I posted this during a tour a while back, but since then, a book trailer has come out. I also, forgot to add it to my reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. So, take a look, check out the book and if you like, pick up a copy for yourself at the end of the post.
George D Shuman
From George D. Shuman who served twenty years with the Metropolitan Police Department, Washington DC, and whose international bestseller, ’18 Seconds’, is currently in production as a major Hollywood motion picture.
Better still, ‘Rattleman’ is George D. Shuman’s most gripping crime thriller yet.
The Rattleman knows every crevice, every creek, every cave, every ravine, every inch of his remote hunting grounds in the Appalachian Mountains.
He is a determined serial killer, always waiting for his next victim to cross his path.
When Park Ranger Jane Cameron literally stumbles across the remains of two of his victims, she discovers that she too has been caught in his trap.
And when the ‘Rattleman’s prey is at his mercy, she’s dead.
Kirsten, a state police corporal and senior forensic technician, arrived to examine the woman’s head. It was all that was found on the edge of the icy river. It looked like it had been cut clean, but it could have been the ice that cut it. It was sent off to the lab to find out more.
As Marty sat at the General Store, talking with Hattie, he recalled another woman had disappeared not that far from here. He put in a request for the report. When it arrived, he found, she too, had five ear hole piercings. Were there more similarities?
Jane Cameron knew she wasn’t supposed to go off on her own, but it was too late to seek help and make it back by tonight. The girl was missing and a night could make a difference. What she found in the cave, made her realize she could be next. The next sound she hears tells her it is already too late.
One of their own was down and Marty would stop at nothing to find the killer.
Over a 15 year period, on Blood Mountain and the Appalachian Trail, too many women were coming up missing. It now involved Georgia, West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. What was happening to them? Was there a serial killer loose? The newspapers thought so and the Atlanta Constitution named him the Mountain State Butcher.
DEA agent Judy Wells had been given her first real case since coming back to work, after loosing her baby to SIDs and her husband walking out on her. She was meeting an informant in the Latora Crime family. It was one of the biggest cases in the city and she was anxious about her part in the investigation.
Judy had come back from a living hell, but was still having trouble. When she failed her qualification at the piston range, she had real cause for worry. The next time she was scheduled to qualify, she pretended to have the flu, but she could only put it off for so long. If she couldn’t shoot, she would lose her job, and her job was all she had left.
Jimmy Latora, Sr had died and his son had taken over, but he had no respect from the ranks. The informant was a Lieutenant in the Latora crime family. Carlisle, Jimmy’s son, had pissed him off, so he turned rat.
When the plane that was carrying the contraband crashed, Judy was sent to check it out.
Would it end up being the best thing that ever happened to her, or would it be her final downfall?
4 STARS – Would Highly Recommend To Others
“God thinks I’m a cat. He likes to dangle things in front of me and then snatch them out of my reach.” I just had to put that in my review, because it made me bust out laughing when I read it.
The cover is awesome and creates an aura of mystery. The title, Rattleman, is very appropriate, and you will find out why when you read the book.
I love murder mysteries and find serial killers especially fascinating.
It is suspenseful and very well written, but something kept me from rating it higher. It lacked the WOW factor for me. It could have been longer and developed more of the story, gone deeper into details. I still loved the book and am happy to have it in my Kindle collection.
Marty seemed like a great guy, but living in the sticks is not for everyone. His fiance left him for someone else and moved to the big city. He liked his job and did it well.
Judy Wells was a tragic figure. If something in her life could go wrong, it would. Her husband had left her for someone else, shortly after their baby died from SIDS. She just couldn’t seem to get over it. When it affected her job, it put her life as a police woman in jeopardy. She would lose her job if she couldn’t pass her shooting qualifications.
The Rattleman was a psychotic killer that had no remorse and no intention of stopping. His victims were chosen because of them being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. He could travel freely, because no one missed him when he wasn’t there and he knew the woods like the back of his hand. There was only one way to stop him, and that was by catching or killing him.
I enjoyed the book, and would definitely pick up another one written by George D. Shuman.
I received this book in return for an honest and unbiased review.
About George D. Shuman George Shuman is the international bestsellingauthor of the Sherry Moore series about a blind woman who can see 18 seconds from a dead person’s life, using her innate ability to track down their killers.
George’s first four Sherry Moore books are published by Simon & Schuster. ‘!8 Seconds’ is currently in production for a major Hollywood motion picture.
‘Rattleman’ is the first of George’s books to be published by Taylor Street. It too will be a major Hollywood motion picture.
George D. Shuman is offering for the Giveaway 1 (one) ebook to a lucky commenter. International. Easy entry as always, just leave your email address and answer the question:
What do you think about vigilantes? Would you want revenge if a family member were murdered?
Giveaway will end 3/4/2013.
To see all my Reviews, click HERE.
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I would want revenge but would probably see what law enforcement did first.
This book sounds awesome. Great review, as usual Sherry.
I see a tree:) lol
Thanks Laura. LOL
Awesome Review Sherry!!! I would be fuming mad but police should get them. If not… in Southern Indiana we used to say… I’m opening a can of whoop ass on them!!!! Haha! No really it’s tough but I would have the urge to vigilante up, so to speak! Lots of love, Emily
Thanks, Emily. I know that would be the first thing to go through my mind. I have watched Charles Bronson in the Death Wish Movies a bazillion times. Whether I could really do it, I don’t know – but whooping ass sounds like a great idea. .
Emily The Light-Bearer!!! You’d be picking up the sword of justice:)
Girl, you crack me up. I’ll be looking for Emily’s response. LOL
Just stopping by to say hello and thanks for having me:)
George D Shuman
Very happy to. I loved the book and look forward to reading more of your work. I really do appreciate you stopping by. I wish you continued success.
hmm…Revenge on a murderer that killed my family member. Well, first of all, the Bible tells us an eye for an eye, right? But it also tells us killing is a sin. So it is practically a catch 22 here. I would definitely not hunt down the murderer and kill them myself…but I would see that justice was served, and not a lifetime in prison either. An EYE for an EYE!?!
Hmmm that is a tough one. I think I could handle letting the police take care of it for everyone except my son as he is my everything. I’m a single parent and I do not want to know what I’d do if something happened to him. I know Justice is blind and sometimes the bad guys do not get it here on earth, but I’m sure God will take care of them and they will get their just desserts
Cassandra closkot@hotmail.com
I do like that saying, what goes around comes around – along with the other cliches. I guess there are repeated so much, because there must be some truth to them. Thanks for sharing.
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