I have been reading my way through the Roma series and the mystery continues in Corporate Citizen.
We are back in Boston…but the danger seems to follow them wherever they go.
This is the best one yet and it was a punch to the gut.
I was one of the herd, led down the predictable path, forgetting to read between the lines…Slapped me in the face, woke me up!
The Roma Series continues in Corporate Citizen by Gabriel Valjan and I must say, this is the best one yet. We have action and murder from the opening pages.
I am so glad I stuck with this series. Gabriel Valjan’s writing style was difficult for me to read in the beginning, but now that we are on familiar ground it has become easier…more than that, it has become fantastic.
The complex characters have captured me as they struggle to have a normal life while solving dangerous mysteries. I am very concerned for all of them. I am afraid they may not all make it out of the book alive. Especially Nate, a new member of their team. What will become of him?
I am wondering who Loki really is…and the Magician? What are their objectives? Why are they feeding her info? And the bigger question…Is it good or bad?
Murder is always a component in the Roma series, but the conspiracy is what hooks me. Now…enter a designer drug…or two. Krokodiles. Barneys.
Bianca is the main character, but all the others are vital to the story. I do wonder if her love life will survive through all her and Dante’s trials and tribulations.
WOW. I am on page 236, approaching the end and everything is becoming clearer. I can see why things were so tangled and convoluted that I didn’t see where Gabriel Valjan was taking me.
I am thinking…I must reread this series and if you believe in conspiracies, like I do, and want to find out how misdirection and rogue government agents can affect your life, you will want to read this too!
Gabriel Valjan did an awesome job of leading me around in circles, so I didn’t see the outcome. I WAS one of the herd, led down the predictable path, forgetting to read between the lines. I was smacked in the face! Could this really happen? Is it happening now?
OMG…DAMMIT…I came to the end, but Bianca’s story is far from over. I’m ready for it! Where is it?
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Corporate Citizen from Gabriel Valjan.
5 Stars
A call for help from an old friend lands Bianca and the crew back in Boston. On a timeout with Dante, due to revelations in the aftermath of the showdown in Naples, Bianca is drawn to a mysterious new ally who understands the traumas of her past, and has some very real trauma of his own. Murder, designer drugs, and a hacker named Magician challenge our team, and Bianca learns that leaving Rendition behind might be much harder than she thinks.
Gabriel Valjan lives in Boston, Massachusetts. He is the author of the Roma Series, available from Winter Goose Publishing. Gabriel has also written numerous short stories and essays found online and in print.
Connect with the author: Website ~Twitter ~ Facebook..
- 5 winners get a paperback copy of CC
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- Giveaway ends Dec 17
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My Reviews for the Roma series by Gabriel Valjan:
Wow. This series and the auhtor really came through for you, Sherry!
I am so glad I stuck with it! This last one really blew me away and totally surprised me. Great job Gabriel!!!
I love a good conspiracy story. A lot of podcasts that I listen to have this trope, it’s just addictive! it’s no wonder that this is great too, can’t fail with this as the theme
Glad to hear you agree.