Lizzie had been drinking when she saw her boyfriend, Michael, with someone else in the bar. She ran out and jumped in her car, even though she knew she shouldn’t be driving. She was tipsy and crying, barely able to see where she was going. She usually slowed down when she approached that certain area of the road, because of the fog, but not tonight. She just wanted to get home.
Then she heard thump-thump. Oh no. She checked her tires and saw blood on the front of her car. Great, she had hit an animal, but it was so much worse than that – a man. She panicked, what to do. She proceeded to drag him off the road and into the woods. Afterwards, she jumped in her car and drove home.
Once she got home, she even acted like a murderer. She changed her clothes and cleaned up, hiding any evidence of the accident. She saw a bloody hand print smeared on the wall and cleaned that up too. All the while, a feeling of impending doom hung over her.
Her friend, Haley, called to make sure she arrived home okay. As they talked, Lizzie reached for her necklace. It was her good luck charm and she was always reaching for it, but now it was missing. Where could she have lost it?
At work, she waited on a man wearing a ball cap. Strange things happened. She saw spiders crawling all over him. When she questioned him about what he said to her, he denied saying the things she knew she had heard him say,
“can’t hide it, haunt you until you die“.
Was she hallucinating?
She headed home and forgot to detour around the accident site. She had been avoiding the area ever since “it” had happened. As she approached the spot, she saw him.
Was he haunting her? Was her mind playing tricks on her? She knew something was very wrong.
When Lizzie went to work the next night, Haley told her about the little girl who had been found in the woods near her house. She wondered about the man. Had he been found?
Michael, her boyfriend, had heard about the little girl, too, and became worried for Lizzie. He went to her workplace, the Tavern, and arranged to go home with her. She felt a sense of relief having him there, she wouldn’t be alone and afraid.
Michael woke her from a nightmare she was having. The little girl was dead and warned her that the man was coming for her. It had felt so real to her. She wondered if it would ever be over.
In the morning, Michael became afraid, because it was so hard to wake her up. When he saw the marks around her neck he worried that he had choked her during their passionate lovemaking. She knew it wasn’t him. Her nightmare had come to life. Should she tell him?
Michael had to go out of town for work, so she was alone again. She told him she would be fine, but she didn’t really believe it.
She loved paranormal and horror movies, but she didn’t believe in it. Until now. Now, she felt she was living it.
5 STARS – Would Buy It For Them (lol)
The cover is awesome. Eerie and foreboding. The spooky moon is indicative of what is to come.
The plot was suspenseful and grabbed me from the very beginning. Tara’s description of Lizzie’s nightmare was so realistic, it was believable. It could have been real. I knew something was coming, but what. My anticipation was such, that I was sitting forward on the couch, crunched up, waiting for the attack, or whatever was coming. It wouldn’t be good. The hair on my arms stood up and I felt chills running down my back.
I hate spiders, so when I read this, I had to make a note of it:
“Spiders are messengers from the other side. When you see a lot of spiders it means something or someone on the other side is trying to tell you something and you’re not listening.”
When I first picked up the book, I thought – this is good, like a three. As I kept reading and the suspense and pace of the novel picked up, I thought – whoa, this is a solid four. Then I began racing through the pages as one thing after another began to happen. I read it in one sitting. The plot and writing were gripping and drew me deeper and deeper into the story.
This is Tara Neideffer’s debut novel. I am constantly amazed at the quality of writing of so many indie authors and their debut novels.
Lizzie’s story could happen to anyone, except maybe for the ghost part. A normal, upright, careful person makes one mistake that could ruin their life.
Michael was a two-timing cheater. Would Lizzie be able to forgive him for his mistake? Will they find their way back to each other?
The book made me think of Ghost Whisperer with Jessica Love Hewitt. Ghosts came to her for help and she was able to talk to them and see them, when others couldn’t.
