Stormriders are coming in The Storm Below by JMD Reid @zachjvo #audiobookwormpromotions

Author: JMD Reid

Narrator: Zachary Johnson

Length: 112 hours 31 minutes

Series: The Storm Below, Books 1-5

Publisher: Dreaming Between Worlds Publishing LLC

Producer: Audiobook Empire

Released: Jan. 12, 2022

Genre: Epic Fantasy

The Stormriders approach, certain to leave death and destruction in their wake. Can one young man find a way to defeat them? Ten years after his father’s death, the memory of the attack still haunts 19-year-old Ary. On the eve of the draft, he faces his greatest fear: being sent to join the marines. He knows the cost of war. Ary dreams of marrying his childhood sweetheart, building a farm, and starting a family. But the Stormriders threat of war puts his loved ones and his plans in jeopardy. Wishing for peace won’t make it true. For love, for his people, and for the life he desires, Ary makes a decision that will change everything. Thus begins The Storm Below. This bundle contains the complete Storm Below Saga – that’s five audiobooks of epic fantasy! Listen to:
  • Above the Storm
  • Reavers of the Tempest
  • Storm of Tears
  • Golden Darkness Descends
  • Shattered Sunlight
The Storm Below is a beautifully creative fantasy epic. Action-packed, dark, and intense, this fantasy series features characters you are certain to love…and others you will love to hate.

