Woo Hoo…Another Threecon Sci/Fi novel by Carmen Webster Buxton. I have loved exploring the worlds she has created, so I am really looking forward to The Nostalgia Gambit. I love the creative cover and I wonder what…or who…the red pawn represents.
Carmen Webster Buxton comes up with some of the best, most unusual characters. Tychon Altair Damiano is the star in The Nostalgia Gambit. He doesn’t know who his father is, seeing his mother’s ‘career’ made it hard to figure out. He is a fence, dealing with stolen goods, and has spend some time in prison. His friends consist of hookers and thieves, until…
Carmen Webster Buxton writing has created a world of vast richness, with detailed glimpses into life on a planet of the future. I find it fascinating, getting lost in the detailed descriptions.
When I started reading, I thought, I know it will be good, but how can Carmen come up with something new and exciting. I am a blood and guts kind of girl. I love reading about serial killers, vampires and shapeshifters, but have found science fiction taking a larger piece of the pie than ever before. It’s because of authors like Carmen.
Threecon is like our United Nations, though there are no nations, only planets. To join, you must be a unified planet. One for all and all for one. The Palatinate, Kallisto’s ruler, was determined to join Threecon. Good for him. I’ve spent several novels visiting other planets and loving every minute of it. I find the Threecon world Carmen has created fascinating. Even more so the characters, and their interactions. They come alive on the pages, drawing me in, becoming involved in their life, as if they are real. I empathize and sympathize with them…at least most of them.
I loved The Nostalgia Gamibit by Carmen Webster Buxton, another unique and highly entertaining read!

Far future science fiction:
Tychon Damiano makes a living, of sorts, fencing stolen goods. He’s especially proud of dealing in items stolen from rich aristos. On the other hand, the hookers and lowlifes in Prime, the largest city on Kallisto, are his friends. They send him enough business to keep himself fed and clothed, and help him stay one step ahead of the law. And then one day Ty walks into the wrong bar and finds his life forever changed. Now he lives a life of luxury in a palace, with fine food on the table, servants to wait on him, and a virtual girlfriend on tap. There’s only one problem. Ty can’t leave.

Carmen Webster Buxton spent her youth reading every book published by Ursula LeGuin, Robert Heinlein and Georgette Heyer. This combination of far-future worlds, alien cultures, and old-fashioned courting customs influenced her writing, especially in her ThreeCon series.
Carmen was born in Hawaii and experienced a peripatetic childhood, as her father was in the US Navy. Having raised two wonderful children, she now lives in Maryland with her husband Charlie, and a beagle named Cosmo. She writes science fiction (often including a romance, and mostly set in the far future), and the occasional fantasy.
Carmen has published many books:
Alien Bonds
Alien Vows
Alien Skies
The Sixth Discipline
No Safe Haven
THREECON SERIES (can be read in any order)
The Nostalgia Gambit
Saronna’s Gift
Shades of Empire
Worlds Apart
King of Trees
Where Magic Rules
Bag of Tricks
Hidden Magic
THE NAMELESS WORLD SAGA (coming in 2021)
The North Edge of Nowhere
Oaths and Promises
Carmen often blogs about ereaders, digital publishing, writing, and speculative fiction. Visit her blog to see what’s coming out next! To ask questions or to provide feedback on her books, send email to carmen.webster.buxton (at)
- Where Magic Rules (on Goodreads)
- Bag Of Tricks
- Hidden Magic
- Tribes (Threecon) (on Goodreads)
- Shades of Empire (Threecon) (on Goodreads)
- Worlds Apart (Threecon)
- Drifters (Threecon)
- Saronna’s Gift (Threecon)
- Alien Bonds (Wakanreo Series)
- Alien Vows (Wakanreo Series)
- Alien Skies (Wakanreo Series)
- King of Trees
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