I have finally picked up and read Book II of the Ocean’s Gift series, Ocean’s Infiltrator and I will have my answer to the question…will she let him live, now that he knows she’s a mermaid?
Recommended for Adults. Lots of hot and steamy sex scenes.
Ocean’s Gift, Book I, made me teary eyed as I was left with the most awful cliffhanger imaginable for a mermaid story. Alone…in the sea…watching her human sail away.
Ocean’s Infiltrator by Demelza Carlton is Book II of the Ocean’s Gift series and I am so happy to find out if Sirena (Vanessa is her human name) will have a happy ever after or kill her human. What would she do…send a Hitfish to take him out? I couldn’t help but laugh!
The Ocean’s Gift series carries a message along with the fantasy. Sirena (Vanessa) is the Ocean’s Infiltrator, doing her best to warn humankind of the damage being done to the oceans and seas. Now the question – continue to help the humans or let them die?
She travels between the ocean and land, making the transition easily. On land she is a Harley riding badass. She is very much her own “woman” – funny, a tease, a lover, a mommy, a leader, and a mermaid – the complete fantasy package.
Joe and Vanessa cannot keep their hands off each other. They are soulmates, fins and all.
Do you want to know how mermaids have sex? Well, you will learn more than you ever thought to ask, in Ocean’s Infiltrator. The sexual tension between Vanessa and Joe steam up my Kindle, love and romance oozing off the “pages”, making it too hot to handle. My only complaint is sometimes I thought the sex was there, just for sex’s sake, but maybe mermaids have to grab it when they can. LOL
The characters, mermaid and human alike, are complex and I am sure you will find your favorite, just like I did.
Politics and a world beneath the waves to rival our own. Atlantis…I was there!
I love the hints and warnings of the damage being done to the oceans and seas. They fit right in and leave me thinking, what can I do? Who is our Ambassador of the deep? After all, I don’t want to be the one that contributes to the extinction of the mermaids. Do you?
Demelza Carlton’s writing brings the Ocean’s Infiltrator world to life. I was entranced and enchanted, letting the story wrap around me like a warm, wonderful cocoon, leaving me with a dreamy smile on my face and a wandering gleam in my eyes.
I hated to see the Ocean’s Gift series end and it will stick with me for a long, long time. I look forward to reading more of Demelza Carlton’s work!
4 Stars
I have the second book too. Need to read it soon. So many books and so little time! LOL
I am loving me some mermaids.