Jaye Frances can write some fabulous stories that go places I never thought I would be…and I love it!
Due to mature content, this book is best suited for a Mature YA/New-Adult or Adult reader.
John looked at the sign, Lucius D Harwell.
He approached the doctor’s door and knew he had to go in…now. Before anyone saw him,
“So”, the doctor said, “Are you ready?”
When he saw the bucket full of the slithering slime he remembered the woman he had brought in a while back. It hadn’t ended so well for her.
What would become of him? There had to be another way. He couldn’t bring himself to let the doctor begin. He had heard stories whispers, quickly hushed when someone approached. The doctor tried to talk him into beginning but he thought it couldn’t hurt to hypothetically discuss other options. The doctor tried to explain that it wasn’t like an elixir or ointment, couldn’t be found in a battle or jar – more like a potion, it was witchcraft. It went against church and state, but John couldn’t help himself.
Three conditions would let the doctor begin his recommended treatment, after he told him he would have to “cast away his good name and denounce all things holey and pure”. He would never speak of the books or what was contained in the pages. He agreed. The doctor retrieved the book and John watched him place it on the desk.
He saw only one word, KURE. The doctor gave him one more chance to change his mind, but he placed his hand on the cover of the book and felt an evil. As the book turned its pages on its own volition the doctor began reading.
How did Jaye Frances go there? It makes me wonder how her mind works.
Jaye France’s books have taken me on some wild journeys I never could have imagined, and I always breathe a sigh of relief, for leaving with my sanity, when the story is told.

“In vain thou shall use many medicines, but thou shalt not be kured. And even though you search for a virgin to lay upon her balm, there is no healing for you. You multiply your remedies in vain as your cries fill the earth, and you will stumble, one over the other, and both will fall down together.” – The Book of Eternal Regret
John Tyler, a young man in his early
twenties, awakens to find a ghastly affliction taking over his body.
When the village doctor offers the conventional, and potentially
disfiguring, treatment as the only cure, John tenaciously convinces the
doctor to reveal an alternative remedy—a forbidden ritual contained
within an ancient manuscript called the Kure.
Although initially
rejecting the vile and sinister rite, John realizes, too late, that the
ritual is more than a faded promise scrawled on a page of crumbling
paper. And as cure quickly becomes curse, the demonic text unleashes a
dark power that drives him to consider the unthinkable—a depraved and
wicked act requiring the corruption of an innocent soul.
John must choose between his desperate need to arrest the plague that
is destroying his body, and the virtue of the woman he loves, knowing
the wrong decision could cost him his life.
Jaye Frances is the author of “World Without Love,” a suspense thriller series with an erotic edge, including “Betrayed,” “Reunion,” and “Redemption.” Her other books include “The Beach,” a sci-fi supernatural tale about the possibilities—and horror—of wishful thinking, “The Kure,” a paranormal-occult romance novel, “The Possibilities of Amy,” a coming-of-age story of first love, and “Love Travels Forever,” a collection of poignant short stories. When not absorbed with her writing, she enjoys cooking, traveling, and taking pictures-lots of them. Jaye lives on the gulf coast of Florida, sharing her home with one husband, six computers, and several hundred pairs of shoes.
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Wow, this sounds suspenseful Sherry! Thanks for sharing it with us!
my pleasure kim
Oh that sounds fun! I haven’t read this author yet. I’m lovin’ that cover though.
i think it’s pretty cool too
I haven’t read this author before but this sounds like a good creepy story.
glad to introduce you to jaye frances.
Ooh, that synopsis sucked me right in!
jaye frances is a wonderful writer and brings her stories to lfe. i got sucked in too
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