Stephen Henning’s Class Heroes is a hit!
I eagerly anticipate each novel in the series and can hardly wait to see what adventure Samantha and James will be on this time.
London Belongs to the Alchemist is Book IV of the Class Heroes series.
Look at that awesome cover.
It only hints at the fantastic story inside.
Illegal raves are popping up all over London, the world’s fifth richest city, where tension is running high between the haves and the have-nots. Each party, hosted by the enigmatic DJ Alchemy, leaves a trail of destruction in its wake — all thanks to Super D, the latest designer drug on the party circuit.
It’s love at first sight for Samantha Blake and DJ Alchemy, but the DJ has a superpower of his own and a plan for London that Sam can never be a part of.
Meanwhile her twin brother, James, can’t stop himself falling for public enemy number one Lolly Rosewood. James thinks she’s a reformed character… but has he just been blinded by love?
While the city descends into riots, the twins’ bond is tested as they’re torn between their loyalty to each other and their new relationships. And in the shadows, a gangland drug lord will stop at nothing to get his hands on the twins, DJ Alchemy and the precious Super D.
My 5 Star Review of A Class Apart, Book I
My 5 Star Review of What Happened In Witches Wood, Book II
My 5 Star Review of Where’s Lolly. Book II
MY REVIEW for London Belongs to the Alchemist, Book IV
Spoiler Alert: This is Book IV of the Class Heroes series. I don’t believe there is anything here that will ruin the earlier books, just wanted to make you aware this is book IV.
The cover reminds me of the Spiderman and Hulk comics I used to read.
I was hooked on this series from the first book, A Class Apart. Stephen Henning has the ability to spin a yarn and create a fantasy world that I get lost in, not wanting to come back to reality. I have been watching Smallville (the TV series about Superman) in the early morning hours, so I can clearly see the characters and their superpowers in action.
This is a young adult novel, but I feel heroes come in all shapes and sizes and this is so much fun, that all ages with fall in love with Samantha and James.
My visualization of the characters was pretty darn close!
Great job of ‘showing’ me with words.
James and Samantha are 14 year old twins.
The twins have been staying with their grandparents since the accident that had started it all months ago. They managed to survive the exploding bus crash and their zombie classmates who had tried to eat them. The experience had changed them, giving them superpowers they were working hard to keep secret.
The characters have all the angst of normal teenagers, but their super powers will take their problems to a higher, more dangerous level. Their biggest danger was being discovered. Who knew what would happen, who would be after them and for what reasons. I wrote this as if it is real. I can’t help but laugh at myself. So good, I am in it side by side with them.
They are back in London now and heading to school for the first time since the accident. The principal had arranged a party to ease them back into a normal world. They knew better than to leave the party, but they did it anyway. They are teenagers after all. I know no good will come of this.
They meet the DJ of Alchemy. He hosts impromptu parties, spinning out tunes and passing out the super drug. He can leap tall buildings. Samantha and James already know about the super drug. It gives the user temporary superpowers, but the backlash could be fatal.
Samantha’s powers – super strength, rapid healing and controlling fire.
James powers – telekinesis and the ability to teleport.
Nicky Carro is a successful businessman. He owns nightclubs and casinos. He is involved in the drug trade with Russians. I can already anticipate the problems that is going to cause. They are violent and have no respect for human life.
Lolly, of course, Lolly will make an appearance and I have been waiting for her. When Lolly did enter the picture, I was floored by what she wanted. There has to be something else going on. Her dad is locked up and she is on the run. She is dangerous. Her dad is a mass murderer, a psychopath and has the power of persuasion. Was she different without him? Doing anything to make Lolly angry, you’d better beware. She will show no mercy. Even though she’s a very bad girl, there’s something about her that makes me want to help her out. Good writing does that for me. Makes me feel empathy for the bad guy, with the hope that redemption is possible.
Super D, a crooked casino owner, Russian drug dealers, the DJ of Alchemy passing out drugs and preaching anarchy, a hormonal psychopath with superpowers. viral marketing – a virus that controls any phone it’s uploaded to, gangsters and extortionists. Is there a bad guy I missed?
Stephen’s writing is fantastic with pacing that makes me race through the pages. I breathe a sigh of relief, as I am allowed to catch my breath before we are off and running again.
The only complaint I have with Stephen Henning’s writing is I want more. The Class Heroes could be a TV or movie series.
I can see more stories unfolding in the future. The kids have some growing up to do and I wonder what the future has in store for them.
Stephen includes a little humor and leaves me with a giant cliffhanger making me scream for more.
I received London Belongs to the Alchemist from the author in return for an honest, unbiased review.
5 STARS Would Buy It For Them (lol)
I began writing the first Class Heroes book on my laptop in February 2011, but these stories have probably been continually playing in my head since I was aged five or six, when I would act them out with toys and with my friends. I then branched out into using pencils, colouring pens and paper, moving on to writing pads and then my first computer.
So, as you’ve probably gathered, I have always enjoyed making up stories and the super-hero genre has been one of my favourites.
The CV-type stuff is that I went to Sheffield Hallam University to study English. I then trained and briefly worked as a journalist in Salford. After that, I moved into publishing – which was great. An interesting and fun industry to be in and fascinating to see how books are put together and sold.
After that I started doing technical writing, which led me to start my own business with my friend and colleague Andrew Butters. My love of writing, generally, led me back to writing fiction. Our company, Elucidox Ltd, publishes the Class Heroes books.
If you want to know a bit more about me, what kind of super powers I have and the kind of super villains I have to tangle with on a daily basis, then feel free to watch Rage. This is a short film, that took a long time to make. It’s a simple day in my life :-). Actually it’s just a fun movie that I made with the very kind help of some of my best mates. We had a laugh doing it, hope you like it too. And if you do, then why not explore the super world of the Class Heroes books?
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I love books where folks have superpowers. This sounds great and I am so glad you are enjoying the series.
Thanks Kim. I am loving it. I could see where this could be a fantastic series of movies or a TV show, like Smallville.
I have to get caught up on this series. I read the first one and really enjoyed it. I need more time for reading! LOL
Glad to hear you liked it. I am so curious about where this series will go. There is a cliff hanger I forgot to mention and I am desperate for the next book! OK, Stephen, get to writing!
I’m working on book 5 and some short films for the series. I’ll keep you posted! Thanks for reviewing the book Sherry, and I’m delighted you enjoyed it!
My pleasure, Steve. I can hardly wait. I can’t help myself – I want more Lolly. I don’t know what it is about her, maybe I want her to be good???? but I love her being bad. LOL