Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.
Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page.
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
This cover is so exquisite in it’s simplicity that I marvel at it’s beauty every time I look at it.
The colors are lush and vibrant, just like Life.
I love to photograph benches, chairs and seats.
I find the combination of ingredients for the Life Under Examination cover is spectacular.
***get you Amazon affiliate copy here***
About Life Under Examination
~Blogger Book Fair Reader’s Choice Award Winner! (Summer 2013)~
Life Under Examination is a collection of poetry exploring the gamut of interpersonal relationships, with a blend of lighthearted satire and earnest, emotional expression.
In school, my favorite subject was English, but poetry was not high on the list.
I cannot say that I have read and reviewed a lot of poetry, but I know what I like.
And I like Life Under Examination by Aria T Galzki.
I guess that adage is true – with age comes wisdom.
I used to have to work really hard to get the message from poetry.
Now it seems easier and touches me more.
I am including THE ROSE by Bette Midler, a heart wrenching and uplifting song that brings tears to my eyes.
I do so because Aria’s poem Unexamined Rose brought it to mind.
What song evokes strong emotions from you?
Some of my favorite poems are:
Otherworldly Remedy
In words full of magic, you’ll forget and forgive.
Commercialized Love
Why can’t we show our love and always buy flowers.
I love that line because Mr Wonderful brought me home some flowers just yesterday.
He does that quite often…because he’s Mr Wonderful.
Every day is a special day.
Do something special for someone without it being a holiday.
I won a signed first edition paperback on Aria T Glazki’s blog.
I love adding it to my collection.
Due to the strong emotions this book of poetry brought forth, I give it:
5 Stars – Would Buy It for Them (lol)
Here she is to tell you:
Here it is — the cover for my very own novel, Mending Heartstrings.
I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts and reactions in the comments!
Please of course feel free to share this.
Thanks to Xpresso Book Tours for organizing this reveal!
On her last night in Nashville, the staunchly pragmatic Sabella found herself in a situation more suited to a romance novel than reality. Swept away, she ignored her rigidly self-imposed rules, succumbing to the fantasy just this once. But she knows real-world relationships have nothing in common with their fictionalized portrayals. When Kane unexpectedly shows up at her Portland apartment, she must choose between the practical truths she has learned and the desire for a passionate love she has struggled to suppress.
Despite the distance, Kane’s tour schedule, and their meddling friends, both are drawn to the chance for a romance neither quite believes is possible.
Since then, Aria has run a literary magazine, earned her degree in Creative Writing (as well as in French and Russian literatures), and been published in a few collections. Though her first kiss technically came from a bear cub, and no fairytale transformation followed, Aria still believes magic can happen when the right people come together – if they don’t get in their own way, that is.
Other than all things literary, Aria loves spending time with her family, including her two unbearably adorable nieces. She also dabbles in painting, dancing, playing violin, and, given the opportunity, Epicureanism.
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Thanks for visiting fundinmental!
What a great TT – love it! Thanks for visiting my TT http://cleopatralovesbooks.wordpress.com/2014/09/23/teaser-tuesday-september-23/
Thanks Cleo. I am glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping in and commenting. I enjoy your posts and will visit again soon.
I’ve not read or reviewed any poetry books in a long time. I like your comment about age and wisdom. It’s true that I get more out of poems than when I was younger. I was too impatient then. Now I savor them like smelling a flower.
Wonderful review Sherry and congratulations on your upcoming novel Aria. Your cover and title compliment each other and the story. Kane is a strong name and I wonder where you came up with Sabella?
Sounds wonderful.
Thanks for sharing:)
(Okay, I was apparently technologically challenged this morning, but I’ve figured out how to comment on this post now!)
Thanks so much for posting this Sherry, with your kind review and all the cover reveal info! You rock, as you know
& Laura, thanks for the congratulations and your comment! For Sabella, it was honestly a mix of trying different sound combinations, reading through name lists and meanings, and getting to know the character. I knew I wanted an uncommon name for her, and something that could easily be transformed to several nicknames which are used in the book, and “Sabella” ultimately stuck out and wouldn’t be replaced.
Thanks for you kind words, Laura and Aria. I am very happy to share!
I love poetry. Even write some from time to time.
I’ll keep my eyes open. I don’t always comment on your blog, but try to stop in often. Thanks for visiting fundinmental.
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