The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice.The only rules are to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your ereader and find any sentence or a few ( no spoilers) that grabs you and post it.
Please join Rose City Reader every Friday to share the first sentence or so of the book you are reading along with you initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.
Please include the title of the book and the author’s name.
Bullet by Laurell K Hamilton is another book I picked up from a grocery store bin.
It must have been fate, because I rarely step foot in a grocery store. LOL
I am always up for one of her novels. How about you?
My 56
“If my choice is between opening a vein to you with Jean-Claude and Anita, or making that sadistic bastard Narcissus the animal king of St Louis, I’ll donate the blood.”
( page 56, in hardback,1st edition, published in 2010)
Book Beginnings
I was worming my way through a mass of parents and children with a tiny clown hat clutched in one hand. In my navy blue skirt suit I looked like a dozen other mothers who had had to come straight from work to the dance recital. My hair was a little curly and a little too black for all the blond mothers, but no one gave me a second glance. The one saving grace as I threaded my way through the crowd of parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents and siblings was that I wasn’t one of the parent. I was just here as moral support and last minute costume rescuer.. It was just Monica Vespucci’s style to leave part of her son’s costume at her house and need an emergency save. Micah and I had been running late with client meetings so we got to ride tot the rescue, and now since the vast majority of the performers were female I was the only one safe to go backstage without scandalizing the mothers. What did little girls who only had male relatives do at things Like this? My dad would have been at a loss.
GOODREADS BLURB: The music came back up and the next group of little girls, slightly older, came out. There was a lot of that in the next hour and change. I liked dance, and it was no reflection on the kids, but my will to live began to seep away on about the fifth group of sequined children…
Anita Blake is back in St. Louis and trying to live a normal life-as normal as possible for someone who is a legal vampire executioner and a U. S. Marshal. There are lovers, friends and their children, school programs to attend. In the midst of all the ordinary happiness a vampire from Anita’s past reaches out. She was supposed to be dead, killed in an explosion, but the Mother of All Darkness is the first vampire, their dark creator. It’s hard to kill a god. This dark goddess has reached out to her here-in St. Louis, home of everyone Anita loves most. The Mother of All Darkness has decided she has to act now or never, to control Anita, and all the vampires in America.
The Mother of All Darkness believes that the triumvirate created by master vampire Jean-Claude with Anita and the werewolf Richard Zeeman has enough power for her to regain a body and to immigrate to the New World. But the body she wants to possess is already taken. Anita is about to learn a whole new meaning to sharing her body, one that has nothing to do with the bedroom. And if the Mother of All Darkness can’t succeed in taking over Anita’s body for herself, she means to see that no one else has the use of it, ever again. Even Belle Morte, not always a friend to Anita, has sent word: “Run if you can…”
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I have the second cover and some of the differences are very subtle.
Which do you like the best?
I love that cover and excerpt. Sounds good to me too!
My Friday 56 from Memory House
I have never read this author, but now I’m beginning to think I should jump out of my comfort zone a bit and give them a try.
Thanks for sharing, and here’s mine: “IT’S ALWAYS THE HUSBAND”
I’ve always wanted to read her, but never have. I’d love for you and your readers to check out mine blog today . . . ttp://tinyurl.com/LisaKsBookReviewsKTBT
I have read most of the books in this series but this one doesn’t sound familiar. I’ll have to see if I have it. This week I’m reading Into the Fire by Jeaniene Frost. Happy reading!
I’ve never read her books before but feel I should! Happy weekend!
A few people are on Anita Blake books this week! Enjoy!
Its a new title for me but I like the sound of the blurb!
Here’s my Friday Reads