Jaye Frances can spin a tale and she continues Jewlel’s dark story in Reunion.
Adult Only.
This series will not be for everyone and it is rare for me to step into the genre, but Jaye Frances hooked me with her writing and not all of her books are erotica, so check them out below. You may be pleasantly surprised and find one that is for you.
Such a beautiful cover for Reunion by Jaye Frances, but I can guarantee you that the story inside is VERY far from simple. Violence, torture, rape and abuse beyond my imagination keep me riveted as I eagerly anticipate Jewel getting her revenge.
“Even in hell, there are rules…”
Reunion is Book II in the World Without Love series and it does need to be read in order.
We pick up where we left off and I was eager to read more of Jewel’s tragic story. Reunion did not start the way I thought it would and I love it when an author can surprise me.
I still concentrated more on the story than the sex, but it seems at this point, she is so lost that she’ll fuck anything that walks. I love figuring out why characters do what they do, so I am trying to figure out Jewel’s motivation. Is it her horrendous experiences making her reach out for human contact that is not about force or torture? Is it about control?
How evil must a person be to take someone to the edge of death for their own pleasure, smiling and enjoying the experience?
I can’t help but blush at the sex…but I do read it all. To me, it is pivotal to the story.
I must give this 5 Stars for scaring the crap out of me! It shows just how easy it is to get into something over our heads because it is hard to believe how EVIL, sadistic and savage people can be. BUT, I believe. Sooooo…be careful of who you trust.
I didn’t see the twist at the end coming and…OH NO…I am left with a huge cliffhanger. No worries, Book III, Redemption is out, so I will not have to wait for the conclusion of Jewel’s story.
To sum it up, I am surprised at how much I LOVE this twisted story. I can hardly wait to find out how she gets her revenge!
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Reunion by Jaye Frances.
5 Stars
In Reunion, Jewel’s story continues as she finds herself stranded in a far-flung corner of the world. Struggling to elude her captors and a network of bounty hunters, she meets her would-be savior, a man who promises to provide protection and comfort. Believing her nightmare has finally come to an end, Jewel begins making plans to return home, where she can start her life over again. But greed raises its ugly head, and the terrifying future she thought she’d evaded becomes a reality. Deceived by the only one she believed she could trust, Jewel is left defenseless against the sadistic abusers who take pleasure in teaching her their own form of discipline. With the dream of rescue and returning home to San Diego even further from her reach, she begins planning her revenge on the men who have stolen her life—and her future.
* * * * * *
Excerpt from Reunion:
A Note From the Author . . .
Reunion is the second book in the “World Without Love” series. The series is a continuing story and meant to be read in sequence, beginning with Book One, Betrayed. Both Betrayed and Book Three, Redemption, are available in Kindle eBook and paperback from Amazon.
The “World Without Love” series contains mature content and is intended for an 18+ audience
Chapter One
It came to me slowly . . . I was no longer in the water.
Although I was fairly certain the mattress underneath me was real, I needed to touch something solid, to confirm this wasn’t another hallucination.
I stopped myself just in time.
Until I was sure of the situation, I would remain dead-still, my eyes closed, listening for the subtle draw of someone’s breath, the crack of a stiff joint, or the rustle of fabric from a shifting leg. My captivity on the Kelsey had taught me the value of concealing both my intentions and actions.
My brain was muddled from the beating I’d taken during the storm, but this much was a safe assumption: Someone had fished me out of the ocean. They had brought me aboard their boat and laid me in this bed. I had no idea how long I’d been here, if the time was measured in hours or days. My appetite should have given me a clue, but I wasn’t hungry. Just tired and sore.
Forcing myself to lie there, feigning sleep, I listened . . .
The throb of diesel engines mixed with the sound of waves sloshing against the hull. Overhead, the constant footfalls from the deck indicated two, maybe three crewmen. In my mind’s eye, I could see them stomping about in their high-topped, neoprene boots, the distinctive heavy thud of thick rubber on grooved teak suggesting this was a working boat, possibly a fishing trawler.
The last time I’d regained consciousness on a strange ship, I awoke in searing pain, shackled to a makeshift rack and half-covered in freezing water. This time, my discomfort was far less severe—the cramp of aching muscles and the sting from a minor laceration on my shoulder.
