
- Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
- Sunday Salon is hosted by Readerbuzz
- Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
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Hey you. I am always happy to share what’s been going on here at fundinmental, but I am sitting here watching College Game Day (as the talking heads are coming to us from their Covid bubble), knowing it is Labor Day weekend and the tourists are heading my way, thinking WTF! Has everyone lost their freaking minds?
I have a passion for football, college and pro alike. I would spend every Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday glued to my TV when games were being played. Every Saturday started out with College Game Day. Though I will miss watching, I think they will end up canceling the sports season until 2021, and I feel it never should have been attempted to begin with.
And the protests about social injustice….I don’t even have any words to tell you how disgusted I am. All our country’s flaws are being revealed for everyone to see, and that is a good thing. Just like an apocalypse, all the good and bad come out, and for those who are standing up, I applaud you and thank you.
I am sure, here in Florida, the beaches will be packed and…I don’t even know what to say any more. I remember SARS and Ebola and they never got to be this bad. What was done different? Leadership!!!
PLEASE everyone in the US! Make sure you are registered to vote…and vote in every election, from local to national, and let your voice be heard.
Isolation is getting to me. Even though I am retired and not a lot in my life has changed for me personally, I still feel…lost. I have tears in my eyes as I type this. If I have offended anyone, that was not my intent. I just feel by staying silent, I am part of the problem.
All that being said, I hope you are safe and having the best week possible.
LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
Also, jump on over to Tackling The TBR and see what’s happening on my reading shelf.
- Sherry’s Shelves 8.23 – 8.29.20
- Tackling The TBR 8.23 – 8.29.20 #tacklingthetbr
- Bad Day by Daniel Powter #musicmonday @dpowtermusic
- The Darkest Evening by Anne Cleeves @AnnCleeves #NetGalley #TheDarkestEvening
- Giveaway – Metamorphosis – Butterfly Broken by Rebecca Carpenter @YABoundToursPR
- Pet Peeves – Alexa’s A Spy by Dorothy Rosby @DorothyRosby @iReadBookTours
- Midnight Blue Over Mexico by D S Land #DSLand #booksfromthebacklog
- New Release – Brutus by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff @mimijeanromance
- Giveaway – Life in the Camel Lane by Doreen M Cumberford @Expatsonthemove @iReadBookTours
- Casting Call for a Corpse by Heather Haven @heatherhaven @dollycas
- Sherry’s Shelves
- Giveaway – Derailed by Mary Keliikoa
- Review The Bounty Hunter by P R Garcia
- Selkie Moon and the Second Path by Virginia King
- Books From The Backlog – The Glimpse by Grant Carroll
- Giveaway – Candidate For Murder by Lauren Carr
- Giveaway – Life for Life by J K Franko
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Kudos to you for what you said. I happen to agree 100%. Happy Labor Day weekend to you, and stay safe.
thanks greg
South African politics are a circus my friend. But I do believe that the USA is the one to bring out the popcorn this year… Feel sorry for you guys!!
Just escape into your books. You have such lovely ones. Then again, if we don’t experience reality, books start losing their magic.
Have a good week! Here’s my The Sunday Post #10
i do escape into my books. i have been reading so much, my arms hurt from turning the pages. i know a bit about south african politics because of trevor noah and bringing out the popcorn…:-)
It’s frustrating to me to hear people around me talk about getting out now that numbers have gone down (slightly) since our governor (finally) required masks and social distancing across the state. It’s a mess. Don’t worry about upsetting anyone here. I wish more people would speak up. The fake news is getting to me, too. My husband has started checking to see where news stories are covered. The two extremes have completely different takes on what is going on. If only others would check things more carefully….I don’t know what I’m going to do if the election in November goes south. I may leave this country to these crazies.
There. That was quite a rant from me, too. Let me step down from my soapbox and breathe for a minute. Yes, yes, hopefully all will vote. And it wouldn’t hurt if people did a little reading, right?
i can’t watch the new any more, but mr wonderful keeps me informed and he does a lot of fact checking. i have no confidence in any news sources any more…mr wonderful and i have thought a lot about leaving pensacola for somewhere further south here in florida. too many people here seem to think it’s all a farce and doing whatever they want, never thinking of the other guy.
