Are you ready for Shades by Joseph Rubas?
Are you really alone?
Shades is a collection of twenty two short stories that tell about a frightened girl, rampaging zombies, guts and gore, and evil and terror that arise from the depths of hell, to the humans that walk the earth, and those that are out of this world.
Stay away from dark forests basements, and deserted cemeteries because that shadow or bump in the night could be real and deadly.
So pick your most comfortable safest spot turn on all the lights lock the doors and prepare to jump at every noise and shadow…AND be careful who you invite in.
I recommend reading alone at night for the biggest scares and most fun.
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of Shades by Joseph Rubas.
4 Stars
Joseph Rubas began writing in 2002 after reading Stephen King’s The Stand. His earliest efforts reflected his deep love of that novel; he tried again and again to write a rip-off, but finally gave up around 2006 and resigned himself to writing original fiction. His first short story was published in May 2010 on the now defunct Horror Bound Online website. His second story was published in September 2010 in a Pushcart Prize nominated literary magazine for new and beginning writers called The Storyteller. Since then, his work has appeared in a number of magazines and anthologies. His first collection, the now out of print Pocketful of Fear, was released by a small publisher in 2012. His second collection, After Midnight, appeared in 2014. His short fiction has appeared in: Nameless Digest; The Horror Zine; Eschatology Journal; Thuglit; Manor House; All Due Respect, and others. He has self-published three longer works: The Rocking Dead: Seasons 1-3 (a parody of the AMC series The Walking Dead); The Rocking Dead: Season 4; The Shapeshifter; and Dracula 1912, the latter a novel.
In addition to writing, he has also edited two anthologies: A Thorn of Death (2012) and The 3rd Spectral Book of Horror Stories (2016)
Yep. This is one for me. I’d definitely save it for a stormy night read! LOL Thanks for steering me to this one, Sherry.
I knew you would like it. LOL