
- Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
- Sunday Salon is hosted by Readerbuzz
- Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
- **images are linked to Amazon (I am an affiliate)**
Well, it has been a while since I’ve done a Sunday post and I am happy to be back, sharing what I’ve been up to, and seeing how you are making out. I have been in isolation since mid March…oh man, for 20 weeks now. I won’t go into a lot of detail, but Mr Wonderful and I are older and high risk….and…live in Florida. Mr Wonderful does the marketing and pharmacy runs. He feels he can stay safe, and he now shop within the city limits, because they have made a mandatory mask rule. Most seem to be following it, but outside the city limits, in the county, it’s still a free for all. We have done some curbside pickup for the pool, thank God we have one, and medical marijuana. We have played some golf and done some surf fishing. It’s pretty easy to social distance in those situations. I am hunkered down for the long haul and I hope you are well and staying safe.
Last Week on fundinmental
- Tackling The TBR – 7.19 – 7.25.20 #booksiwanttoread #tacklingthetbr
- Music Monday – We Belong Together by Mariah Carey @MariahCarey #musicmonday
- Historical Irish Fiction – A Struggle for Independence by P M Terrell @pmterrell
- Shatter by Charisse Moritz #CharisseMoritz
- Action & Adventure – Elemental by Antony John #booksfromthebacklog @AntonyJohnBooks
- Giveaway – Memoir of a Hockey Nobody by Jerry Hack @goddessfish
- Giveaway – Crow by Amanda Mackey @AmandaMackey43 @SDSXXTours
- A Giveaway – The Journey of Bell by Merideth Deeds @SDSXXTours @meridethm86
- Giveaway – Relative Silence by Carrie Stuart Parks @partnersincr1me
I got the idea and the motivation to start doing Tackling The TBR from All The Book Blog Names Are Taken. It has helped me to keep track of my reading shelf as far as current events and I also started doing a post for Books From The Backlog, from Carole’s Random Life in Books, to tidy up my shelves. I feel better about my out of control TBR and have even knocked off a couple of those old ones that had been hanging around for years. COME ON….JOIN IN.
Previous TBR Total: 2488
Well, it seems my previous total and my new total are the same. I tooketh away…and then I added.
Currently Reading

Books Read
Books Added to TBR: 0
Books DNF-ed: 0
Duplicates Removed: 1
New TBR Total: 2488
- You can see my Giveaways HERE.
- You can see my Reviews HERE.
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- Look on the right sidebar and let’ talk.
- Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.
- I am an Amazon affiliate/product images are linked.
- Thanks for visiting fundinmental!
I can’t wait to read Collings’ The Forest! It’s coming out soon, yippee!
i just cracked it open on my kindle
Don’t let Greg hear me, but I still haven’t read a book by Ann Cleeves! Maybe I must just get The Darkest Evening and see how it goes.
Thanks for sharing all your lovely books. Have a good week!
Here’s my The Sunday Post
shhhh i’ll never tell
It’s certainly been a long haul for everyone trying to self isolate and stay safe! I’ve adapted to home delivery of food and medicine and I prefer that to hoofing out to supermarkets, that’s for sure! I’ll be sticking with that long term as it’s less stressful! I’m glad you guys are safe as seeing the news about Florida infection rates is pretty scary. I also hope this storm passes you by.
thanks chuckles. looks like we are on the same page
The Wrong Brother actually looks like a book I would read. Hope you’re enjoying it. Same. I am all about staying in as much as possible. I go shopping every other week, and though I am good mask wearer, not everyone is. We have a state mandate – inside and outside, but there were some with no masks and many with their masks only over their mouths or on their chins. –sigh–
i know what you mean about the masks. i don’t get it
I admire your vigilance at staying clear of the virus. We have been hunkered down in our house since March, too. We haven’t any (known) medical conditions, but we are not sweet young things anymore and I know that’s a risk. Texas people are wild things. Yesterday there was a huge meeting of the Rotary Club across the street. I really wanted to crash the meeting and tell these people about Zoom, but I refrained. No use becoming a social pariah.
i like the idea of tackling my TBR. I’m in such a rut…that is, routine, that I’m not sure I could fit it in, though. I will think about it.
Have a great week and take care.
yeah, i really have to keep motivated. it’s easy for me to just sit….and contemplate.
Glad you are able to stay safe! I can’t believe how out of control things are in FL! YIKES!
thanks samantha. staying isolated is the only way to go right now
We have been hunkering down as much as possible too. Ken has to go to doctor appointments all the time but he and our daughter wears masks all the time so we are hoping they don’t get sick.
i hope all goes swell. masks, social distancing and washing you hands is the key…or at least it helps lessen the risk
When you said ‘surf fishing’ I pictured surfboad fishing and got a chuckle. You stay safe! Please join me for some good news of the week
hey can do that too. why not?
I am older and my daughter has health issues so we have been home since March also. I do pickups wearing a mask sometimes. My daughter has had a couple of non video doc appts. We like to stay home but the world is making me anxious these days.
Enjoy your reads! They look interesting
Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post
yep, i am worried too. i do what i can and the rest of the time i try to get lost in reading
I think you are doing the right thing, Florida sounds like it’s getting a little out of hand.
Stay safe out there!
our leaders here in florida just won’t stand up and do the right thing. too political
I am glad you are staying safe. We are mostly sticking to home as well. It looks like you are reading some great sounding books. I think my TBR is up there with yours. So many books to read! I hope you have a great week. Stay safe and well.
stay safe and have a good week
Welcome back to The Sunday Post! I hope you’re able to stay safe. I’m very grateful for deliveries and curbside pickup. I’ve barely left the house since March. Happy August!
looks like most of us are on the same page
Better safe than sorry!
I gave up on controlling my TBR a long time ago
Wishing you a great reading week, be well x
i don’t know if i am doing any form of control…LOL..but at least i am tagging them so i can find them again.
It’s good that you’re taking precautions but that you’re still getting exercise and fresh air with golfing and fishing. Sunshine and fresh air is so important to build a good immune system! Enjoy chipping away at your TBR mountain.
yep, gotta have those rays
thanks everyone for your wonderful comments and thoughts. i am glad to hear you are all staying safe
I’ve been hunkered down here, too. The biggest thing that bothers me is not being able to eat with my son, or hug him, because of him working retail.
People are being great about wearing masks in stores according to my son, but we are in a city, so now I’m wondering if the rural areas are not as vigilant. I never thought about that. Both of you keep safe! 

yeah, i hate that for you too. i know here in pensacola, in the city it is mandatory, in the county not so much
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