Natalie’s Revenge – A Frank Renzi Novel by Susan Fleet
1988 – As soon as she woke up, she knew something was wrong.
Natalie was only ten, but she doubted her mom when she said she worked so late because she was a hostess at some fancy restaurant. Natalie was always home alone and never opened the door for anyone. When the doorbell rang, she looked out the peephole. It was a woman cop and she knew Natalie’s name. She went on to tell her that her mom was dead.
July 2008 – Renzi was called out in the middle of the night for a body with a bullet hole in the middle of his forehead. It was a hit. Renzi’s partner, Kenyon Miller was on his way. When he arrived, he told Renzi that he knew him. He was a bigwig at the new casino – The BABYLON.
The victim, Arnold, had been a good father, but a womanizer. He and his wife lived separate lives and it came out that he had a gambling problem. Could it be a disgruntled husband? A Business partner? His Wife? A Loan shark?
As they went over the security tapes from the Hotel Bienvenue, where Peterson was staying, Renzi saw her. She entered Peterson’s room. Her hat and sunglasses covered her face, but he noticed her walk, that she was fit and athletic. He also noticed a tattoo on her ankle. High priced hooker?
At the Sunshine Inn, June Carson was preparing to leave town. Her next stop was Circle K for travel supplies. She saw she was being watched by a guy in a cowboy hat. She left quickly, but he followed her, then called her name “Natalie”. It was an old classmate, Tex Conroy, from Pecos, Texas.. He had recognized her firebird pendant – her good luck charm. Not so good now. She knew what she had to do, get him off in an isolated place.
After her mother’s death, she was sent to her Uncle, Jerome Brixton in Pecos Texas. She liked to watch America’s Most Wanted and wondered what it would be like to run from the law. She researched her Vietnamese heritage and chose birds and mountains to protect herself. If she didn’t avenge her mother’s death, would angry spirits ruin her life?
Her cousin, Randy, called her slant eyes and gook. When she adopted a kitten, Randy killed it. She vowed she would make him pay.
Chinese proverb – All warfare is based on deception. Natalie learned Tae (strike) Kwon (strike with fist) Do (means way). She learned Jiapsul – pressure points. Part of the Tae Kwan Do oath was, “I shall be a champion of justice and freedom”.” She liked that. Justice for her mom. Freedom for herself. She learned to shoot guns because sometimes martial arts wouldn’t be enough.
As Renzi investigated Tex’s death in Pecos, the name Natale came up. She was accused of killing her cousin, Randy. He fell off a cliff at a family picnic. She wasn’t charged, but Renzi felt she was the one.
She knows he is closing in on her, but nothing was going to stop her from fulfilling her destiny.
5 STARS – Would Buy It For Them (lol)
I love the cover. Red is very eye-catching and who doesn’t love a shoot ’em up female protagonist. She even holds the gun properly. The title speaks for itself. The “package” made me want to pick it up and read it the moment I got it.
New Orleans. I’ve spent a lot of time visiting New Orleans. I love to read about places I’ve been to and am so familiar with. It seems to add something extra.
Once Renzi got to Pecos, I read faster and faster, learning about Natalie and her life in Pecos. I could feel the suspense building as I wondered how Renzi would catch her and wishing he wouldn’t. Very well written. I was unable to put it down. I had to know what was going to happen to her.
I love when the character, whether a book, TV show or movie, has to seek justice for themselves, like Death Wish . I have watched them so many times, I feel like I know all the characters intimately. I loved all the Death wishes, so I knew I would love this book. Of course, if everyone did it, we’d be like the Wild West. I rooted for her to exact her revenge and get away with it, even though she might have went too far.
I loved that Natalie went about her life, doing what she had to do to accomplish her goal, made me feel more empathy for her. Stripping, hooking and sacrificing her life, so she could put things right. Feeling as if her heritage demanded it or she would be haunted for the rest of her life. She became an actess, a chameleon. She had seven words to live by – Be what they want you to be. She trusted no one and relied only on herself.
I loved her single-mindedness to achieve her goal and the sacrifices she made, but then what? She really wanted what we all want, but she needed answers to be able to move on. And after all she had done, how could she have a “normal” life?
How far would you go to make sure someone paid for destroying a loved one’s life? Would you be able to do whatever it takes to make them pay?
