Long Anticipated Finale for the Wormwood Trilogy – Angel of Ashes and Dust by D H Nevins @dhnevins


FIRST, I feel bad because I missed the Launch on the 18th. I was under the weather and it got by me. I know how important it is for independent authors who depend on us bloggers to spread the word.

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I am going to start by saying I LOVE the gorgeous cover. Once I finished the book, it became even more pertinent to the story inside. I fell in love with this trilogy as soon as I met Kali and Tiamat in the first book, Wormwood. At that time, I had not read very many angel and human novels and was just getting hooked on apocalyptic and dystopian novels. Now, I say bring ’em on. I can’t get enough of them and D H Nevins is part of the reason why.

The first two books of the series, Wormwood and Angel of Shadow, blew me away! The characters came to life on the pages, as the Earth began to die. Just because a character does something horrific, does that make them an evil person?

Kali: I was darkness and death, shadows and pain.

Tiamat commanded the Nephilim, half angels/half humans, who had destroyed the world and most of humanity. Tiamat’s Shadow is a parasite that forces them to stay apart.

Kali is the leader of the encampment, a position that was foisted on her. The Shadow is her weapon, an extension of her, though she refuses to call upon it. It frightens her.

Her father, Richard is a demon. What is his ultimate goal? Is it to destroy them and everything left on Earth?

Bram is a special character, a youngster that I have come to love. He is a ninja, secretive, sneaking up on people, spying on them, now you see him, now you don’t. I can picture him climbing through the rocks and looking around corners.

I am always curious how an author will end a series…and to know the complete story, you need to read the entire Wormwood Trilogy. D H Nevins kept me reading as I tried to figure it out. I had no idea how the story would finish and who would be left standing. It took her telling me to find out.

D H Nevins shocked me. She saddened me. She made me smile. She made me tear up.

I keep mulling over the ending. Yes, I am satisfied. Yes, I am super happy that I was unable to figure out how it would end. Yes, D H Nevins did a fantastic job of wrapping it up.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Angel of Ashes and Dust by D H Nevins.

4 Stars


The end of her people and the death of a planet are looming over her. Kali Michaels must choose between the illusion of safety and the danger of her own power in this anticipated and heart-stopping finale to The Wormwood Trilogy. 

Kali learned the hard way that her abilities cannot be trusted if they can be used against her. In an effort to protect those she cares about, she is determined to let the power of her Shadow lie dormant, despite the dangers rising up around her.  

Now, tormented by an unstoppable enemy, she and Tiamat Wormwood must try to lead others while doing the impossible—ensuring the survival of humans and half-angels alike.  

But how can she partner with Tiamat, when her proximity could kill him? 

And how can the Nephilim, Tiamat, be trusted to save a planet, if he is the one who shattered it in the first place? 

Little do they know that sometimes, for new beginnings, that which they love must first be destroyed. 

  • Title: Angel of Ashes and Dust, Book 3 in the Wormwood Trilogy 
  • Author: D.H. Nevins 
  • Release date: October 18, 2022 
  • Link to Wormwood (book 1 in the series, which is FREE right now): https://amzn.to/3TqDD6g
  • Link to Angel of Shadow (book 2 in the series, which is only $2.99): https://amzn.to/3CYfNYR
  • Link to Angel of Ashes and Dust (special pre-order and release week price is only $2.99):
  • Author Website: www.dhnevins.com 
  • Newsletter sign-up: https://bit.ly/3xFL6pu  


D.H. Nevins was born in Toronto and currently lives in a quiet area of Ontario, surrounded by forests and lakes. By day, she is a personable, friendly school teacher. By night, she silently chuckles as she writes about destroying the world. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys hiking, camping, flying around on her motorcycle or dabbling in live theatre.



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6 thoughts on “Long Anticipated Finale for the Wormwood Trilogy – Angel of Ashes and Dust by D H Nevins @dhnevins

  1. Thank you so very much for this post and review, Sherry. But most of all, thank you for your ongoing support! It has been quite the journey – I couldn’t pick better reviewers to have come along on the ride with me. I actually can’t believe it’s over!!! Despite the finish of the series, your namesake will always live on in the story! Thank you for everything you do for authors.

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