J.M.D. Reid has been a long-time fan of Fantasy ever since he read The Hobbit way back in the fourth grade. His head has always been filled with fantastical tales, and he is eager to share the worlds dwelling in his dreams with you. Reid is long-time resident of the Pacific Northwest in and around the City of Tacoma. The rainy, gloomy atmosphere of Western Washington, combined with the natural beauty of the evergreen forests and the looming Mount Rainier, provides the perfect climate to brew creative worlds and exciting stories! When he’s not writing, Reid enjoys playing video games, playing D&D and listening to amazing music.
Lover of mathematics, devourer of science fiction, and connoisseur of the dad joke. When he’s not doing math for business or fun, he’s devouring science fiction and fantasy, reading up on scientific advancements, going for a jog, or, on all too rare occasions, taking a refreshing swim at the beach. At your service, you shall have an able storyteller and gifted conveyor of information. Experienced in narrating fiction, from the romantic to the post-apocalyptic, and nonfiction, from the historical to the corporate, and armed with the tools to make it all sound great, Zachary promises that, no matter the job, you’ll be read-iculously pleased!
At Audiobook Empire, audio reigns supreme, narrators are hailed as heroes, and headphones are worn with pride. Marrying pomp and circumstance with quality you can count on, Audiobook Empire is a full-service production house that produces and promotes audiobooks with gusto. Give your audiobook the imperial treatment by producing it with Audiobook Empire.
Q&A with Author J.M.D. Reid
  1. Tell us about the process of turning your book into an audiobook.
    1. I had been thinking about it for a while, wanting to do it, but it’s a daunting process with an epic fantasy series with books as long as this. It was always on the back burner then one day Zach contacted me. He had found my book on Amazon and was very interested in narrating it.
  2. I listened to his samples and found he had a great voice for narrating epic fantasy.
    1. We did some back and forth, and the first hurdle I had to cross: how were my strange fantasy names pronounced. There are some nonhuman ones that I don’t know how Zach managed to say, but he did.
    2. After putting together the pronunciation guide, the final stage was listening to him voice my characters and making sure we were on the same page. Then it was off to the races.
  3. Do you believe certain types of writing translate better into audiobook format?
    1. I think writing that’s very descriptive and has lots of dialogue is probably best for audiobooks.
  4. Was a possible audiobook recording something you were conscious of while writing?
    1. It was not even in the back of my mind. I loved audiobooks, but the idea that a self-published author could do it was never anything I imagined was an option.
  5. How did you select your narrator?
    1. He found me and after hearing his voice, I was thrilled to work with him.
  6. How closely did you work with your narrator before and during the recording process? Did you give them any pronunciation tips or special insight into the characters?
    1. I gave him a pronunciation guide since there are some interesting names. And a brief character trait. He found my description of one character “is a tool” to be helpful.
  7. Were there any real life inspirations behind your writing?
    1. Yeah. I was really inspired by the Age of Discovery sailing ships but threw them up in the air. Especially the British Royal Navy. You see that in the red coats of the marines and the dark-blue coats of the officers.
  8. How do you manage to avoid burn-out? What do you do to maintain your enthusiasm for writing?
    1. I work on multiple projects at once so I never feel like I work on one project too much in a day. I feel that keeps me fresh. As for enthusiasm, I love writing. It’s so much fun. The editing and marketing sucks, but the writing is a joy.
  9. Are you an audiobook listener? What about the audiobook format appeals to you?
    1. I am. It started back fifteen or more years. I delivered pizzas in my twenties. And audiobooks let me listen to a story while delivering pizzas. I used to by the CD packs and just picked up new ones from half-price books whenever I could. It’s nice to listen to a story while working on other things.
  10. How did you celebrate after finishing this novel?
    1. I tend to just feel a rush of a high finishing a novel and just sort of walk around. Not much celebrating but feeling the emotional rush of this.
  11. In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of writing a stand-alone novel vs. writing a series?
    1. A stand-alone novel is something I’m not sure I can write. I want to keep telling stories about my character. To tell big stories that one novel can’t contain. A stand-alone novel can be very focused on one idea while a series can let you really explore a world. I write fantasy, and while there are some good stand-alone novels, I think the medium lends itself to series to explore a created world.
  12. What bits of advice would you give to aspiring authors?
    1. Read every day. Write every day. You have to develop your craft.
  13. What’s next for you?
    1. Shadow of the Dragon is an epic fantasy series I’m working on. It’s about a young girl who gets the soul of an extinct dragon put in her, a young man trying to be a hero and protect her, and a dark conspiracy that hunts her across the world.
Author J.M.D. Reid’s Top 10 Literary Inspirations
There are a number of works that have influenced me. They have left their marks on my writing and my choice of stories. How I tackle stories and what I inspire to write.
  1. JRR Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings
    1. Here is where it all began. My love of fantasy came from reading Lord of the Rings. I had started with the Hobbit in the fourth grade, but it wasn’t until the sixth grade when my uncle gave me a hardback box set of Lord of the Rings for Christmas. I loved it. I fell in love with fantasy.
    2. From there, I descended into more fantasy. David Eddings, Terry Brooks, Ann McCaffery, and more.
    3. Tolkien has so much world-building and history to his world. He speaks of such elemental issues and gives an insight into the ideas and philosophies of more ancient men. And at its core, there are some great characters that pull us along.
  2. Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time
    1. Jordan has the biggest influence on my writing style. Back in 1993, I received Eye of the World from my mother as a Christmas gift. I read this book, and this series quickly captured my imagination. I read books 2, 3, 4, and 5. And that was when I became obsessed with it. I spent my Junior High, High School, and my twenties waiting on the next book, reading fan theories, debating the foreshadowing in his books.
    2. The way Jordan uses foretellings and prophecy as well as how he blends our mythologies to make his own coherent world. He uses elemental symbology to tell his story that only adds to how compelling it is.
    3. I also learned some lessons about controlling your characters and plots from the mistakes Jordan made in his later books. It is a shame he died before finishing his series.
  3. David Eddings’ The Belgariad/The Mallorean
    1. After Tolkien, I read Eddings. I had just moved, was in the sixth grade, and had no friends. My mom bought me a book to read. Pawn of Prophecy. She had been given it as a recommendation by the Waldonbook employee.
    2. I fell in love with it. This is the perfect book for a boy. A coming of age story and an epic fantasy quest. What I really love is the dialogue. Eddings has great banter and back and forth between enemies and allies. I try to write dialogue like him.
  4. R. Scott Bakker’s The Prince of Nothing/The Aspect-Emperor
    1. I have never read anything like R. Scott Bakker’s Second Apocalypse metaseries which consists of The Prince of Nothing and The Aspect-Emperor series. It is a grimdark fantasy that has worked philosophy into the world-building and the magic system.
    2. The way he weaves his philosophy into all his characters to tell his story is brilliant. It’s not for the faint of heart. This series does not shy from the darkness that lurks in all of us. His characters are flawed and real in ways that few fantasy series are. The influences of Tolkein are all over the series, but Bakker has made it his own
    3. I try to write characters half as complex as his.
  5. Steven Erikson’s Malazan Book of the Fallen
    1. Erikson’s Malazan Book of the Fallen might have the most extensive world-building of any series. As an archeologist, he understands how civilizations pile on and on each other and use it to make every bit of his world is steeped in history.
    2. On top of that, he has great humor and a sarcastic take on the world. He has created a world that exists beyond the pages. There are things going on that have nothing to do with the grander threat of the Crippled God that threatens the world.
    3. I want to build worlds as big as this and to feel like they breathe beyond the bounds of the story.
  6. Frank Herbert’s Dune
    1. Dune is a book that has stayed with me. I’ve read the others in the series, and while good, they are not as great as the beginning. Great villains and heroes and some wonderful world-building. But what I love is his names. He just gives some piece of tech a name and rarely gives more description than that. But the name is all you need to understand it.
    2. I love that sparseness of his.
  7. Brandon Sanderson’s The Stormlight Archive
    1. I like Brandon Sanderson a lot, but his magic systems are what I find amazing. Not just how they work, but how they fit into the world. How it affects it. How it is integrated into the way civilization works. It has rules, and he finds clever ways to bend those rules or to use them in ways you didn’t think.
  8. Walter M. Miller, Jr’s The Canticle of Leibowitz
    1. A haunting book about preserving knowledge. About how the importance of knowledge must be maintained or we are truly lost as a species. I find this theme to be powerful. To be something worth fighting for.
  9. Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan Books
    1. A weird choice, I’m sure, but I rather like the technical details of his book. How he explains complicated ideas to make the readers understand them. He weaves these technological ideas through his story to drive the plot.
  10. Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers
    1. I saw the movie of Starship Troopers when I was a junior in high school in theaters. My friends and I all loved it. So I was thrilled to find out there was a book. I read it. Loved it. Now Starship Troopers is the Bug Movie since it is only Starship Troopers in name only.
    2. I enjoyed the military aspects. Adapting it to the sci-fi technology. It the sort of influence that Golden Darkness Descends has in its military aspects.
  I received this audiobook as part of my participation in a blog tour with Audiobookworm Promotions. The tour is being sponsored by Audiobook Empire. The gifting of this audiobook did not affect my opinion of it.
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Top 10 Werewolves & Giveaway – Jasmine Moon by Celia Breslin @CeliaBreslin @RoxanneRhoads

