How do you feel about books that seem to go on forever? Many times I pass them over, because I figure I may never know the end, other times they look so promising, that I cannot help myself and just hope I remember to keep on reading and looking out for the next one. How do you keep track? Do you have a list?
Onyx Webb is one of those books and I am so glad I chose to give it a try.
Read on and you will see why, but first, I would like to welcome Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz and let them share their thoughts with you.
Hi Richard and Andrea. I am so happy to have you here with us today.
Q: How did you come up with the subject matter and themes for the book?
We love paranormal stories and lots of twists. We also love stories that move quickly. We are inspired by paranormal movies like The Sixth Sense and The Others. We also love t.v. series like Downton Abbey with complicated stories about people and relationships. So we mash all that together in Onyx Webb. Some people have had a hard time coming up with an exact genre for us.
Q: Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre?
We are business book authors and professional speakers. One of our books, Go for No! has sold around 300,000 copies. That book is actually a fable with a supernatural theme to it so we are not so far off, we’ve just moved more into the fiction realm for Onyx Webb. And while not business, as people read it, they will begin to see that Onyx Webb does have an underlying message as well.
Q: What are some of the references that you used while researching this book?
We are very proud of the research that has gone into writing the series so far. We have spent countless hours researching historical events such as the World’s Fair in 1904, the Ferris Wheel, trains, it goes on and on. We visited Savannah GA where part of the story takes place and took tons of photos to inspire us. We also spent a few days at Lily Dale, NY a spiritualist community featured in the book. One of our characters walks to the pet cemetery there. Writing that scene was so fun because we did it.
Q: What’s the greatest criticism of your book so far and the best compliment?
So far, probably the stories themselves. It sounds cliché, but the old ‘I could not put it down’ is what we are hearing a lot of and that is a great thing to hear. Writers don’t need readers putting the book down! The criticism is probably how the various characters and their stories are connected and yet the connections are unclear. Some readers seem annoyed not having all the answers. But we are hoping that by after reading Book One and them by Book Two they will be able to let the uncertainty go and really enjoy this crazy ride we are taking them on.
Q: What do you think most characterizes your writing?
Our model is more story over lots of words. We don’t write flowery language or in depth descriptions of things or even people for that matter. We are very story based, more like a screenplay. For example, we wrote just a few lines on the 1904 World’s Fair and we could have done pages about it. But if you give people just enough – we let the readers create everything in their imagination. And because we move so fast, it seems to work well.
Q: What was the hardest part of writing this book?
Deciding how to write Book One was the hardest because it is the foundation of everything that we are creating. We had an entirely different model of the first book almost two years ago that featured Onyx Webb both young and middle aged, back and forth. People got confused so we started her story from her young age and will continue it chronologically without also showing scenes of her living in the future. That was a tough decision that set us back months with re-writes but it was the right move. Luckily all that content we did write will work for the future books!
Onyx Webb by Andrea Waltz and Richard Fenton:
Publisher: Courage Crafters Inc. (March 17, 2015)
Category: Paranormal Suspense, Paranormal Romance, Supernatural Thriller
Tour Date: August & September, 2015
ISBN: 978-0990751816
Available in: Print & ebook, 264 Pages
The tagline on the cover of Onyx Webb hooked me – Think life is precious now? Just wait until you’re dead – and I had to read Book I by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz. I am just hoping I made the right decision, because there are more books to come and I will not learn the ending here.
Onyx Webb is a paranormal thriller that will have you questioning the most important things in “life”. If you are a fan of character driven stories, this one is for you.
Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz do a wonderful job of building complex characters that are well developed and I quickly found my favorites and the villains. As each characters story grows, so does my interest.
We have kidnappers and serial killers, ghosts and visions. What is real? You will have to read Onyx Webb to find out for yourself.
There is more than one villain walking the streets and you never know who you can trust. People are not always what they seem.
Onyx is not your average child and her life took a turn for the worst when she met him.
Men – they can be the life of you or the death of you.
Onyx Webb, Book I laid a solid foundation.There is so much going on, that I feel I will not be able to rest until I know the whole story. Thank goodness Book II is out and waiting for me to grab a copy of my own.
I received Onyx Webb by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz in return for an honest and unbiased review.