Tara Neideffer offered me a free copy in return for an honest and unbiased review, but when I checked my Kindle, I had already downloaded the book.
Tara Neideffer loves everything that has to do with the paranormal. She grew up reading Stephen King novels and watching horror movies. Deadly Road is her first paranormal novel. She is currently working on her next novel which will be a paranormal series.
In her free time she likes to spend time with her husband, daughter and step-son and sometimes go ghost hunting.
To find Tara Neideffer, you don’t need paranormal abilities, just look below.
Tara Neideffer is offering for the Giveaway
2 (two) signed paperbacks. US and Canada only.
Easy entry as always, just leave your email address and answer the question:
Have YOU ever made a terrible mistake and have you been able to make it right?
CLOSED. WINNERS ARE – Laura T. and Barbara B.
Giveaway will run from 2/4 – 2/18, 2013 .
To see all my Giveaways, click HERE.
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That cover is spooky and delicious
Sounds like a terrifying read.
Terrific description of the cover. I loved it. The book kept me on the edge of my seat, I couldn’t put it down. Good luck.
Trees! I see trees on the cover!
You didn’t put that spider pic on here! So gross. I think I’m gonna be ill!
Man this book sounds amazing! Five stars from you means it’s a must have!
About a mistake. I’ve made so many. I have righted a few of my wrongs, but not tellin!
I know. Isn’t it an awesome cover? Amazing how many of the books I read do have trees on the covers. I snuck the spiders further down to see if I could freak anybody out. LOL I love paranormal books and I am so glad she is writing a series. Am eagerly awaiting the next one. ^_^
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I’ve made many little mistakes, but I feel like they all contributed to making me the person I am today. One that I do regret is mainly my fault, in highschool I tried so hard to get into a good college that I only took all the AP classes etc, instead of having fun and taking choir, art, and band. I wish I had, but I cannot make up for that. Instead I try new things every day. I’m an artist, photographer, I write on occasion, have tried archery, fencing, MMA, and recently taught myself to knit. I know this isn’t like bullying someone and making it right, but it’s one mistake I always regretted!
Wow. You do keep busy. lol Thanks so much for sharing. It’s not always easy owning up to our mistakes, but I believe it makes us better people for it. Have a great day.
Cool, creepy cover!!! I really want to read this one!!!
Geez…probably the worst thing I did that I can think of was when I was in 8th grade and going to a parochial school(!). I thought it would be funny when my gym teacher (a super nice lady) was leaving after school and started her car that the radio would be blaring, the window wipers would be on, the headlights and basically any and everything I could think to turn on would be up and running. I bragged to all my friends about how funny it was going to be when she got in her car to go home and all these things would be going off at the same time.
Well…..let’s just say…I knew even less about cars then than I do now. My teacher ‘tried’ to leave work but apparently her battery wouldn’t work for some reason…like some dummy drained it by having the lights on all day! And…having told everyone that I did it…it’s not like she had to discover the culprit. The principal had to give her a ride home and she ended up having to buy a new battery…I guess her old one just couldn’t take the strain. The first thing the following day…the principal came into my classroom and announced to all, “Thanks to Cecilia, Ms. Pettersen will be late today because she had to buy a battery for her car”…all eyes turned to me as I slunk red-faced down as far under my desk as I could.
After profusely apologizing to my gym teacher, Ms. Pettersen, that was my first and last act of vandalism even though I hadn’t planned to actually cause any harm. I just thought it would be funny. Yeah…ha, ha…very funny, Cecilia.
Well, Sherry, thanks for inducing the memories…oh boy. –Cecilia
Hi Cecilia. That was awesome. What a great way to start my Sunday morning, laughing and thinking funny thoughts. Glad I was able to help you remember one of the funny things from your past. No real harm was done, a simple inconvenience…^_^ Thanks so much for sharing. I really appreciate the uplift.
Hi, I’ve made plenty of mistakes and most of them I’ve not been able to make right. But I’ve learned many lessons.
