Spring Break 2016 has begun. Mr Wonderful works for a state college, so he has a week off for Spring Break. Hmmm…what will we do to entertain ourselves?
Spring Break is a sign…a sign that summer is just around the corner and our spring break started off with a bang. A thunderstorm arrived and while the wind blew and the rain came down, a rainbow appeared. It spanned my backyard and seeing that it is right after St Patrick’s Day, I wondered if the leprechauns were looking down on us, rewarding us for our love of our little piece of paradise. Alas, I found no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
As I looked out the front door, our azaleas are a riot of color and I marvel at their beauty. I love that I get so much enjoyment from something so simple as the flowers in my yard… Some yard work is on the honey do list, but so is some fun.
Pensacola is the home of the Blue Angels and we went downtown to welcome them home on Monday. I never tire of their aerial display and we were not the only ones to herald their return.
If you would like to check out more videos of our adventures, go HERE.
On Tuesday, the sun was shining and we knew rain was coming, so it seemed like a great time to head to the golf course for a round. I love to play and even a bad day at golf is better than a day at work…or working around the house. That will still be there tomorrow and I’ll get to it then.
Mr Wonderful had a busy day of his own on Wednesday, with errands to run and a cloudy sky, I passed on the Blue Angels practice that he went to and I cleared some email…a lot of email and wrote a couple of posts and reviews for next month. With spring, comes baseball season and Mr Wonderful was training his fill in guy for the Pensacola Blue Wahoos. He does a lot of games, but all work and no play makes him a dull boy.
Thursday…we expected a thunderstorm, so we knocked off a big to do job on the list. I had let the edging around the driveway get away from me, so I need to call in the big guns. That means my baby rototiller/edger and electric trimmer just won’t get the job done. But Mr Wonderful’s gas powered monster did a great job. As I sit here writing this, I hear the rumble of thunder, see the flash of lightning and marvel at the pouring rain. I enjoy a good storm every now and then. It washes the air clean, gets rid of the mess in my driveway from trimming and rids of the trees of the last of the dead leaves, allowing the new spring growth to thrive, but now there are seeds to add to the mix.
This time of year I spend a lot of time cleaning the pool. I have never seen as much pollen as I have this season and have battled it since early February, a small price to pay for a warm winter. I am out there every day, skimming and sucking up the leaves as I watch the temperature rise and the water call out to me. It’s looking good to me now.
I love it when the air is cooler than the water and the sprites dance on the surface. So calm and inviting that it is time to jump in, relax for the rest of the week and prepare for our next adventure. Hope you will join me.
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Sounds like your spring break was just as wonderful as Mr. Wonderful!! Haha.
That pool, oh my goodness, I’m ready to jump in right now! I imagine keeping it clean is quite the job, but so worth the reward!
Yes, yes and yes. LOL Still trying to catch up from my travels and I am having some allergy issues, so working outside is at a minimum until I get it under control or the heavy pollen passes.
Wow… looks like you are both having a nice time now the weather is warming up. Thanks for sharing the pics Sherry.
I get excited this time of year. I love summertime!
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