3 Stars
The Onyx Webb series follows the unusual life of Onyx Webb along with a central group of characters in various locations and times. The billionaire Mulvaney family, piano prodigy Juniper Cole and her brother Quinn, paranormal show hosts Cryer and Fudge, and a few others make up the core of the series.
Written like a book version of a supernatural soap opera, each character’s story moves forward with most every episode. It may appear that the characters are entirely unrelated and yet episode by episode, the connections will become clearer. Like being an inch away from a spider web, with each book, the web will move further and further away revealing the full story of every character and most importantly, the stunning conclusion for Onyx Webb herself.
Praise for Onyx Webb by Andrea Waltz and Richard Fenton:
“There isn’t a page that doesn’t hold our attention.“-Grady Harp, Amazon Reviewer Hall of Fame
“There’s only one problem with the book Onyx Webb – it was over too soon. When I finished the last word, I was ready for the next book, but it’s not out yet – bummer for me and all the other readers who enjoyed this story!
The authors’ writing style is descriptive and visual, which makes the story flow well, and the characters are interesting and well developed. The author does a good job of capturing the essence of each time period so that the reader knows where and more importantly when the characters are living. The story so far covers the 1900s, 1970s and 2000s, so there are marked differences in most aspects of the characters’ lives. Even with the different years represented it’s not confusing for the reader, possibly because each character is so distinct, which lets the reader identify character with time period.
While this is billed as a ghost story, it’s more than that since the characters are so interesting, and I think this will appeal to a wider reading audience than just ghost story lovers or mystery lovers.
I will be eagerly awaiting the next installment to this compelling story.”- Robin Surface, Amazon Reviewer
“I loved this book! Couldn’t put it down. Great writing and totally believable characters. The story lines move along so well and in some form or fashion begin to tie into each other. I am anxiously awaiting the next book.”-Alicia, Goodreads Reviewer
“Wow! That’s an understatement, though. Onyx Webb is one of those books that you just don’t want to put down because it grabs you from the beginning and keeps you wanting more. Not only do you get one story, you get three! And they are all told in different times, like the 1900s, 1970s, and in the current, 2000s. So you get three different points of view, and at first you’re thinking “What does this have to do with that?” But then you see it, and it’s like, WHOA! Of the three different story lines, they all connect in some way, and it’s pretty cool to see how it does.
This is such a good book!! You just have to read it. It’s really cool how authors Waltz and Fenton bring all of the story lines that span over time, together to all fit.
I highly recommend this book! And it’s just Book 1, so I’m really hoping Book 2 is already in the works because I am anxious to see what happens next!!”-Ella Marie, Reading Is a Way Of Life
“Amazing! This is one of the best books I’ve read in a long time!“-Melanie, Fang-Freakin-Tastic Reviews
About Andrea Waltz and Richard Fenton:
Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz are best known as the authors of the #1 Amazon Sales & Selling book, Go for No! They are professional speakers who travel internationally speaking to audiences about how to overcome fear of failure and rejection. Although they have written several business books over the last fifteen years, Onyx Webb is their first fictional series.
They are married and manage to write to together while staying happily married, a fact they are very proud of. Richard and Andrea live in Central Florida along with their cat, Courage.
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I finished writing my review so now I can read yours. You give a great description. I was wondering if you enjoyed it. Glad you did!
I knew you would love it, seeing you are character driven. I look forward to reading more and think it will keep getting better and better.
Sometimes I love a book that makes me think and this one sounds like it does just that. I also love that they are a married couple that writes together. I think it would be a lot of fun to write with my hubby.
Wouldn’t it though. Mr Wonderful keeps bugging me about doing just that. He is a great storyteller and has a wicked sense of humor.
A well researched book is always a good thing IMO. Curious though if the narrative is paced well or if it’s a bit dragging?
I love to hear about an author’s research. I seemed to just be reading along, almost as if it was nonfiction. It almost seemed as if it was an introduction to the characters and the action will come later. If there isn’t a lot of action, I tend to get bored…easily. I think this will get better and I do want to read more to find out.
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Thaks for taking part in the tour. I’m glad you enjoyed ‘Onyx Webb’.
My pleasure, Teddy. I do look forward to reading more Onyx Webb.
I love that they spend time researching, those little details are always appreciated.
I agree. I find it interesting what they do, besides googling. lol
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