Hi Everyone!

Halloween is the perfect time of year to binge-watch supernatural shows. For your viewing pleasure, here are my top ten favorite movies and TV shows featuring wolf shifters in either a primary role or as fun supporting characters.

In no particular order…


1. The Underworld movies.  Seriously badass Lycans.

2. Wolf (1994), starring Jack Nicholson.  Can’t go wrong with Jack Nicholson.

3. An American Werewolf in London (1981). A classic.  Humor + Horror.

4. Ginger Snaps (2001).  Teen angst. Dark humor + horror.

5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Seth Green as Oz, the musician/werewolf who loves Willow.

6. Vampire Diaries. Michael Trevino as Tyler Lockwood, a broody bad boy with heart.

7.  True Blood. Joe Manganiello as Alcide Herveaux = soooo sexy.

8. The Originals. Joseph Morgan as Niklaus Mikaelson. A vampire/werewolf hybrid, 100% badass. So are the other hybrids on the show.

9. Supernatural. Entertaining werewolves on both sides of the “good vs. bad” fence.

10. Legacies. A Vampire Diaries spin-off chock-full of werewolves and other teens from the preternatural community.

Jasmine Moon
Black Hills Wolves
Celia Breslin

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher:  Decadent Publishing

Date of Publication: June 3, 2016

ISBN:  9781683610458

Number of pages:  108
Word Count:  36,400

Cover Artist:  Fiona Jayde

Book Description:

Tech mogul and workaholic Wolf Evan Luparell has little time for distractions but takes a break for his brother’s wedding in South Dakota. When asked to escort another wedding attendee from the airport to Los Lobos, he agrees. Then he meets the curvy spitfire, and she ignores him.

Designer and Wolf Mina Carver didn’t mean to be rude to the handsome, glowering man claiming to be her ride, but she was busy working. Now she must endure a ride to the Black Hills with the cranky but sexy Dominant Wolf. Unexpected mating energy sparks between them, but still—should she dismiss, or kiss him?

Kisses win and they agree upon a no-strings fling. But with each wedding activity throwing them together, and their powerful chemistry and mate compatibility complicating matters, can two workaholics truly have their fun then walk away?

