Wordless Wednesday is an opportunity to share your photos or photos you love.
What do you see?
This photo was from last weeks Wordless Wednesday. There were some great guesses at what this was. I saw Santa Claus and now that I look at it, I cropped it a little too much. I forgot his beard. LOL You can hop on over to see what others thought by Clicking Here.
The photo was taken at Niagara Falls on a bitter cold day.
Now for this weeks…
I love clouds and am always seeing something.
What am I?
I’ve seen your picture so I can’t comment. I’d give it away! Such an amazing photo! Forgot to do my post. Will pop it up later.
Thanks Laura. I was a bit late getting mine up too. I was wrong on what I thought yours was, so I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
That photo is amazing. I can see the image so vividly. I wonder if the people in the photo are seeing it?
I missed it the first time I put it in the photo album. Mr Wonderful and I were looking for some cruise shots and it jumped right out at me!
I had no idea what that was!!
LOL I love photography, so I look deeper into things, trying to find more than meets my eye at first glance, especially with clouds and trees. I remember as a child laying on my back in the yard and watching the clouds go back…seeing…
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I see a dragon flying in the sky toward all those innocent bystanders!!
Love last week’s snow picture!
Nice one Taylor. I didn’t see that. They would make a good meal.
The only thing I don’t like about cruising is all the people. No matter how big the ship…
Niagara Falls in the winter is quite the sight to see. I loved going up there off season. Not a lot of people, some great sights…but boy does it get cold by the water. Everything becomes monochrome and adds a feeling as if stepping back in time.