Welcome to my stop for Aria Glazki’s new release, Mending Heartstrings.
The cover hints at the story inside.
I must apologize to Aria.
I have finished reading Mending Heartstrings, but my review is not ready.
It will be coming soon, so keep in touch.
Kane’s a country singer who’s tangled with too many deceitful women. He’s learned his lesson: girls are for flirting and fun; emotions are for his music. But after spending a night with an earnest woman unlike any he’s known, he can’t force her out of his mind. So he goes in search of the woman he knows only as “Elle.”
On her last night in Nashville, the staunchly pragmatic Sabella found herself in a situation more suited to a romance novel than reality. Swept away, she ignored her rigidly self-imposed rules, succumbing to the fantasy just this once. But she knows real-world relationships have nothing in common with their fictionalized portrayals. When Kane unexpectedly shows up at her Portland apartment, she must choose between the practical truths she has learned and the desire for a passionate love she has struggled to suppress.
Despite the distance, Kane’s tour schedule, and their meddling friends, both are drawn to the chance for a romance neither quite believes is possible.
Aria’s writing story started when her seventh-grade English teacher encouraged her to submit a class assignment for publication. That piece was printed, and let’s just say, she was hooked!
Since then, Aria has run a literary magazine, earned her degree in Creative Writing (as well as in French and Russian literatures), and been published in a few collections. Though her first kiss technically came from a bear cub, and no fairytale transformation followed, Aria still believes magic can happen when the right people come together – if they don’t get in their own way, that is.
Other than all things literary, Aria loves spending time with her family, including her two unbearably adorable nieces. She also dabbles in painting, dancing, playing violin, and, given the opportunity, Epicureanism.
Website: AriaGlazki.blogspot.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/Aria.Glazki
Twitter: @AriaGlazki
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/AriaGlazki
Grand Prize: Tote bag, magnet, key chain, small notebook, autographed trading card & ebook of Mending Heartstrings.
Mini Prize Pack: magnet, key chain, big notebook, autographed trading card & ebook of Mending Heartstrings.
Thanks so much for participating in the tour, Sherry! Know you’ve finished reading, I’m even more anxious to hear what you thought..!
Knowing** — woops
I will tell very soon. Mr Wonderful has been on vacation since Thanksgiving week, but he does have to work a couple of days next week, so I will be diligently writing and scheduling reviews. Yours will be the first!
Aww, that’s great that you’ve had a chance to spend so much time together!
Thanks Aria. It does cut into my blogging and reading time, but we have been running all over the beaches and golf courses. We have been having some wonderful weather! Sunny and 70s today. Hope all is well in your neck of the world.
Oh my gosh, I saw!! With all your awesome photos — looks like you guys are having a blast! As you should
Hope you are having a great weekend and you enjoy your holidays!
This is outside your usual genre. I’m curious how you feel about this one.
Where are you? I’ve called and you aren’t answering. Is everything okay? Call me!!!!
Yes, it is and I will tell you what I think very shortly, like next week. Mr. Wonderful has been home forever – LOL – and you know what that means. I know you are working now or I would call you. I will be in touch shortly.