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Evan tipped his head and eyed the ceiling. Prompt replies, punctual people. Striking deals and hitting deadlines. These items made his world tick. Not loitering around a miniscule airport pulling a Waiting for Godot moment on infinite repeat for a no-show, flakey designer from California.
God grant him patience and balls of steel when he showed up without the designer and the all-important wedding dress, because his future sister-in-law Darci would certainly be unhappy. […]
He took a deep fortifying breath and froze. Airport smells assailed his senses—the sharp tang of bleach and lemon-scented cleaners, […] coffee, donuts, fried fast food, and under it all, the distinct musk of wolf.
Female wolf.
She smelled damn good. His wolf perked up, and his legs propelled him toward the empty baggage claim, where one bright-pink suitcase covered in Hello Kitty stickers sat, unclaimed, on the unmoving L-shaped conveyor belt. Her scent, stronger here, socked his gut, and his gaze shot to the corner.
The chaos around the woman stunned him silent. Large, paper coffee cup, half-eaten banana, and a quarter of a powdered doughnut perched on a brown paper bag next to her. Crumbs splattered the linoleum and the woman’s long-sleeved blue blouse in a thick layer of white, sugary dust. On her other side, two pink garment bags lay like corpses, along with a bubblegum-pink unzipped duffel as long as her outstretched, denim-clad legs. Some of the bag’s contents—pads of drawing paper and large swaths of fabric—protruded over the opening, the fabric splaying over her legs in a rainbow-colored blanket. Her feet peeked out of the mess, encased in sparkling pink UGGs. Good grief, sequins? She smacked her shiny boots together in a poor imitation of Dorothy and bobbed her head from side to side in time to some music only she seemed to hear. Her shoulder-length red hair, the color of ripe dark cherries—his favorite fruit—gleamed under the harsh airport lighting and curtained most her face from his view, save a pert nose and small chin, both speckled with a generous amount of freckles.
He’d always liked freckles.                     
Clearing his throat, he stepped closer, but she didn’t flinch in surprise or look up. Her attention remained on the tablet on her lap, the stylus between her pale, freckled fingers swiping without hesitation over her screen. […]
He positioned himself right in front of her wiggly, booted feet. “Excuse me, J—”
“Sh.” She raised her arm and flicked her hand in the universal get lost gesture.
He gaped at her. “Excuse me?”
Another wave of her hand while her stylus streaked across her tablet screen with the other. “Not interested.”
Nice voice. Low and husky. Her attitude, on the other hand… “But—”
“Go away.” Her velvet voice carried a stubborn edge.

In other circumstances, he would’ve admired her strength. But he’d wasted copious amounts of time hunting for the clearly inconsiderate and irresponsible female. “Fine. Get your own damn ride to Los Lobos. Jasmine.”

About the Author:

Celia lives in California with her husband, daughter, and two feisty cats. She writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance, and has a particular fondness for werewolves, vampires, and the Fae. Her stories are action-packed and typically include one of the many varieties of romantic entanglements: fated mates, second chance, rescue romance, opposites attract, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, and more.

When not writing, you’ll find Celia exercising, reading a good book, hanging with her family, or indulging her addiction to Joss Whedon’s TV shows and movies, as well as everything in the Marvel Universe franchise. Of course!


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Giveaway, Review and Top Ten Fun Facts – Tortured Souls by Kimber Leigh Wheaton

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The beautiful cover hints at the goodies inside the pages of Tortured Souls by Kimber Leigh Wheaton.

Before we get to my review,  the synopsis, and the giveaway, I have invited Kimber to share her:

Top Ten Fun/Silly Facts About Me

1) I love to sing. Doesn’t sound all that strange except I do it all the time. I had a stranger in Target tell me I have a beautiful singing voice… so flattering and embarrassing at the same time!

2) I love animals, and that includes bugs, reptiles, etc. A neighbor out for a walk caught me trying to save all the dying earthworms on my driveway after it rained. She told me I was crazy.

3) I spend a lot more time than the average person daydreaming. That’s where I get my plot and character ideas. Am I cheating on my husband when I daydream about the male characters?

4) I’m not sure if I could survive in a world without Diet Coke and chocolate.

5) I play video games every single day—even if it’s only for twenty minutes. It’s a serious addiction. They help me unwind.

6) During my teen years, I spent more than one afternoon in a video arcade fleecing innocent teenage boys dumb enough to think they could beat me in a game because I was a girl. I really enjoyed serving up their pride on a plate.

7) I have a rather unnatural addiction to cars. My car is like an extension of myself. Right now he’s a 45th Anniversary edition Camaro. When I was fresh out of college, I would forego new clothes and eating out to pay the auto insurance on my Dodge Daytona.

