Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.
Killer’s Instinct by Dawn Dalton & Judith Graves
Genre: Young Adult/Paranormal
I was really intrigued by this novel when I did a blog tour for it, but was too busy to read and review it at the time. Judith Graves was wonderful and offered me the opportunity to read it at a later time. Thanks, Judith.
Yeah! I am reading it now. ^_^
(6% on Kindle)
“If you accept this invitation to Le Manoir, there will be no leaving until your training is complete,” the old man said.
Her mother’s decomposing face flashed before her eyes. She had to find mom, had to put her remains to rest. but first she needed to absorb as much knowledge as she could. She would be trained by these monster hunters and then risk their wrath to do the unthinkable – restore her mother’s soul from the bowels of hell…or die trying.
Where there is NO life – there’s HOPE.
Hope sees beyond the veil to where the dead walk among the living — creepy flashes from a never-ending macabre dream. But when her mother crawls from the grave and her zombified corpse goes MIA, Hope’s last thread of normal snaps with a vengeance.
Enrolling in a militia-style school for monster hunters seems her best bet for tracking down Mommy-dearest and putting what’s left of her mom to rest. But does Hope have a true killer’s instinct? The stakes are raised when she’s partnered with three unique male recruits, each with their own personal demons to slay if they want to survive basic training. In a place like Le Manoir, all bets are off.
Click on the cover to get your Amazon copy of Killer’s Instinct by Dawn Dalton and Judith Graves.
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Nice teaser today. kelley—the road goes ever ever on
Thanks Kelley. I am very curious about the book. It sounds like a fun and gruesome read. ^_^
Partnered with three guys. I hope they aren’t all love interests!
This sounds like my kind of book. How are you liking it so far?
Here is mine from Windigo Soul – http://fuonlyknew.com/2014/08/19/teaser-tuesdays-76-windigo-soul-by-robert-brumm/
It makes me think of Harry Potter. I am only a few pagesin, but I am liking how it’s starting out. Think it will be great.
Sounds exciting and scary! I like that!
Scary in a good way. LOL
Your right this sounds great
Anna from Shout with Emaginette
How can a girl that sees dead people not be good. LOL Thanks so much for continuing to comment. ^_^
Zombies!! Yeah! This sounds great! Hope you are enjoying it Sherry!
Here’s My WoW!
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
So far, so good. Thanks Naomi.