$10 GC & Review – The City Of The Magicians: Threat by Peter Gribble @goddessfish

THREAT by Peter Gribble

GENRE:  Fantasy

Amazon / Goodreads

I saw the cover and title and knew I wanted to read The City Of Magicians: Threat by Peter Gribble. I will preface my review by saying, “Sometimes fantasy works for me, other times not so much.”

Threat was a long read, filled with details. Peter Gribble created a complex world. Was it too detailed? I remember trying to read A Game Of Thrones. I quit after the second book. There was too much going on for me and I don’t want it to read like a school book, having to take notes to keep track of the players. Threat wasn’t as bad to me as Game of Thrones, but it still got bogged down at times.

Peter Gribble laid a solid foundation for the series.

I didn’t get lost in the characters, but Sas and Layla would have me reading more so I can find out what happens to them.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The City Of Magicians: Threat by Peter Gribble.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
3 Stars


“A Journey Without Departure” is the traditional term for a telepathic sending. It is a talent few can perform yet this is the strategy the City of the Magicians—non-violent pacifists, without army or weapons—hopes will mitigate the barbarian invasion coming in six months. The plan could work, but then maybe not. Sas, the young man chosen to “educate the barbarian,” can only think, Me? Sendings? They’ve made a mistake!

Lalya, a City librarian searching for her dead lover’s vanished manuscript, is ensnared by a secret society planning to collaborate with the same barbarians. Attempts to extricate herself from the blackmail, double-dealing, seduction and betrayal force her to realize her final treachery could very well destroy her.

Shoan, the Council strategist, is fully aware a shadowy opposition lurks behind the scenes but is stymied how to lure it out into the open. He should remember one of the basic axioms of tactics is, “Methodology is seldom prepared for surprises.”

Both Sas and Lalya are pawns in the strategies of others… yet it only takes a pawn to change the game.

Threat, the first book in The City of the Magicians series, reveals all the preparations for a barbarian arrival, but when strategies collide, will anyone be ready? Will anyone be safe?


“Approach and be attentive!” intoned the priest and priestess choruses. “All existent worlds bubble from the froth and foam, but the loving ocean of the One is the ultimate reality …”

Attentiveness, devoted reflection or his stance of solemn focus which, on less eventful days, disguised the reveries he slipped into … Impossible.

There was no warning this morning’s meeting would be so …

The Council expects me, Sas, to educate the barbarian invasion?

Because of citations for talent under Adjudicator Kesrin? With telepathic sendings? Something’s wrong. Why am I here? The Temple’s not the best place to think. What a quandary! And I’m the solution to it? They’ve made a mistake! Sendings means they expect more than one. From me? I’m no telepath! It makes no sense!

A young priestess moving to the center altar fount drew his eye.

She’s got the good voice but never recites anything interesting from the Liturgia. To think I might’ve been stuck up there, a lector reciting to the assembled … the Family wanted it; Adjudicators expected it. Competition with Sirna demanded it. Could’ve had any position in the Bureautica but, thank the One, never that! But educating barbarians with sendings?

AUTHOR Bio and Links

Peter Gribble studied art at Sheridan and psychology at U of T. He has written for NUVO and other publications in British Columbia, including gardening columns for two journals for over ten years.

To find out more about Peter’s exciting book series visit www.petergribble.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20904184.Peter_Gribble

Get “The City of Magicians Book Series” on Amazon!

Threat: https://www.amazon.com/Threat-City-Magicians-Book-1-ebook/dp/B08NTQ69Q7/ref=sr_1_2

Within: https://www.amazon.com/Within-Peter-Gribble-ebook/dp/B09RLZP7DV/ref=sr_1_2

Quickening: https://www.amazon.com/Quickening-Peter-Gribble-ebook/dp/B0CZVW2XL3/ref=sr_1_1

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