The hypnotizing cover of Gemini Rising: Ethereal Fury by Jessica O’Gorek has my complete attention.
I love the way it is set up, including the font, which gives me an eerie feeling.
I saw – everyone has spare humans – and busted out laughing. How could I say no to reviewing Gemini Rising after that?
Gemini Rising: Ethereal Fury
by Jessica O’Gorek
I have seen Gemini Rising making the rounds on the blogosphere and have wanted to read it ever since I saw the cover. I feel concerned about our exploitation of earth’s resources and the ME attitude that seems pervasive in our society today, so the synopsis jumped out and said read me. This fantasy romance is all I hoped for.
Oliver Weldon worked for Spot Petroleum. His rush to tap into one of the largest African oil fields in 1956 was coming back to bite him in the ass. The 2:00am call warned him, but he had his millions and no regrets. Lost lives and the environment devastated was just part of business to him, so he went back to sleep. Mother Nature is pissed and she is not going to take it any more and he wears a bullseye.
Gemini are the servants of the earth and since his death, Oliver is one of them. His name is now Onyx, for his black soul. They were an army of lost souls “living” in their own version of purgatory.
“Possess and destroy.” The means did not matter.
Their mission was part of Mother’s plan to fix the problem the human race had created. They spread plagues, famines, fires……Would she allow any human to remain? Was her goal to exterminate the human race?
The Gemini’s strategy was to enter the churches first, then slowly spread throughout the town.
Darius, seemed to be the only one who was aware of what was happening, but that was not so.
Slate idolizes Darius, but soon becomes suspicious. What part will he play as the humans fight back?
Violette holds a fascination for Slate and Onxy. She is sixteen, naïve and I feel something special is in store for her.
Onyx no longer knows the way of humans. He no longer understands their feelings of attraction and desire, their need to protect. He is a supernatural being that can take on any shape or form, has the ability to become invisible and reverse time, able to heal all wounds and move at super speeds. He is extremely powerful and can obliterate the human species.
What about Slate? Who would win the battle for his body – Slate or Onyx? Was he in love with Violette too?
Was Onyx’s attraction to her because he wanted to defile and corrupt a virgin child? His biggest surprise was to find he had no defense again the wisp of a girl.
I am leery of the Bishop. Does he have an ulterior motive?
Gemini rising holds a warning for all of us, but doesn’t preach. It does emphasize the anger of mother earth and her need to eradicate the pests who are destroying her. Think about it! Is the Earth rising up in our current time? Is it warning us through plague, fires, landslides, polluted waters…….to be more careful. After all, our resources are finite.
Gemini Rising reminded me of Host by Stephanie Meyer, when talking about Onyx’s possession of others, but he went from body to body intending ill will, murder and death. I feel there is much more to come.
I love Jessica’s bio and can see how she came up with idea for this wonderful fantasy.
I received the book in return for an honest and unbiased review.
3 Stars – Would Recommend To Others.
Angry at the human race and its methodical destruction of her resources, Mother Earth recruits souls who have just left their bodies to serve Her, and turns them against humanity. Gemini, a clan of paranormal beings, picked from these possessed humans, emerges. A powerful, rising force proceeds to carry out Mother Nature’s plan to systematically destroy towns, cities, states… and eventually, the world. Amidst the chaos, a forbidden relationship between a human girl, Violette, and Onyx, a lead parGemini, begins. They will both find themselves in the middle of a revolutionary war that will either save, or destroy our world.
Chapter 4
Everyone has spare humans
“Give me my brother back and I’ll go to Saint Augustine’s,” a small voice, that of a child, caught his attention. He could barely make out the shadow of a little girl to his right, huddled behind a larger man with bulging eyes and greasy hair. With more gusto in her voice, she stepped out from behind the man and stood up taller, her jaw set in challenge.
“I said, let my brother Collin go, and I’ll get you into Saint Augustine’s.”
Something about the guts it took to speak to him so defiantly and offer herself for sacrifice intrigued him, but he wasn’t sure if she was even a member of the church.
“You belong to the church?” Onyx watched her head fall and her eyes blur with tears.
