I am so excited to be able to share Kristine Mason’s cover for the new book, Ultimate Fear, Book II in the Ultimate CORE Trilogy.
I am a huge fan of her work and this cover totally creeps me out. I haven’t even read the blurb yet, and I think, “Oh no, this is going to be bad.”
Kristine Mason’s work is right up there with the very best writers of thriller/suspense/romance novels.
Be sure and check out my review for Ultimate Kill, Book I, and enter the giveaway below.
Ultimate Fear—Kristine Mason
When a deranged mother’s grief drives her to replace her dead son over and over, obsession leads to murder…
Chicago detective Jessica Donavan will never stop looking for her missing daughter. Her obsession has destroyed her marriage, but the search is the only thing that helps keep her sane and her mind off of everything she’s lost—her husband and her baby girl. When she uncovers a string of unsolved disappearances and reappearances of a number of baby boys, Jessica turns to her soon to be ex, Dante Russo, a former Navy SEAL turned investigator for the private agency, CORE, to help her fit together the pieces in this perplexing puzzle. But as Dante helps her, she realizes just how much she still craves his support—and his touch.
Dante is still in love with his wife and would do anything to have her back in his life again. He’s been miserable since she left him to deal with the grief over their daughter’s abduction, never understanding how much he grieves as well. When Jessica tells him about the case she’s working, he jumps at the chance to take part in her investigation. He’s hoping not only to save their marriage and ease his personal pain over the loss of their daughter, but also to stop a serial kidnapper from taking another victim.
As Jessica and Dante work side by side, pregnant women begin to turn up missing or dead, and they start to uncover the consequences of another woman’s unfathomable grief. The childless mother doesn’t just want a baby. She wants a newborn straight from the womb.
And when forced to confront the dark and twisted perversion of a mother’s obsession, can Jessica and Dante find their lives again…or merely more death?
This reads as if it is an episode straight out of Criminal Minds. I can hardly wait to get my hands on it!
ULTIMATE KILL, Book I, The Ultimate CORE Trilogy

OMG. WOW. Fantastic. Amazing. Sizzling and suspenseful. Need I go on? ^_^ Okay, I will.
Kristine Mason’s thrillers are gripping and intense. I put her writing up there with the very best in her field.
As I open my Kindle and begin to read, I know some of what is to come and eagerly anticipate the adventure. Exactly what will happen and how is why I am so eager to delve into another Kristine Mason novel. It started with murder, a troubled love affair, a dangerous, jilted lover and ended with……
Ultimate Kill may be her best work yet. It grabbed me from the beginning and never let me relax. The pacing makes me race through the pages. Whew, I can relax with the characters and enjoy a moment, uh oh, here we go again, racing through the pages, dying to know what is coming.
Ian, the head of CORE, had manipulated Jake into joining the company. That seemed to be one of Ian’s best skills, getting people to do things. Now, between jobs and with time on his hands, Jake is determined to find Naomi. She had vanished, but he had never forgotten her and wanted what Rachel and Owen, and the other CORE couples had. He had to know what happened before he could move on.
Naomi didn’t realize that Rachel had found her and told Jake. Surely he wasn’t still looking for her. She had given up everything to escape the evil lurking in wait for her and him. If Jake found her, so could HE. It had taken all she had to leave him. When she saw Jake, the past came rushing back and her defenses fell. She could not let him go again. But, how could she keep him safe? She was being given a second chance to really live again and it was time to end all the lies and running. It is time to go on the offensive.
HE had given her everything.
She had rejected him and for that she would pay the Ultimate price.
How far will people go to have what they desire?
HE is a narcissist and feels nothing for anyone. It is all about him and what he wants. No one was going to cross him and get away with it. He is rich and money can buy many things. Can it buy the presidency? How bad is he? How bad is a honey badger? He is vicious. We could call him the billionaire badger. Nothing wrong with a little humor along with the evil.
