- Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
- Sunday Salon is hosted by Readerbuzz
- Stacking The Shelves by Reading Reality
- **images are linked to Amazon (I am an affiliate)**
Hi Everyone. Hope everyone’s new year is off to a good start.
Well, it was a week…I didn’t get much reading done. I was reading Professor Charlatan’s Anthology in paperback and it took me a long time, along with Shade and the Pureblood Faeries, which was a long book too. Still dismantling Christmas, but I have not been in a hurry. Just gotta finish up the tree and the garland over the mantle. It looks so naked without all my beautiful lights. The weather has been chilly with sun and a warm day or two here and there. The pool is looking good…and all I have done is look at it. Mr Wonderful sucked a bunch of leaves out. We had some wind go through and all I can say is…knock those leaves off and be done with it, instead of shedding just enough to overwhelm the robot. lol
Stay safe and wear a mask..
LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
- Sherry’s Shelves – 12.26.21 – 1.1.22 #stackingtheshelves #thesundaypost #thesundaysalon
- Music Monday – Zombie Apocalypse Song by Nick Clausen @NickClausen9
- Your Mid Career GPS by John Neral @john_neral @pumpupyourbook
- Review – Blind Rage by Nick Clausen @NickClausen9
- Ready Or Not Review by Alex Lake @Alexlakeauthor
- Cap and Gown by C J Daly – The Saga Continues @theacademysaga
- Giveaway – Finally A Vegan by Stephanie Jane @Stephanie_Jne @iReadBookTours
- Tackling The TBR – 1.1 – 1.7.22 #tacklingthetbr
COMING UP ON fundinmental
- Sherry’s Shelves
- Music Monday
- Giveaway – Pay Or Play by Howard MIchael Gould
- Review – Sons Of Brutality by Daniel Jeudy
- Books From The Backlog
- Tackling The TBR
- You can see my Giveaways HERE.
- You can see my Reviews HERE.
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- I am an Amazon affiliate/product images are linked.
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Exactly! I took a first pass at my leaves and then did nothing for a month and waited until they were all down to finish up.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
I didn’t get much reading done myself this week. Hopefully next week is better!
We’ve been too sick to take down all of the Christmas stuff yet. Hopefully soon.
I didn’t get a ton of Christmas stuff out but I put everything away last weekend. There are so many leaves blowing around in my neighborhood. Our yard isn’t too bad but we don’t have a tree so that makes sense. I can’t even think about the pool right now! Have a great week!