Maybe this is when that saying – pay it forward – comes in to play. Just pass something good on to someone else and call even. Sometimes you can;t fix something, but it does no good to dwell on it or let it keep you down. Thanks Marie for stopping by.
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I make mistakes everyday, and usually I’m able to fix them.
That’s cool. The question is, do you learn from them? lol Just kidding. Thanks for commenting and good luck.
Came over to check this out again and forgot about the spiders!!! Ewww!!
I know. they make my skin crawl every time I look at them.
Looking back I have made many mistakes but only one really terrible one. I wished many times that I could go back and have a do-over but I cannot. There is no way to make it right only to ask forgiveness, move ahead and try to be a better person.
That sounds pretty good to me. Who knows, you may be able to pass a good thing forward because of your experience. I believe it takes all these things to make us the unique individuals we are. Thanks for sharing.
Have I ever made a terrible mistake? Absolutely. Have I been able to make it right? Not always. When I think back on some of the stupid things I did in my younger days, I’m surprised I survived it all. When I think back on some of the TERRIBLE things I did, I feel like I didn’t deserve to survive it all. There are a few really, really terrible things I did that I still don’t want to talk about more than 40 years later. People got hurt in such a way that it wasn’t possible to “make it right”. I can only hope they have forgiven me, and aren’t still plotting some way to get even. acwa (at) netscape (dot) com
I hope they have forgiven you and moved on too. It would be in their best interest to do so. It doesn’t pay to hold a grudge. I did my fair share of stupid things and I can’t even blame it on being young. Someone must have been looking out for me or I was one really lucky dumb ass. I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and good luck.
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I have made plenty of mistakes in my life, but I feel like every mistake is a lesson learned in life. You can’t improve upon yourself unless you make mistakes and figure out how to not make those same mistakes again.
Hi Annah. How very insightful and true. It is our experiences that make us who we are today. If you are going to make mistakes, make them be new ones. LOL
Ooooohhhhh, I think I’ll love this book. Dark, terrifying and mind bending, right up my alley.
Minor thing though, some more warning and space on the spider gif please. SO unexpected. Just BAM! Spider! EEEEE! . *shudder* I nearly choked on my drink there.
I’m sure we’ve all done terrible things. I’ve never been violent, except for breaking things during a bad break up when an ex and I were living together. Not important things or his things but dishes. We had a fight about dishes and cleaning, he went out, I found evidence of his cheating and he came back. I was pissed, “You complain about a few dishes, then go see your OTHER girlfriend and expect to come home to a clean house like everything is fine?!?! FUCK YOU!”. Hence, breaking every dish and dumping the trash on the floor and the dust from the vacuum cleaner and dumping his clothes on the floor to be covered in dirty stuff and knocking everything around in the bathroom.
Joke was on me though, I had to clean it all up. I’ve never done something like that before or since. I learned my lesson. I guess I’ll use that as my terrible thing.
HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!!!! You had me cracking up. Excellent comment. I did something like that with my ex-husband. The bad thing was, I too, had to clean it up. The spider, well…………..
I don’t think I’ve ever made one huge, horrible mistake. I’ve done a few things I wished I hadn’t, just because looking back made me see how dangerous it was.
I have had my share of those moments. Thanks for commenting and good luck.
That video with the spider is simply amazing and scary at the same time, never heard of that until now.
Q. Have YOU ever made a terrible mistake and have you been able to make it right?
A. Yes I have had made a terrible mistake in my lifetime which I have rectified.
I hate spiders, but I thought it fit right in. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. Good luck.
No, I have never made a huge mistake that I remember.
Hi Gloria. Thanks for commenting.
Yes, have made some terrible mistakes before and have tried my best to rectify. Book sounds fabulous! Thanks for the giveaway!
Crystal Guidroz
That’s the wonderful thing about life. It is never too late to do what’s right. Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway.
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