, she’s sure they’re seeking her father. But are they paedophiles or FEDs? Loyalties torn, she feels compelled to learn the truth and stumbles into a conspiracy that threatens her own life. Is she prepared to save a child’s life at the risk of her own? Even Deirdre doesn’t know the answer to that, until confronted with its reality. (

I trained as an English teacher, but the planned storyline drifted off-track. I landed in an office, producing management statistics – a different kind of fiction. I have been writing for many years, with quite a few mainstream genre novels and short stories published while I was still working full time. I gained a Creative Writing Masters (hons), and have been a novel-writing tutor since lessons were sent by snail mail and the nearest thing to a mobile phone beamed Captain Kirk onto the Enterprise. I live in rural South West Ireland, play Irish music in pubs for tourists, drive a camper the same age as me, and self-publish standalone novels with multiple viewpoints and complex characters.
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