$10 GC & Review – Crossing Day by William A Glass @goddessfish

CROSSING DAY by William A. Glass

GENRE:  Young Adult/Alternate History

Crossing Day is a thought provoking novel that I think is a warning to us. It seems Germany won the war, as did the Confederacy. They work together against the United States in the North. Slavery is still alive and well, as are the Nazis (written with sarcasm).

Crossing Day is about a group of kids that want to right an injustice, when a slave they like is bought by a bully’s father. They may have different lives from each other, but they all want to be free. Free from the heavy arm of Nazism and slavery in the Confederacy.

When I first began reading, I was confused about what the Germans had to do with the Confederacy and slavery and why they were over here. I would have liked to read more about that to clarify the situation. I think, the Confederacy thinks they seceded from the union, but they only put themselves in a worse situation with Germany running the show.

I love the group of kids that refuse to bow down and accept their fate, escaping to the North. They only thing is, they have to get through the unoccupied zone, which is not unoccupied. Those that used to live there came back and it has become the Wild West. Slavery is still practiced. The group learned to walk in someone else’s shoes. They are so close to freedom they can see it. They just have to cross the river to get to it.

I first became interested in alternate history books when my father in law started reading them. He was quite the history buff and I used to read a lot about WWII and the Vietnam War, when I was younger. To see it from a different angle can make us realize how fragile democracy is. I mean, just look at current events.

I do love books that get my brain working and Crossing Day did that in a big way. I might have to check out more of William A Glass’ novels.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Crossing Day by William A Glass.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


It’s been one hundred and sixty years since the Confederacy won its independence at the Battle of Altamaha Crossing. Slaves of African descent still perform most of the work in the South. This seems normal to Ryan Walters and his friends who attend high school in Huntsville, Alabama. Like teens everywhere, they enjoy sharing videos, playing sports, and hanging out with friends. Jaybird’s drive-in is their favorite gathering place. There, they befriend Mish, a slave girl who works as a car hop. When the drive-in’s owner sells Mish to a dirty old man, Ryan and his friends awaken to the injustice around them. Despite the danger, they decide to help Mish escape. Will they succeed?


Melanie wanders into the dining room and finds her parents already seated at the table with their personal slaves standing behind them. Her mother, Dorothy, takes a sip of orange juice and replaces the glass on the lace tablecloth. Her servant, Natty, immediately gets a pitcher from the sideboard and refills the glass. Meanwhile, James is smiling at Melanie. “Morning, Miss,” he says. The white-haired Black man pulls out her chair. Once she’s seated, he spreads a cloth napkin over her lap.

“What was all the ruckus at Jaybird’s last night?” Dan Montgomery asks. He’s the mayor of Huntsville and knows everything.

“A German boy started it,” Melanie says defensively.

“Yes, and his father already called me to complain. He’s a big wheel at The Space Flight Complex.”


Montgomery points to the syrup. His slave, Parker, reaches for it and then pours. “Enough,” Montgomery snaps. He turns back to Melanie. “You and all the others will have a week of detention.”

Melanie gasps. “What about cheerleading practice?”

“You should have thought of that before you went to the drive-in. That’s where all the delinquents hang out and you with them.”

“I won’t go anymore. Please.” Melanie bats her baby blues at her father. His expression melts. “Go to detention after school today, and maybe we’ll see about tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

Montgomery cuts off a bite of pancake and pops it into his mouth. That reminds Melanie to eat as well. It’s almost time for the bus.

AUTHOR Bio and Links

Bill is a retired business executive who now lives in a small southern town with his wife, Bettina. She’s a retired high school German teacher. Bill coaches soccer at a small college. Often, Bettina, who has a commercial driver’s license, pilots the soccer team bus to away games.

Bettina and Bill have three sons, Alex, Robert, and Gordon who have all graduated from college and moved away to pursue careers. Instead of having an empty nest, Bettina and Bill now host three rescue dogs. They enjoy finding promising hiking trails to explore with their dogs.

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/william.glass.50767
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/williamasaglass
  • Twitter:  https://twitter.com/WilliamAGlass3
  • LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-glass-1281609/
  • Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20170818.William_A_Glass
  • LibraryThing:  https://www.librarything.com/profile/Glaswa4611
  • Amazon: https://amzn.to/3Y6B12G
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Giveaway – Undercover Babymoon by Karina Bartow @dollycas @KarinaBartow

 Undercover Babymoon (Unde(a)Feated Detective)
by Karina Bartow

About Undercover Babymoon

Undercover Babymoon (Unde(a)Feated Detective)
Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
Setting – Orlando FL/Caribbean Cruise
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Wild Rose Press (September 11, 2024)
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 246 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1509257616
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1509257614
Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D8L6GQ98

Most mothers-to-be spend their pregnancy leafing through baby names and shopping for nursery furniture. Minka Avery spends hers trying to hunt down a murderer on the open seas.

Minka’s promotion to Orlando PD’s homicide department has some bumps at first, including her growing baby bump. Just as she and her partner begin to hit their stride, Logan Baris’s suspicious death baffles them. The investigation leads the detectives to believe he had a hand in a shady operation, but the cruise ship worker’s troubles seem to voyage into the ocean blues with him.

After they meet up with some dead ends on land, Minka convinces her partner and his wife to join her and her husband to embark on a covert investigation on the ship. Will they be able to uncover whatever scheme is underway on the vessel? Or will the choppy waves of personal drama make it run ashore?

About Karina Bartow

Karina Bartow grew up and still lives in Northern Ohio.  Though born with Cerebral Palsy, she’s never allowed her disability to define her.  Rather, she’s used her experiences to breathe life into characters who have physical limitations, but like her, are determined not to let them stand in the way of the life they want.  Her works include

 Husband in Hiding, Forgetting My Way Back to You, Brother of Interest, Wrong Line, Right Connection, and Accidental Allies.  She may only be able to type with one hand, but she writes with her whole heart!

Author Links

Purchase Links – Amazon  


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