Stacking the Shelves is Hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
Welcome to Sherry’s Shelves.
New Arrivals to the fundinmental blog
*all images are linked to Amazon (I am an affiliate)*
Dark Pool and Ocean of Fear by Helen Hanson.
I received her newsletter and these surprises were there for the taking. Thank you Helen. I love water and thrillers, so I am happy to add them to my reading list.
~~*For Review*~~
Big Money by Jack Getze
I received this paperback from the author for a tour review. I am not a stranger to Jack’s writing, so I look forward to more high jinks with Austin Carr.Thanks Jack.
Strong Enough To Die (A Caitlin Strong Novel) by Jon Land
I received this ebook from the author because I reviewed The Tenth Circle (see below) and he thought I might like to meet Caitlin. I am looking forward to it, Jon.
~~*Gifted or Won*~~
Don’t Cry Over Killed Milk by Stepehn Kaminski
I love the title and entered a giveaway on fuonlyknew. YAY me. I won! Thank you Stephen and Laura. I love the cover and mysteries, so I think I will enjoy this.
~~*Purchased and Freebies*~~
Free Falling by Susan Kiernan-Lewis. FREE. Check for “0”.
I can’t remember how I found this freebie on Amazon, but I have read several books by Susan and am always happy to get my hands on another one. Thank you Susan.
The Identity Thief by C Michael Forsyth
I picked this up as an Amazon freebie. Can’t remember where I heard about it, but the rocking cover caught me quick. Thanks C Michael for the freebie.
Last Week on the Blog
Omaha Omaha by Boo Hoo Brady
He would have his Revenge – Shadow of Vengeance by Kristine Mason with Kobo Giveaway
Teaser Tuesday #8 – Time Traveling with Ella in The Cairo Effect by Susan Kiernan-Lewis
A wonderful blend of the past and the present – The Tenth Circle by Jon Land Tour Giveaway
Sunny Florida turns into a Winter Wonderland – My Adventures #7
Love Like the Movies Buzz Tour – Awesome Giveaway
Excerpt Blast from the Gods – Deep End of the Sea by Heather Lyons
Launch, ARC Review & Giveaway I Am Forever by Wynne Channing
New Release – Dark Innocence by Madeline Pryce
This Week on the Blog
I never know what might pop up that I would like to share, but this is what I have scheduled at the time of this post, subject to change.
FREE days for Jackpot by Susan Fleet
Monday Mini #8 – Evil runs free without the Watchdogs – Open Meetings by Joyce T Strand
Teaser Tuesday
Do you believe in the boogeyman? – When The Dead Whisper by Tara Neidereff – Review & Giveaway
Undead Tour – The Zombie West Trilogy by Angela Scott & Review
Friday 56
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Nice assortment of books. All of them are new to me. I’ll be eager to hear what you think of them. Come see what I got at Ms. Martin Teaches Media and Inside of a Dog. Happy reading!
Thanks, I hope there are some that appeal to you. I will be stopping over and seeing what goodies you have to share. Thanks for coming by and happy reading.
Don’t Cry Over Killed Milk looks interesting!
Happy Reading! If you’d like, you can stop by my STS Following your blog and would love a follow back please
Hi Molly. It does look like a fun read for sure. I’m on my way over and thanks for the follow.
Ocean of Fear has me curious, I just read the synopsis and already what to know what happens. I look forward to your review. We moved to NE about 7 years ago and the whole Omaha, Omaha makes us giggle and that video with the baby voice..hilarious!! Have a wonderful week!
Looks great to me too. The Omaha video keeps cracking me up. Tom Brady is my man from University of Michigan. I am try Blue, but it was so hilarious I had to share. The baby voice makes it!
Yeah! You finally started your bookish news! I love reading these and getting to see what everyone else has going on.
You have a lot of goodies here. Got a few of these myself and curious to read what you thought of Big Money.
Helen Hanson’s name is ringing a bell and both of those look really thrilling.
Happy reading!
Thanks Laura for encouraging me to give this a try. I hope to meet new people and learn about new books. Happy reading!
Lots of pretty cover candy this week!
Happy reading Elisabeth. ^_^
The Identity Thief is the one that intrigues me the most. I love all the masks falling behind him as he runs. The suit reminds me of my FAVORITE TV show, White Collar.
I think I picked it up from Masquerade Tours. I love how something so simple can catch me so quick. I have never watched White Collar but books intrigue me more when I can relate them to something familiar.
The Identity Thief looks like a winner.
The cover hooked me on that one. LOL
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