Sherry’s Shelves 8.18 – 8.24.24 #weeklyupdate #stackingtheshelves #thesundaypost #thesundaysalon

Hi Everyone. Hope you had a good week. Mine was pretty quiet, because I have binge reading. I want to get all my September review books read and the reviews written. I find it so hard to say no to anyone, because there are so many great books coming my way. I have gotten pretty good at picking books and authors that are a good fit for me. That doesn’t stop me from stepping outside my comfort zone now and again. How about you?

  • Sherry’s Shelves
  • Giveaway – In The Event Of Murder by Cynthia Kuhn
  • $50 GC – Pulse by B A Bellec
  • $20 GC – The Cadieux Murders by R J Koreto
  • Review – Covert Risk by Jane Blythe
  • Review – Fantasmagoria by Eric J Guignard
  • Giveaway – The Summer Of Love And Death by Mary McCreary
  • $20 GC & Review – Proven Innocence by Mary J Rocco
  • Giveaway – The Poseidon Project by E William Pedochil
  • Tackling The TBR
  • You can see my Giveaways HERE.
  • You can see my Reviews HERE.
  • If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?
  • Look on the right sidebar and let’ talk.
  • Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.
  • I am an Amazon affiliate/product images are linked.
  • Thanks for visiting fundinmental!