Have A Book Idea? World’s Best Story Wants To Know


I wanted to bring to your attention the world’s first crowd-sourced literary contest and discovery platform for readers and writers: World’s Best Story! 

The contest aims to find a manuscript that has the potential to be a smash hit in books and beyond – from movies, to video games, to graphic novels, to merchandise. Anyone with a story can enter their synopsis and sample chapter for the community to review and help select ten finalists.

This is the third year they are open and accepting submissions. If you have a manuscript for a story you or someone you know has written in the following genres, it can now be submitted:

General Fiction
Crime / Mystery 
Horror / Thriller
Sci-fi / Fantasy
Young Adult
18+ Adult Fiction
All – including Non-fiction

This is a free contest submission. 

Writers from around the world can submit stories for free in several fiction and non fiction genres while readers across the world vote on those stories using WBS’s easy and fun to use proprietary blockbuster story potential™ voting algorithm. All winning stories receive a pedigree building publishing deal represented by WBS Entertainment Inc.


Ready for your book deal?
Submit your story!
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Need a Little Fantasy in Your Life? – Poisonous Whispers by Jana Begovic #JanaBegovic

The title alone, Poisonous Whispers, made me want to check out the cover for Jana Begovic’s novel.

Oooo, so pretty. Does it make you curious too?

Poisonous Whispers
Poisonous Whispers
Romance / Fantasy
By Jana Begovic
Release Date: December 5, 2016
Keywords:  Fantasy, Romance, Saga, Reincarnation, