I’m a 1%er of reviewers on Goodreads!
I have written 477 reviews since joining Goodreads on May 1st, 2012.
One of my first reviews was 9 Lives by George Moser. See it HERE. Buy it HERE.
Out of all the reviews I’ve written, this is the review that got the most attention:
The Beach by Jaye Frances. See it HERE. Buy it HERE.
I eat and breathe books and love to get lost in the words authors write. I love sharing all the wonderful books and authors I have found since being a member and I hope you do too.
Goodreads shares so many fantastic books and authors you may never hear of if you are not a member, so you are missing out. You may want to consider joining. I look forward to seeing you there!
If you would like to see what I have read and reviewed this year on Goodreads, go HERE.
- To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.
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- Thanks for visiting fundinmental!
Congratulations Sherry, and well-deserved! Keep on keeping on!
Thanks so much. I ‘ll be adding some of yours to that pile.
Congratulations, Sherry!! Oy, you 1-percenters sure do read a LOT of books
Definitely well-deserved!
I just can’t help myself. I confess. I am a readahollic!
Congrats, Sherry!
I just went to look at my stats out of curiosity… turns out I’m in the Top 25!
not bad, right?!
That’s awesome Freda. Happy reading.
Congratulations, Sherry!
Thanks Aria. Have a super Sunday.