Everything about The Hatching speaks to me, even though I am super freaked out and I shiver as I feel the creepy crawlies running all over me.
I DO NOT like spiders!
I do not like spiders at all, so The Hatching by Ezekiel Boone was a must read for me. I love to be scared and there isn’t a lot that has me looking over my shoulder and shuddering. I may not EEK when I see a spider, but I do freak out…a little. Here in Florida, with the deadly Brown Recluse, we do need to be cautious. Their bite can be deadly, but at least they won’t eat me, will they?
The creepy cover dared me to take a trip to the jungles of Peru. It reads like the B movies I love and I can see the movie playing out in my mind, I shudder.
Now, Melanie loves spiders, but will she still love them when she is done investigating what the archaeologists sent to her?
Are you ready for the apocalypse? Some of our characters are and that is a very good thing. The characters, at least some of them, will become very familiar with each other and create a family of their own.
I love when horror comes with a little humor and the scene with Annie in the ambulance at the crash site was a hoot. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
The suspense and anticipation from the beginning let me know it is bad, REAL BAD and I’m hoping some of my fave characters will survive.
I keep trying to anticipate the end and think man will win out. Don’t we always?
This fast paced tale of doom and gloom, with a sprinkling of hope here and there, has a fantastic ending that I never saw coming and I LOVE IT! This debut novel rocked my socks off and then made me put them back on…quickly…and my shoes too.
OMG. Creepy. My skin itches, I pick my feet off the floor, what is the movement I see out of the corner of my eye, what is that tingling in my hair…Oh man, I’m really freaking myself out so enough already. You’ll have to read it to find out more. And there will be more. This is a trilogy and I can hardly wait to get my hands on the next book…
I received an ARC of The Hatching by Ezekiel Boone through Edelweiss and the publisher, Simon & Schuster, in return for an honest review.
Available for Pre-order. This item will be released on July 5, 2016.
This is not the featured spider…or is it?
I find this so creepy I love to share it whenever I have the chance.
Goodreads Blurb: An astonishingly inventive and terrifying debut horror novel about the emergence of an ancient race of carnivorous spiders, dormant for ten thousand years but now very much awake. There’s a reason we’re afraid of spiders…
A local guide is leading wealthy tourists through a forest in Peru when a strange, black, skittering mass engulfs him and most of the party. FBI Agent Mike Rich is on a routine stakeout in Minneapolis when he’s suddenly called by the director himself to investigate a mysterious plane crash. A scientist studying earthquakes in India registers an unprecedented pattern in local seismic readings. The US president, her defence and national security advisers and her chief of staff are dumped into crisis mode when China “accidentally” drops a nuclear bomb on a desolate region of its own country. As such unsettling occurrences mount, the president’s old friend (and her chief of staff’s ex-wife), spider expert Melanie Guyer, receives a box at her lab at American University that contains an ancient egg unearthed at a South American dig.
So begins The Hatching, the hair-raising saga of a single week in which an ancient, frighteningly predatory species of spider re-emerges in force. When the unusual egg in Melanie Guyer’s lab begins to vibrate and crack, she finds herself at the epicentre of this apocalyptic natural disaster. Working closely with her ex-husband and his very powerful boss, she has to find some way to stem the brutal tide of man-eating arachnids.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR (from Amazon)
I live in upstate New York with my wife and kids. Whenever I travel and say I’m from New York, people think I mean NYC, but we live about three hours north of New York City. Our house is five minutes outside of a university town. We’re far enough out of town that, at night, it’s dark.
Darker than that.
Dark enough that, if you’re not careful, you might fall off the small cliff at the edge of my property. If you’re lucky, the water will be up enough to break your fall. If you’re not lucky, please sign a waiver before you come to visit.
I’ve got two unruly dogs who are mostly friendly. Well, that’s not true. The part about them being unruly is true, but one of them is the most friendly dog you’ve ever met, and the other dog … isn’t. They are good writing partners, though they spend a lot of their day curled up in front of the wood burning stove and ignoring me. Unless I’m making lunch. They pay attention to me then.
THE HATCHING is Ezekiel Boone’s first book, but it’s not actually *my* first book. I also write under the name Alexi Zentner. Alexi Zentner’s books are pretty different from Ezekiel Boone’s.
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Ooh. Sounds creepy crawling fantastic. LOL I wondered if you’d use that video! I’m “itching” to read this one, Sherry.
I love it. Makes me shiver and I do love to be creeped out. I know you would love this too!
Arachnophobia!!! This will give me nightmares
Welcome to my world, Braine. I had a great time with this book and every time I come back to the post I get the shivers. LOL
I like Creepalicious.
Glad to hear it, Sandra!
OMG! No… I could not read this at all… freaks me out! Glad you enjoyed it though Sherry!
I don’t get freaked out often and I love a book that can do that to me! LOL I understand why someone would pass on it.
LOL, I loved to be scared too Sherry..but spiders eeeeek!
I just got the shivers. LOL
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