I fell in love with Lord Hades – Seduced by M C Frank @mcfrank_author

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I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT SEDUCED by M C Frank. The beautiful cover, because of the butterfly, makes me think of my mother. She loves butterflies. The title made me think there would be some hot lovin’, but the seduction was so much different than I thought it would be and I am always up for something different, when it works well. The blurb, I want to read anything about the Lord of Hell. It made me think of Lucifer, the TV series. It was the same….but different and I read until the early hours of the morning because I had to know how it would end.

The cruelty of Poppy’s hypocritical, vicar brother is beyond comprehension. He has browbeat Poppy to submission, to believing that she is undeserving…of anything good in her life.

I love the part about Poppy’s period. I don’t often read a novel where it goes into that much detail and Hades reaction was sweet.

I love when Poppy says, “You do realize that I am right here.” There was a time when she would never have commented, where she felt that anything she had to say was worthless.

It was fabulous watching all the characters grow and change, becoming more than they were before Poppy came into their lives and how they affected Poppy herself, allowing her to become the person she was meant to be.

Of course, if we have Hades, we need God to make an appearance, at least in thought.

The only downside to the story was the ending, which had me urging Hades and Wilder to dig faster, seemed rushed and we don’t find out what happened to Nicholas. But, hey, that’s a story for another day.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Seduced by M C Frank.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
5 Stars

Poppy and Lord Hades

Lord Hades owns a gaming hell that sprawls underneath the city of London like the underworld. It is no the Hell Club is notorious all over Europe. Peers and millionaires travel from Vienna and Paris to enjoy the Turkish baths or play cards with the great political leaders of other countries.

Money and power exchange hands nightly underneath the sparkling ballrooms and gentlemen’s clubs, and no one knows. Until Hades discovers a boy sent to spy on him. But the boy is not a boy.

And she will pay.

Seduced is a dark and sparkling romantic story inspired by Greek myths, folklore and fairytales, as well as by the glittering world and the roguish gentlemen of Regency London.

It might look like a quick, fun read, but don’t be this story is going to break your heart into a million pieces.

Information on this

Seduced, a dark Regency romance retelling of Hades and Persephone is part of the Retold fairytale retellings collection. It is the third of the three stories included in that book, but here you can read the story by itself. It is a shorter book and a standalone. It is being published separately due to popular demand.

If you prefer, you can find Seduced as well as two more dark fairytale retellings included in one volume Retold.

*Important This book has already been published as part of the A Regency Fairytale Retellings Collection (Rakes and Ruin) book. This is a separate sole book release of the same book that is included in that collection, with no changes.

  • Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Fiction, Retellings, Romance
  • 315 pages, Kindle Edition
  • Published June 1, 2024
  • Series: Rakes and Ruin, #2

Welcome to the world of M.C. FRANK’s books, where characters aren’t going to have an easy time of it: They will find themselves in icy-cold dystopian worlds where kissing is forbidden (among other things), or in green forests ruled by evil Sheriffs. If they’re in Jane Austen’s England, they have to be running away from a traumatic childhood, or if they are in our contemporary world, they’re scared they’ll die before they have finished high school. That sort of thing.
Don’t worry, though, she knows we all need a little hope and joy in our lives, so there’s a good dose of those as well in everything she writes.
M.C. Frank (writer, reader, designer, physicist and teacher, to name a few) has been living in a world of stories ever since she can remember (that’s before she knew how to write). She started writing them down when she could no longer stand the characters in her head screaming at her to give them life, and while those first scribblings weren’t exactly good (nor were they books, although she insisted on calling them that), they were enough for her to discover her passion in life.
She got her university degree in physics a few years ago (yes, she’s like Sheldon, only a bit crazier!) and is now free to pursue her love of reading and writing, as well her free-lance job as editor-in-chief. She lives with her ‘dude’ in a home filled with candles, laptops and notebooks, where she rearranges her overflowing bookshelves every time she feels stressed.
Which is often, since (as you might have noticed) she doesn’t pick the easiest subjects for her novels.
Learn more about her and her New Adult, Young Adult, scifi, Greek mythology and historical novels at mcfrankauthor.com

Website: mcfrankauthor.com

Twitter: @mcfrank_author

Instagram: @mcfrank_author

Tumblr: @litlereddoll

Facebook Page: M.C. Frank

Goodreads: M.C. Frank

Youtube: M.C. Frank

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$20 GC – The Secret Truth by Barry Finlay @Karver2 @goddessfish


GENRE:  Mystery


Retired investigative journalist Jake Scott narrowly avoids a collision with a speeding car on his way to a Bed and Breakfast where he plans to spend the night. Moments before his arrival, the peaceful atmosphere at the B&B is shattered by a devastating explosion, claiming the lives of five guests. While authorities initially chalk it up to a tragic gas leak, seasoned homicide detective Dani Perez can’t shake her suspicions. Given her overloaded schedule, she enlists Jake’s expertise to delve into the backgrounds of the deceased. As Jake pursues the investigation, he unearths a web of secrets hinting at a darker truth lurking beneath the surface of the seemingly idyllic B&B.


The sound of a car engine starting in the distance interrupted the calm of the night. Warm rubber on pavement chirped as the car pulled away. A dog barked at the sudden sound. Oblivious to the revving engine, Jake jaywalked to the other side of the street about halfway down the block at exactly the time the car careened around the corner. The headlights bounced off the corner house and veered in Jake’s direction. A giant spotlight might as well have turned on him. For a split second, Jake stopped in mid-stride, staring wide-eyed and open-mouthed as the two brilliant headlights bore down on him at lightning speed.

Only instinct saved him. He leaped for the grassy area bordering the street as the car roared past, its engine screaming. Jake swore the driver’s front corner bumper grazed the heel of his shoe an instant before his body thudded on the unforgiving ground. First, his knees, followed by his arms, and then his face completed the maneuver. The gym bag he launched during his dive landed with a dull smack on the sidewalk.

Jake turned his head to watch the car from his prone position, but all he could tell as the vehicle raced around the corner at the end of the block was that it was big and dark. For a second, streetlights glinted off the wheel disks and reflected off the passenger side windows. Then it disappeared. He moaned and, without moving his extended arm, raised his middle finger in the general direction of the car’s path. While the car and its driver had vanished, the gesture gave him a measure of satisfaction.

AUTHOR Bio and Links

Barry Finlay is the award-winning author of the travel adventure, Kilimanjaro and Beyond – A Life-Changing Journey (with his son Chris), the Amazon bestselling travel memoir, I Guess We Missed The Boat, the inspirational Just Keep Climbing, and five Amazon bestselling and award-winning thrillers comprising The Marcie Kane Thriller Collection: The Vanishing Wife, A Perilous Question, Remote Access, Never So Alone, and The Burden of Darkness. His new Jake Scott Mystery Series debuted with Searching ForTruth and The Guardians of Truth. He is now following that up with The Secret Truth. Barry was featured in the 2012-13 Authors Show’s edition of “50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading.” He is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee medal for his fundraising efforts to help kids in Tanzania, Africa. Barry lives with his wife Evelyn in Ottawa, Canada.

Author Website: www.barry-finlay.com

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorBarryFinlay

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karver2

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