Kristine Mason talks about some of the weird critters in the south. I love it. They do appear to be prehistoric and if you haven’t seen them before they can be quite frightening. I know how I felt the first time I saw an armadillo and the large flying cockroaches. With the bad, comes the good. The south has lush and colorful gardens, a visual extravaganza of color. I live in the south and enjoy the gardens and fight the cockroaches on a daily basis, so it is easy to visualize and walk with the characters through the pages.
I think I know what will happen. A little love and a little murder, but there is so much more. Every time I thought the end was coming, Kristine would be off on another route and I wondered where I was going. I didn’t think it could get more intense, but she revs it up a notch, and has me hanging my by my fingertips on the edge of the cliff, saying what the hell could happen next?
I am a huge TV fanaholic. I would love to see the CORE novels as a series of TV shows, or movies. It reminds me of Leverage. Hmmmm, now who would be the cast members?
5 Stars – Would Buy It For Them (lol)
When the past collides with the present, the only way to ensure the future lies in the ultimate kill…
Naomi McCall is a woman of many secrets. Her family has been murdered and she’s been forced into hiding. No one knows her past or her real name, not even the man she loves.
Jake Tyler, former Marine and the newest recruit to the private criminal investigation agency, CORE, has been in love with a woman who never existed. When he learns about the lies Naomi has weaved, he’s ready to leave her—until an obsessed madman begins sending her explosive messages every hour on the hour.
Innocent people are dying. With their deaths, Naomi’s secrets are revealed and the truth is thrust into the open. All but one. Naomi’s not sure if Jake can handle a truth that will change their lives. But she is certain of one thing—the only way to stop the killer before he takes more lives is to make herself his next victim.
I didn’t pick up my first romance novel until I was in my late twenties. Immediately hooked, I read a bazillion books before deciding to write one of my own. After the birth of my first son I needed something to keep my mind from turning to mush, and Sesame Street wasn’t cutting it. While that first book will never see the light of day, something good came from writing it. I realized my passion and found a career I love.
When I’m not writing contemporary romances and dark, romantic suspense novels (or reading them!) I’m chasing after my four kids and two neurotic dogs.
Website / Email: authorkristinemason@gmail.com, / Facebook / Twitter
To get your Amazon copy of Ultimate Kill or to learn more about Kristine Mason, click on the cover below.
Kristine Mason is offering a copy of Ultimate Kill for the giveaway. Show some comment love to Kristine by commenting on the cover, synopsis, bio or just say hi.
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Wow, wow, wow!! Holy cow, Sherry! Thank you SO much for this fabulous review. I can’t stop smiling
I’m so glad you enjoyed the book. I had a blast writing it. And I loved the billionaire badger lol. Like Jake, when I saw my first armadillo on the side of the road in Florida I thought it was a dead turtle. And don’t get me started on the pimento bugs (flying cockroaches). When we would stay at my grandma’s, who lived in St. Petersburg, Florida, we encountered them daily. I don’t know how you do it! Thank you again for the review and for the cover reveal. I think the cover for Ultimate Fear is probably one of my favorites. As for Dante and Jessica’s story…I love this couple and what they go through. Oh, and my villain? Well, I guess you’ll have to wait and see lol! Thank you!!
I am so happy you like it. The cockroaches creep out visitors, but it’s a trade off – as my hubby would say – where thousands live like millions wish they could. lol I am eagerly waiting to see about the villain!!!!! I just can’t say enough about your books and writing ability. They blow me away!
Loved your review!! I posted mine too. Stop by and see. We definitely hit on different things. LOL
Yeah, I saw that. ^_^ I know most of the time we are on the same page, so it is very interesting when we vary. I love your review!
The cover’s still creepy.
That cover is very creepy–but appears to go perfectly with the plot, so it’s doing it’s job! Great cover for a suspenseful thriller!
I love her covers and they do speak the same language as the stories inside. This one is creepier than most and it makes me eager to pick up the book. ^_^