What Does It Mean To Be Human? The Reenchanted by Surit Dasgupta #suritdasgupta #thereenchanted

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Short stories and novellas are harder for me to review than a full length novel. Sometimes, an author doesn’t have time to fully flesh out the story, making it seem as if they are skimming over the details. That is how I felt when I first began The Reenchanted by Surit Dasgupta. It took me a while to figure out what was going on. The good thing is….the more I read, the better the story became.

The Reenchanted by Surit Dasgupta feels like a nice blend of science fiction and apocalytic/dystopian reading. The characters struggle to find out the meaning of life, when they have moments of clarity. Otherwise, they are drugged to become more amenable.

All in all, I was satisfied with the story, especially that last half to third, where the characters were really put to the test. Want a story that takes you outside the norm? Give The Reenchanted by Surit Dasgupta a try.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Reenchanted by Surit Dasgupta.

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3 Stars

The Traveler and Seven are mere spokes in the wheel of a city called Sanctuary. Their lives are uneventful and without conflict, but soon something causes them to start asking questions. Can human beings exist meaningfully in a world without personality? Can a person ever truly be free? What does it mean to dream? What does it even mean to be a human person? These questions do not bode well with the authorities and soon the Traveler and Seven are forced to embark on a journey that will change their lives forever.

  • Genre: Apocalyptic, Dystopian, Metaphysical Science Fiction, Science Fiction
  • 175 pages, Kindle Edition
  • Published December 25, 2022

Surit Dasgupta is a contributing essayist for ANeighborsChoice.com. He has also written on cultural and literary topics for numerous publications such as Foundation for Economic Education and Libertarian Christian Institute. He currently lives in Kolkata, India.

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