Call Me Grim by Elizabeth Holloway is a paranormal/supernatural novel about Aaron, the local Grim Reaper and Libbi, the girl he saves.
Sounds very interesting to me. That is why I wanted to share Call Me Grim with you.
Be sure and enter the giveaway at the end of the post for a chance to win a copy for your very own.
Welcome, Elizabeth to fundinmental. I am so happy to have you here and sharing your thoughts for my readers.
I am curious how authors relate to their characters and think this guest post is a real hoot. How about you? Be sure and read to the end and let Elizabeth know if you have any suggestions of your own. ^_^
Call Me Grim- The Author’s Dream Cast
I admit it! I have gazed off into space when I should have been writing (don’t tell my editor) and dreamed of the actors that should play my characters, in the remote chance my book is made into a movie. My only defense is I’m not the only author who’s done it, and I probably won’t be the last.
Since I’ve obviously thought about this far more than I should have, I might as well share my dreams with you fine folks.
Libbi Piper
Physical description: Petite but curvy, dark-brown wavy hair, bright green eyes, round face
Libbi’s a hard character to cast. Obviously, I need to think about her physical appearance, but she’s also smart, snarky, and not afraid to stand up for the people she loves, or something she believes in. That’s why I picked Emma Roberts to take the lead as Libbi Piper.
For an image, follow the link: http://www.fabulous-emma.com/photos/displayimage.php?album=1892&pid=71497#top_display_media
Aaron Shepherd
Physical description: Tall and lean, black hair that falls over his forehead, deep blue eyes, pale skin, a little shadow of scruff on his cheeks and chin
I’m not gonna lie. I’ve had this actor pegged to play Aaron ever since I saw him in Warm Bodies. Granted, he doesn’t say a whole heck of a lot in that film, but I love his ability to express so much in the subtlest of gestures and grunts. Aaron is wordier than that, obviously, but he still holds a lot back. I think Nicholas Hoult would play him beautifully.
For an image, follow the link: http://nicholashoultfan.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=237&pid=8095#top_display_media
Kyle Dennis
Physical description: muscular drummer’s build, blond wavy hair, dark-brown eyes
Kyle Dennis is probably more difficult to cast than Libbi. He has so many layers and wears his (often intense) emotions on his sleeve. The actor who plays him not only needs to look the part, he needs to have the ability to play a wide range of emotions. I’d love to see a young Alex Pettyfer in the role. Never mind the fact that Emma Roberts dated him at one point and they probably wouldn’t want to work together. This is a fantasy cast, after all.
For an image, follow this link: http://alex-pettyfer.net/photos/displayimage.php?pid=3498#top_display_media
That’s enough of my dreaming. If anyone has read, or is planning to read Call Me Grim and would like to give me your dream cast suggestions, I would love to hear them. Leave them in the comments here, or tweet them to me @eholloway300.
Excellent guest post, Elizabeth. Thanks so much for sharing your dreams!
Call Me Grim by Elizabeth Holloway
Publication date: September 9, 2014
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC.
The truck should have turned Libbi Piper into a Libbi Pancake — and it would have, too, if Aaron hadn’t shown up and saved her life. The problem? Aaron’s the local Grim Reaper… and he only saved Libbi’s life because he needs someone to take over his job. Now, Libbi has two days to choose between dying like she was supposed to, or living a lonely life as Death Incarnate. Talk about a rock and a hard place.
And the choice goes from hard to sucktastic when her best friend shows up marked: condemned as a future murderer. Libbi could have an extra week to stop the murder and fix the mark… but only if she accepts Aaron’s job as Reaper, trapping herself in her crappy town forever, invisible and inaudible to everyone except the newly dead. But, if she refuses? Her best friend is headed straight for Hell.
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Elizabeth Holloway is a registered nurse living in Southern Pennsylvania with her two teen children, Bam-bam the dog, and Tinkerbell the cat. CALL ME GRIM is her first novel.
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This sounds fantastic. Love the cover too.
I agree. Good luck in the giveaway, Mary.
Thanks for hosting Call Me Grim during the blog tour!
My pleasure, Elizabeth. This is right up my alley and it sounds like it was written with a little bit of humor. ^_^