I counted to sixty. Then again, to be safe. I wouldn’t make the mistake of opening my eyes too soon.
I moved a finger, swiping it across the scratchy cotton sheet. If someone was watching me, they didn’t see it. Maybe I really was alone in the cabin.
I shifted my right arm. I wasn’t bound. Whoever found me didn’t consider me a threat. But I wasn’t ready to make the same assumption about my rescuers. After what I’d been through, no one—at least in this part of the world—would ever again receive the benefit of the doubt. For all I knew there could be someone a few feet away, waiting for me to regain consciousness—someone really good at keeping their presence a secret.
There was no point in continuing to pretend I was asleep. Whether it was now or later, I would soon come face-to-face with the men on this boat. A few minutes, one way or the other, wouldn’t make any difference.
I opened my eyes enough to form a blurry image. Directly overhead, the upper berth of a bunk-bed covered me like the lid of a coffin. A twinge of claustrophobia tightened around my throat. I turned on my side to escape the smothering delusion and propped myself up on one elbow, surveying the space.
I was alone.
Although covered with a blanket, my clothing was gone. I was naked. But that didn’t necessarily indicate sinister intent. My shorts and top had been soaked with sea water, and removing them would have been the first step in raising my core temperature.
Needing a better view of my surroundings, I rolled on to my stomach. The movement forced me to stifle a moan—a reflex from the pain of shifting my weight from one part of my bruised body to another.
The cabin was tiny, not much larger than a handicapped bathroom stall. It made my assumption about the type of vessel even more likely. Small quarters were typical of the fifty to seventy foot class of trawler, where berth space was sacrificed for a larger cargo hold to maximize the volume of fish that could be stored during a single run.
I sat up, searching for clues. The more I could find out about my rescuers, the greater my initial advantage.
The small St. Christopher’s medal hanging from a wall-peg brought a vague sense of relief. It was a real stretch of logic, but I doubted someone who was part of the slaver’s network would be a regular church-goer.
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Jaye Frances is offering one (1) kindle eBook of Reunion, gifted from Amazon. Entry is easy peasy, just answer the question:
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Ends 1.17.17
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Fabulous review, Sherry! I too don’t read much erotica, but some authors I read have started writing it and I found their stories just as strong and the sex had an important insight into why the characters were like they were. I’d like to read this series:)
So true. I hope you get a chance. She does write some other fabulous stories that are not erotica and I loved them, so be sure and check them out too.
Thank you for your comments, Laura, and good luck!
Based on the cover, I thought the story was called A World Without Love, but that’s the series’ title. How it is, it’s a bit confusing.
I blush when I read erotica, too. Though, I don’t read it often. An erotica book that can scare the crap out of you does sound interesting, though.
The human trafficking and suspense really gets me revved up. I am so eager to find out how she wreaks her revenge!
Hi, Chris – thanks for stopping in and hope you consider the series in your to-read list.
The cover art first than the title make me want to see what a book is about and read it
Well, I’m no cover “girl;” covers are important, but not the deciding factor for me. I think well-written cover copy does it for me. If that draws me in, I’ll usually read the first few pages. If that grabs me, I’m sold.
Hi, Michael – appreciate your thoughts about covers and cover copy. I share your perspective – for me, reading a book’s synopsis/description carries weight over the visual, in most cases . . .
the book looks good and then i like the cover and then iwould love to have some swag on it for my collection
I like how some covers just pop out at me and scream “Read me!” but I also sometimes just pick books based on their blurbs, or sometimes nothing at all
Hi, Karen – Thanks for dropping by and good luck in the Giveaway!
Covers are great, but its the synopsis that hooks me! I take my reading seriously…I will not quit on a book, but I’d rather not feel like pouring battery acid in my eyes because I fell for a pretty cover
Hi, Dil – appreciate your comment, and your diligence . . . best of luck with the Giveaway
I love a good cover. If I hate the cover, I won’t read the book.
Sometimes I’ll read the book anyway, but that’s if I stop long enough to see if the blurb interests me. If I don’t like the cover, I usually don’t get that far.
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