By Design Series by J Boykin Baker #JBoykinBaker @CaffeinatedPR


The By Design series written by J Boykin Baker and narrated by Hallie Ricardo, offers a sweet, southern romance sharing the ups and downs of Anne and Brad’s relationship that is guaranteed to warm your heart. Check out the audiobooks, listen to a sound bite and check out one of the recipes you’ll find in the stories

By Design Audiobook Series

Anne is a young, Southern professional with just the right connections and a privileged point of view. Confident in her innate value, she has complete faith in her power to control her own future. After all, even with the challenges that come with working at a high-profile interior design firm located in the heart of Atlanta, she knows exactly where she’s headed. What she doesn’t expect is Dr. Brad Young, Jr. Sparks immediately fly between the handsome young doctor and Anne when she’s assigned to troubleshoot for his surgical practice, but chemistry can only get you so far. As their relationship develops, so too does a burgeoning conflict and confusion over the uncommon roles their mothers play in their lives. Over the course of an emotional weekend and the exposure of a secret lurking in his past, Brad is forced to make a life-changing adjustment as Anne discovers the devastating betrayal of a trusted plan. By Design is an emotional romance guaranteed to warm the hearts of anyone who has ever experienced the breathtaking intensity of new love.
Anne and Brad’s love for one another continues to blossom in By Design II. The young Southern designer inspires a depth of new emotions in the handsome doctor as he finds her love for everyone in her path a magnetic force he cannot resist. But . . . can he overcome his frustrations with her independent ways? Anne on the other hand, finds Brad’s loving attentions and boyish Southern charm irresistible as she takes on the challenge of his somewhat spoiled nature. One has to ask . . . will their life together withstand professional demands, daily challenges and the possibility of trust issues as they see their worlds so differently? By Design II: Matters of the Heart will resonate soundly with the majority of readers who find it challenging to balance life in the turmoil of our modern culture. But take heart, it may just be possible!
The third and last novel of the By Design trilogy continues the journey of Anne and Brad as they make their way through the many complications, heartaches, and joys of life. Inevitably, they begin to think of their own mortality as the years move forward. Anne thinks of her mother a lot these days. Even though Gretchen’s life had ended way too soon, she had managed to pre­pare her daughter well-she left a legacy to be envied. Now, after so many years, that legacy has the daunting task of seeing Anne through. Will life be gentle with Anne? Or will it present a costly bill? Her mother’s promise from so long may be her only hope.
Audible | iTunes 

About the Author

J Boykin Baker grew up in the small town of Wilson, North Carolina. She knew from the age of seven, after seeing the old movie “Pillow Talk,” that the only career for her was interior design. After college, marriage, and babies, her dream of being an interior designer came true with the start of her own design firm in Atlanta, Georgia. As timing would have it, she just happened to be in the right place – at the right time – with the right look and ended up designing hospitals, corporate offices, and high-end residential projects across the nation. During her years as President of Baker Interiors, Inc. she had the privilege of working with countless women. Due to a caring nature, she was led to mentor young women through familiar struggles of a recurring nature. Eventually, she carried her love for women and children even further when she founded a non-profit, Widow’s Mite Experience, Inc, to provide emergency water relief for families in the United States and around the world. With the help of hundreds of women volunteers, this ministry is now active in 32 countries.

By Design shares some delicious southern recipes that play a part in this charming southern story. Estelle’s Tea Cakes are ones we hope you enjoy.

Estelle’s Tea Cakes


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6 thoughts on “By Design Series by J Boykin Baker #JBoykinBaker @CaffeinatedPR

    • something good to read and something good to eat while you’re doing it. that’s the southern way. 🙂

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