The father had taken Kal in. He had ‘the sight’. But, when he saw monsters from the other side, they saw him.
Kal made contact with a fairy and knew he would need to battle the Ourboros into submission to save his sister, Sammie. Her life weighs on his shoulders and he must save her.
There’s No Such Thing As Monsters by Ren Ryder was not what I expected, but isn’t there always a battle between good and evil when monsters are involved?
It was hard for me to connect to the characters, but I could seen some of the scenes playing out inn a Harry Potter, Supernatural sort of way. Some scenes seemed familiar, but isn’t that usually the case. I have read so many books, it’s hard to come up with a new approach to evil in a monster’s world.
I don’t have Book II, but I do have Book III, The Monster At The End of Its Road. We have a lot of magical monsters in this book, and I’m counting on there being a lot more in the next.
I enjoyed my time in New London and am looking forward to another visit.

Monsters come in all shapes and sizes, and not all of them have sharp teeth and beady red eyes.
New London. A thriving metropolis at the forefront of technological advancement and a shining gem of civilization.
Faeries. Whether they come off cute and cuddly or downright predatory, they all bring misfortune or are heralds of it.
Experience is a harsh taskmistress, but her lessons sink the deepest. Having been taught the lesson at great cost, Kal’s rules for dealing with faeries are simple: don’t talk to them, don’t look at them, don’t give them the time of day.
So when the Other Side comes knocking one fateful, stormy day, Kal, at first, pretends not to notice. Was forgetting this rule his folly?
His way of life is in great danger. His little sister, Sammie, a natural mage, is taken by Ouroboros, a criminal organization made up of raving lunatics that profit off the misery and suffering of others, and have everything to do with all the crimes of magic in New London.
Kal will go to any lengths to save his sister, even to his death. Accompanied by his sylph companion, a mischievous pest, Kal dives deep into the dark underbelly of the city, but are his hands enough to dig his sister out from the muck?
Well, I missed Book II, but I am happy to say, it didn’t affect my enjoyment of The Monster at the End of Its Road by Ren Ryder. We have magical action from the opening pages, Kal and Bell fighting for their lives against vampires and other magical creatures.
When he came face to face with his sister…well…I wasn’t expecting that and I loved it. He is determined to save her…no matter what.
Some things smack of the real world, like the division between the rich and everyone else. Kal can’t walk away from setting New London free from the Ouroboros, picking up unusual magical creatures along the way. He won’t have to do it alone.
Action! Action! Action!
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Monster at the End of Its Road by Ren Ryder.

Kal may be on his way to becoming a monster, but with Bell at his side, at least he’s in good company.
New London circa 1912. A few short months have passed since they stabbed Kal in the back and cast him into the abyss.
Ouroboros. A criminal organization with deep pockets and deeper connections that infest the highest ranks of the nobility. Ouroboros specializes in trafficking, crimes of magic, and deals in all that is immoral or illegal. Dark forces are brewing, and Ouroboros stands in the eye of the storm.
New London is a city that never sleeps… until now. Storefronts are closed, windows are shuttered, and doors are barred while dark entities terrorizing the streets at night bring indiscriminate death to all. And in broad daylight, a serial killer continues to wreak havoc on the magical community.
Kal will take Ouroboros apart brick-by-brick if he has to, while Sammie has so deeply entrenched herself with the enemy that there’s little hope of their relationship returning to its roots.
In a cruel twist of fate, Fin Macool gets his dearest wish granted, and he leaves Kal’s side. Alone, will Kal & Bell be able to defeat the sea of enemies arrayed against them?

My name is Ren Ryder. I’m twenty-six years old, sober, a neurodivergent Aquarius-introvert with a ton of anxiety, and my truest passion in life is writing. Since I wrote There’s No Such Thing As Monsters, I rescued six cats, got my first tattoos, and dyed my hair crazy colors. When I was younger, Fantasy gave me as many worlds as I needed to escape to until I could come back to face the world again. Now I hope my own writing shines a light for others, a light carried by my characters and the worlds they live in.
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