Sherry’s Shelves #56 – Books & Fun

Sherry’s Shelves is my weekly update from October 11 – October 17, 2015.

Happy to have you join me for some books & fun.


Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

Bought, Borrowed & Bagged is hosted by TalkSupe

**all images are linked to Amazon (I am an affiliate)**

**The small amount helps keep my blog running**


Anyone that knows me, knows I cannot resist a good looking book.

I cannot stop myself from one clicking.

How about you?

Is your TBR list a mountain that is out of control?

Join me, as we read through our lists, one book at a time.



Be sure and check for the “0”.

My mother will be returning to home shortly and I am limiting my blogging time, so stop by next week for more freebies.

Be sure and check my Giveaway page for anything that looks good to you.


NEW to fundinmental

I am a huge fan of this amazing parnormal author, Isabella Camilleri. I have read much of her work and was delighted when she sent me the next book in The Blake Legacy series, just because. I love this series and can hardly wait to begin reading.

fractured in time



OMG, if you haven’t heard of this author, you must check him out. I have a giveaway with my review going on right now for one of his books, Wormfood Island. Does that give you a taste of his sense of humor? Weeeeeell, check this one out.

Cookies: Sluts of the Snack World (Fun To Grow On Book 1)

I was so excited when I was approved for a Netgalley copy of Dean Koontz’s Ashley Bell. I am a huge fan of his and own lots of his books, so this is a wonderful addition to my collection. There is also a giveaway on Goodreads, so be sure and check it out.

Ashley Bell

I have read some of Jeff Gunhus’s work and loved it, so I am very excited to add this to my reading list.

The Torment Of Rachel Ames

I am sharing Running Free by K Webster for a tour.  Click on the highlights if you would like a chance to review this fantastic looking doberman novella. I love Dobies and there is no way I would miss this opportunity. How about you?

Running Free (Woodland Creek)



Hope you had some goodies come your way. 😀


LAST WEEKS ON fundinmental

Sherry’s Shelves #55 – Books & Fun

Super Middle Grade Mondays Blitz: Author Spotlight – Steve Bryant with Giveaway #SuperMGMondays

Giveaway: The Ghost Host by DelSheree Gladden

Is there such a thing as a GOOD zombie? Broken Hearted Ghoul by Joyce & Jim Lavene

Teaser Tuesday # 51 – She by Anthony Renfro

Giveaway – Zombie Vacay – Wormfood Island by Ken La Salle

New Release: Glistening Swarm by Jill Cooper

Giveaway & Review: The Corpse with the Diamond Hand @AceCathy

Giveaway & Excerpt for The House at Homecoming Cove by Ginny Baird

Giveaway, Book Trailer & Excerpt for Haunting Me by #Jody A Kessler

Cover Reveal & Giveaway for Running Free by K Webster

M9B Friday Reveal: Author Spotlight – Michael Gibney with Giveaway #M9BFridayReveals


THIS WEEK ON fundinmental

I will be adding more posts, so be sure and stop in so you don’t miss anything.

Sherry’s Shelves

Giveaway, Review, Guest Post & Book Trailer:  The Cypress Trap by JC Gatlin

Giveaway & Review:  Baad Dog by Sal Conte

Giveaway & Teaser:  Diner Knockout by Terri L Austin

Friday 56 & BB


Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

What have you been reading?

Have you any plans for the upcoming week? 😆


To see all my Reviews, go HERE.
To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?

animated smilies photo: animated animated.gifLook on the right sidebar and let’s talk.


Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.

If you have a problem commenting, look for the twitter, facebook…buttons.

Thanks for visiting fundinmental!

Skull and Crossbones (c) Sherry J Fundin