“I did…once.” She faltered in her brave facade, something in her broke, the frown on her face turned into a dark grimace.
“So none of you are current members?” A few murmurs of the word “no” and he was satisfied. Their testimonies seemed heartfelt and sincere. He did not feel like entering all of their minds one by one, his ire began to fade and the temperature immediately fell a few degrees. “All right, enough,” he said in defeat. The atmosphere then changed to one of relief and confusion.
“But you didn’t answer our question. We answered yours, but you didn’t answer ours!” A balding man almost cried as he slumped against the wall and rubbed his wrists where his shackles had scoured them raw.
“Why?” A woman beside him chimed in as Onyx turned to leave.
“Give me my brother! I know you have him!” The shy little girl was now screaming accusations at him, her fists pumping the air, but he paid her no mind.
It was always easier to leave out the details. Tork always said there was nothing worse than a room full of hysterical captives. Bad enough to be human, but add in the adrenaline and the fear of the unknown, they became that much more insufferable. He ignored their pleas and timid curses, pulling the door shut with a thud, cutting off their curious stares. Someone yelled out they were hungry and he hesitated a little, trying to remember what hunger was. Ah yes, the need for food. The youngest of his clan, Sapphire, usually fed them three meals a day: canned food, all stolen from the local country store. He had no need for food and didn’t keep any around. Sapphire and some others would simply slip into the stores at night and rob them blind in small quantities.
I was born in Chesapeake, Virginia on April 19th, 1979. I was raised within the American Indian religion and was taught great respect for the earth and all its living beings. Powwows, sweat lodges, vision quests, you name it, I’ve done it. I was the weird kid who would confront kids on the playground in elementary school when they squished a bug. I would very sincerely tell them what they were doing was morally wrong and then I would pray for the bug to come back as a butterfly in its next life.
I grew up admiring my father, Barry Weinstock, as an author. He took me around the country to different places so he could research and write his Wilderness Survival books. One of his greatest works, “The Path of Power,” was written with a great medicine man, Sunbear.
When I was twelve I started hand writing novels. My first one was two thousand pages. My dad always encouraged me and would rave about my writing. He gave me the confidence I needed to keep writing and follow my dream. My daughter, who is twelve, is currently working on her first novel. I hope to continue the legacy.
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Thanks for hosting!
My pleasure.
Thank you for your honest and in-depth review. Very thought provoking.
Glad you enjoyed it, Karen. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.
I love her author bio too. What a fascinating way to grow up!
Isn’t it though. I think we may see some great books coming our way from Jessica!
Thanks so much for the review!
My pleasure, Trix. Thanks for stopping in and commenting.
Great review
Thanks, Edgar.
I really enjoyed the review and the excerpt.
I’m more intrigued after reading the bio. Where will this story go? And how can I resist?
Anna from Shout with Emaginette
I feel this one is setting me up for the next one and I am really curious to see where Jessica will take the story.
A very helpful review.
I’m happy that you enjoyed it. Thanks so much Mary.
Fundinmental- I have never read such a descriptive and in depth review of my novel! You grasped all the concepts of the characters, the story and then some! Amazing! I loooove this review and may ask your permission to use some of your quotes on my next book cover! If you want to review book II when it comes out, (within the next few months) just send me a direct email and I’ll put you on the list! My email is
Wow. Thank you so much Jessica. I will be contacting you for Book II. I have a feeling the story is going to get better and better and am looking forward to reading more. Thanks so much for stopping by. I love author visits. Happy reading AND writing. ^_^
The characters are interesting
I thought so too and didn’t quite figure all of them out yet. I think book II is going to tell me a whole lot more and I look forward to reading it. Thanks for stopping by. ^_^
Great post Sherry. I really enjoyed this book and need to do my review. It does somewhat remind me of host and having an evil one going body to body is creepy. Her bio is entertaining too. Sounds like a wonderful way to grow up.
I know. I can hardly wait for the next book to see where she goes with it. I have a feeling there is much in store for Violette. ^_^ Isn’t her bio fascinating? I love to read about authors. I can see with her background, there will be more great stories coming.