Loved it when Vobitch kicked Hammer out of his office. I loved the dialogue between Renzi, his partner Kenyon and his boss, Vobitch. A verbal jousting match. Sarcastic, back and forth bantering, like Lisbon and Jane on The Mentalist.
Multiple story lines throughout the plot. Renzi is in love with Kelly who is also a cop. Hurricane Gail is heading for New Orleans. Guess a lot of us know what that entails.
Ending? Loved it. I sat there with my mouth hanging open, thinking…….Let me………………… Nope, you’ll have to find out for yourself.
Music & Mayhem is my game. Started my trumpet career in my teens, got into the mayhem later. My print journalist father taught me how to play pool in the police station. Maybe that’s how I discovered my dark side.
After gigging on trumpet in the Boston area for many years (while teaching at Brown University and Berklee College of Music), I moved to New Orleans, which became the setting for my crime thrillers. Scroll down and check the video trailers for DIVA and ABSOLUTION.
I survived Katrina, but moved back to Boston in 2010. On my website I post profiles of women musicians and just began a blog, DARK DEEDS, about serial killers, stalkers and domestic homicides. Please come visit!!
Susan is offering 2 ebooks for the Giveaway – one for the US and one for the UK. Easy entry as always, just answer her question – New Orleans has many local coffee shops, but one is particularly famous. Not only that, I set one early scene at the coffee shop in Absolution, my first Frank Renzi mystery. What’s the name of the coffee shop? Have you ever been there? – and leave your email address.
Closed. Winners are Laura Thomas and Emily Guido.
Giveaway will run from 12/12 – 12/26.
My Reviews for Natalie’s Books
Dragon Lady Step Aside For Natalie – Review
Is Winning the Lottery a Curse or a Blessing – Jackpot by Susan Fleet
Review of Diva by Susan Fleet
Review of Absolution by Susan Fleet
To order any of the books, simply click on the cover below.
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Look below or on the right sidebar at Home and let’s talk.
Great review Sherry. I’m going to like this book! I love a kick ass chick.
Going to take a wild guess and say Cafe Du Monde? First one that popped into my head. lol
I loved Natalie. She had an agenda and was definitely working on fulfilling it. New Orleans is such a great place, nowhere else is like it. Cafe Du Monde is a great guess. Always good for a great cup of coffee and a beignet.
That’s it. We are definitely going over night to N.O. when mom comes down. I can’t take it. So close but never been, that just ain’t right!
Aw gee, you got it right off the bat … I guess that question was too easy … Big Easy easy … huh?
Hi Susan. Big Easy, I get it. lol New Orleans is such a cool place, I find it hard to believe that everyone hasn’t heard of it, if not for Mardi Gras, then Katrina….I want to thank you for stopping by.
I’ve heard about it many times through friends. Haven’t been there YET! Going to make Sherry take me to the Big Easy to sip and nip!
Get on down there then! It’s a great town. Have a beverage, sample all kinds of food, and DON’T forget the great music!
Music, drink, food. What more can you ask for. I love walking the streets and people watching.
People watching in New Orleans is a treat, no doubt about it. Jackson Square, Bourbon Street, almost anywhere. On of my favorite places is Royal Street. All sorts of interesting stores, antique shops, and, of course, that is the location of the Eighth District police station where Frank Renzi works! If you run into him, tell him I said Hello …
I’ll definitely be looking for Frank. I’ll tell him you said hello. lol
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Congratulations to Laura Thomas and Emily Guido, winners of a Kindle copy of NATALIE’S REVENGE. May you be thrilled and chilled!
Thanks so much Susan. I just know I’m going to have a great time with your book. Me and Sherry have similar likes!
As for the thrills and chills! Bring em on:)!!
I’m Laura by the way. Forgot I signed in with fuonlyknew:)
Hi Laura … your copy of Natalie’s Revenge will arrive soon, sometime tomorrow is likely. Enjoy the characters and far flung locations … New Orleans, Pecos, TX, NY City, Paris … and Boston!
I’ll be a world traveler when i’m done! Thanks so much Susan. And thanks for hosting, Sherry! Happy New Years ladies!!
Hope your travels are all good ones. Thrills and chills galore.
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