8) When I was fifteen, I snuck into the Whisky a Go Go in LA to meet Vince Neil of Motley Crue (I had connections at the stage entrance). Meet him I did, but within about five minutes, an older guy friend of mine showed up. He flung me over his shoulder and carried me out when I refused to leave peacefully. Worse—I had a major crush on him after that. Unrequited.

9) I can’t stand books without HEA endings. Lately I’ve been steering clear of dystopians since it’s rather hard for a HEA ending in a doomed world.

10) My characters become so real to me, I find myself talking about them like they’re real people.

I can relate to you about cars and am a bit jealous that you have the Camaro. I, too, love hot cars and I can understand your sacrifices. LOL  And the singing, I can see you walking down the aisle singing a happy tune. Do you have a favorite song?

That is a wonderful Top Ten and I enjoyed it very much. I feel we can never have too many chuckles in a day. Thanks so much for sharing Kimber.


Tortured Souls,The Orion Circle #1

Kimber Leigh Wheaton

YA Paranormal Romance

June 29. 2014

Sea Dragon Press

Amazon * Goodreads


A young adult novel about school kids, doing school kid stuff, except for the serial killer ghost. The tag line – Sometimes Rest in Peace isn’t an option – is what caught my eye, but when I read the blurb and saw it was about a ghost serial killer, I knew I had to read it. I love ghosts and serial killers, so the combination sounds like a unique read. I don’t think I’ve read a book like this before.

“You’re not welcome here”, Logan says to the presence behind me.

He meets my gaze again.

“You know it’s there.”

Shivers run up and down my neck, just as if the presence is standing behind me. I am only 1% into the book. Now that is scary and creepy good and a very good sign that the book will meet my expectations. Do you every get the feeling that someone or something is paying a little too much attention to you?

Five nights in a row Kacie Ramsey has had the same dream, or is it a vision? She is wallowing in the girl’s blood that has pooled on the ground. Kacie is clairvoyant.

She is not a girly girl. She is on the cross country team, as is Logan. It seems they have a psychic bond. She has felt like an outsider, especially since her mother left. Kacie always thought it was because her mother couldn’t deal with her paranormal powers. She felt it was all her fault, but there is more to the story.

Kacie is a very strong psychic, but has denied it for so long that her powers have been stifled. She has no control over them and that makes her dangerous. Her best friend, Celia, is afraid of ghosts and has no idea she has supernatural powers. She keeps her in the dark.

Kodiak, her dog, looks like a polar bear. It is a goldendoodle – half poodle and half golden retriever. Designer dogs have become very popular. Here are a few mixes that I thought funny – Bassetoodle, Bossi-Poo, Cadoodle, Foodle, Schnoodle, Sheepadoodle and my personal favorite, Doodleman Pinscher. It makes me think of a Rizzoli and Isles episode that I saw recently. The punch line – what do you call a poodle? A poodle.

Logan invited her to a meeting of the Orion Circle. The Orion Circle is a mysterious group that you can only attend if you are invited. There are very few who know that it is a paranormal research group. She never belonged anywhere. Would she now that she is a part of the Orion Circle?

She sees ghosts and talks to them. Imagine waking up and a ghost is groping and pawing you. How freaky is that? She helped a young ghost move on and it brought to mind The Ghost Whisperer.

The Orion Circle made me think of a tiny Harry Potter school inside of a regular school. She has been chosen to train with them to enable her to use her powers and prepare for the upcoming battle.

The writing skims over and doesn’t flesh out all the details that I love to see for a 5 star novel. I love to be able to walk with the characters and visualize their actions. I wavered between a 3 and a 4, but the last quarter of the book confirmed a 4 for me. I was unable to put the book down, as I wondered what would become of them as they took on the Foxblood Demon .

I was given this book in return for an honest and unbiased review.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  4 Stars – Would Highly Recommend To Others


Sometimes Rest in Peace isn’t an option.

Kacie Ramsey sees ghosts—and it’s ruining her life. Her mother left, her father blames her, and no matter how hard she tries, she can’t keep the ghosts away. Now a new power has emerged. Nightly visions of grisly murders and a relentless predator draw her to the brink of insanity.

When the phantom appears at a party, Kacie’s longtime crush, Logan, saves her. He invites her to join the Orion Circle, a group of supernatural hunters with chapters in schools all over the country. Through the Circle, Kacie learns to embrace her spiritual powers, and for the first time in her life she feels in control rather than a victim.