It’s certainly been a challenging year all round, and it’s okay to not be okay! We are still in lockdown here for another three weeks. I am worried that people will just be going out and mingling with each other as soon as the restrictions are listed.
Hope you have a good week.
i don’t think we ever went into lockdown here in florida…and they will go out and mingle. i understand ‘cabin fever’ but come on…at least wear a mask!
The way the leaders are handling the COVID19 issue is so pathetic.
In countries like India given the population and its density, it is going to go more worse. I am scared for my family out there.
But what is happening in the developed nations is far more annoying. With all the facilities and wealth, the leaders are experimenting with human lives.
well said, gayathri. i fear for all of us and i hope you family is staying safe. the only thing to do, really is avoid people as much as possible
It was a bank holiday weekend here last weekend and all the tourists flocked to my neck of the woods, I feel your pain.
I love visiting Florida and I’ve always wanted to explore the rest of the States, everyday it seems to be something new isn’t it. From an outsider looking in it’s scary, I really do feel for you.
there is no way i am stepping out of the house this weekend.
I can’t make a difference as I don’t live in the YS but I sincerely hope for a leadership change in November. Trump is worse than the virus and just as infectious.
Wishing you a great reading week, stay safe & well
i have my fingers crossed, toes and eyes crossed, hoping…
I know how you feel. My days just blur together. I am voting in local elections and hope my voice matters, Sherry. I miss seeing you guys!
it’s weird, but the first thing i though of when mr wonderful said he was going to his parents to check on them was to call you and see if you guys wanted to come over. lol
Sorry things have been so challenging! I feel for those who are struggling with the isolation and the anger that so many ignore precautions. Its frustrating and sad.
thanks samantha
My husband and I went to an out door fish and chip shop last week, thinking it would be a safe bet for food and we were SHOCKED at all the people milling around the shops without masks. Hundreds of people. We hightailed it out of there as soon as we got our food. It scared us. My Sunday Salon posting
unfreakingbelievable. that has been going on here in florida since the whole thing started. i stay MORE than six feet away, won’t let anyone visit our house no matter what and go almost nowhere. when it will end is anybody’s guess because no one seems to care that their actions have repercussions
Isolation is hard! Here in Canada we watch what happens in the US and I personally am happy our borders are closed. Keep busy and stay positive. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Virtual hugs to you!!
i am not surprised you closed your borders to us.i don’t see a change for us until…thanks for the virtual hugs.
I agree with all you said Sherry. This is your space so you should feel free to say it; I can think of much more things to say. I am disgusted by how some people are behaving. I also feel heartsick at some who don’t seem to understand what they are choosing. There are really wonderful people in this world and some who only care about themselves. I am also retired and I know it is not forever. So I like being home but sometimes it is still hard. I love to travel and that isn’t happening this year. But reading is good ( and gardening and craft projects) Happy Labor Day!
Anne – Books of my Heart Here is my Sunday Post
thanks anne. i miss traveling too. thanks for your thoughts and comment
I am surprised they are attempting sports right now given the situation. People are so desperate for normalcy. I belong to a local neighborhood Facebook group, and someone had asked if there would be trick-or-treating this year for Halloween. Over 275+ people (and counting) said a resounding yes. I live in a county that is still at the highest alert level because of our COVID numbers. And this is why. It’s these types of attitudes. Maybe things will improve by then–I hope they do–but should we take that chance? I think it will be too soon. I told my daughter we could do trick-or-treating around our house. She could go from door to door throughout our house (maybe multiple times–bedrooms, bathrooms, closets, garage), and her dad and I would hand out candy to her. LOL
I do hope for a positive change (many positive changes) in November as well.
Take care of yourself, Sherry. Have a great week!
You are totally entitled to vent on your own blog! I must admit that I’m trying not to say what I think on certain subjects right now as I KNOW a few people would probably get annoyed with me! If I shut my blog down, that will be my last ever post so I’m saving it!
In the UK we’ve mostly had good summer weather and people are having illegal raves, crowding beach resorts and parks. crowding into pubs…and Covid 19 is on the rise here again. It makes me mad as I’ve behaved and stayed in all summer but my local area is in lockdown because of selfish idiots not following the rules!
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