Dragon’s Fire by Emily Martha Sorensen is novella #4 in the ongoing story of Virgil, her baby dragon.
I have never read anything like it and am loving every minute of it.
Cover: Eva Urbanikova
Peekaboo, I see you.
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The Dragon Egg Series by Emily Martha Sorensen is like no dragon story you have ever read and I am loving it. So much fun and creative writing that makes me angry and makes me smile all at the same time.
Rose and Henry were chosen by Virgil. Their ‘arranged marriage’ may be a bit different, but it is working all the same.
Imagine if your child had telepathic powers, knows your thoughts…and you know theirs…for example, they are a predator, so you would see all their ancestors grisly and gory eating habits, along with everything else they did.
Virgil’s favorite toy is a bucket, whirling, spinning and bouncing off walls. I can’t help but laugh every time I picture it. Changing his diaper…no thanks.
When Rose finds out more eggs are hatching, she worries for their future.
We have all the political implications of an intelligent, but non human animal. Is a dragon to have the same rights as a human? Are they to be discriminated against?
I surely want to stay tuned for their ongoing adventure and watch Virgil grow up.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Dragon’s Fire by Emily Martha Sorensen.
4 Stars
When Rose decided to correct an arrogant woman about her wrongheaded belief that dragons were not intelligent, it resulted in an expected complication: now that woman wants a dragon egg of her own.
Hearing the news that two new eggs have awakened, Rose rushes with her dragon son to the museum in hopes of preventing such a catastrophe.
A 14,000 word G-rated new adult fantasy.
Emily is a prolific writer with many titles to choose from. She writes of fairies, dragons, fantasy, science fiction, steampunk, world peach in short stories and flash fiction.
You can find her on Goodreads & Amazon
Sounds so fun. This book sounds familiar. Need to check my Kindle.
It’s a series of novellas and I am having such fun with it. How often do you get to watch a baby dragon grow up?
of this one sounds so cute! I bet my kids would love it!
I think they would too. It’s fun, cute and different from other dragons stories I’ve read.
Wow, this one sounds unique. And what a cute cover!
Very much so and I am lovin’ it. The covers are fab too and I have to give kudos to Eva Urbanikova on a job well done.
Hmm, sounds good. I do love dragon stories.
Definitely worth a look see, Sophia.
Great review. Sounds good.
Thanks, Yvonne. If you are a dragon lover like me, I think this is one you’ll want. Such fun watching Virgil grow. Imagine the terrible twos. LOL
I love dragons!
Me too!
I love when books bring out emotions in me as a reader. Sounds like this one did that for you!
It is so darn cute and makes me wonder too. Is it abuse to treat them differently, seeing they are so intelligent. So much fun ‘learning’ about dragons from the egg on.
This sounds like fun! And hello dragons!
Very much so.