But the Foxblood Demon will not give up so easily. A demented serial killer in life who trapped the souls of the thirteen children he murdered, imprisoning them within the walls of his mansion. Now in death, he plots his return while drawing power from the pure souls of the children. He recognizes something in Kacie he’s never seen before—a medium powerful enough to provide a vessel for his tainted soul.

Kacie can’t ignore the tortured souls of the children crying out to her every night. With Logan at her side, she will fight the Foxblood Demon. But can they banish this powerful phantom, or will Kacie lose not only her body, but her eternal soul to the monster.

About the Author

Kimber Leigh Wheaton is a bestselling
YA/NA author with a soft spot for sweet romance. She is married to her soul
mate, has a teenage son, and shares her home with three dogs, four cats, and
lots of dragons. No, she doesn’t live on a farm, she just loves animals. Kimber
Leigh is addicted to romance, videogames, superheroes, villains, and chocolate—not
necessarily in that order. (If she has to choose, she’ll take a chocolate
covered superhero!) She currently lives in San Antonio, TX but has been
somewhat a rolling stone in life, having resided in several different cities
and states.

Website Twitter * Goodreads Author Page * Facebook * Pinterest

 Click on the cover below to get your Amazon copy Tortured Souls by Kimber Leigh Wheaton.

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There are two giveaways, so be sure and enter both.

My blog giveaway is for an ecopy of Tortured Souls.

Leave your email and a comment answering the question:

Do you have a fun/silly fact that you would like to share?

Tour-Wide Giveaway

$25 Amazon Gift Card
1 Signed Print Copy – US Only
5 sets of signed bookmarks – US only

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Like Fairy Tales? Take a look at Bootie and the Beast by Falguni Kothari

BB_S2aEverything about Bootie and the Beast by Falguni Kothari sounded like such fun that I had to sign up for the tour.

Check it out for yourself and let us know what you think.



Fairytales don’t end with True Love’s Kiss, they begin with one…

Diya Mathur (aka Beauty), celebrated supermodel and Party Princess of India, is adored by everyone. She works hard, plays hard, and has the biggest shoe fetish on the planet. But after she purchases one baby bootie, Diya’s reputation is in ruins. There’s only one place to escape the rumours – Texas, under the protection of her lifelong friend, and secret love, Krish Menon (aka the Beast).

Financial whizz-kid, CFO and entrepreneur, Krish is a brooding workaholic with a charisma that still brings Beauty Mathur to her knees. He has no idea, of course! They’ve shared a bond since childhood – a special friendship that thrives on sparring, teasing and goading – but with Diya back in his life and under his roof, Krish’s latent desire for her explodes. And when he finally admits to the secret that has never allowed him to commit to any woman – especially Diya – everything changes. Krish might finally realise how much he wants his Beauty. But he won’t get her until Diya has tamed her Beast.


Top 10 things Krish Menon stresses over

1)    Diya Beauty Mathur.

2)    His love-hate relationship with his parents.

3)    His need to be in control…especially with his emotions and drinking.

4)    His love for Diya that he’ll never admit to out loud for her sake. She deserves better than him and his problems. He was glad when she broke of their engagement.

5)    He’s going to help her find the perfect husband. And then she can be that man’s problem forever.

6)    He’s very good at crunching numbers and making profits but he’s sick of it all. There has to be more to life than making pots of money. He needs to find out what that “more” is.

7)    He doesn’t get fashion at all. Not that he’s a bad dresser…just there should be more to life than fashion. And he’s not a fuddy-duddy, no matter what Dee-Dumbs says.

8)    He’s simply going through an existential crisis.

9)    Which brings him back to point #4: He shouldn’t get involved with Diya—no matter the temptation. Not when he’s stressing over so many personal issues.

 10)   And for some reason if he does end up marrying Diya—and that’s a big IF—then it will be on his terms and his terms only.


falguni_36_clrFalguni Kothari is a non-traditional homemaker who accidently tripped on a misplaced soccer ball and fell down the writer’s rabbit hole. Having no more experience with the whole writing/publishing shebang than being a voracious reader and movie buff, it more than surprised her that she could, in fact, write a full-length novel.

Now, several manuscripts down, when she is not trying to find a way out of her many domestic duties or cajoling her Latin dance coach to compose a rumba on Bollywood music, she is found embroiled in some or other scandal—sorry, creating stories—on her ever-faithful laptop.

She’s authored Bootie and the Beast, It’s Your Move, Wordfreak! and Scrabbulous Impressions, a short story. She rumbas across a whole smorgasbord of Social Media daily and loves to connect with most living things.

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It’s Your Move, Wordfreak

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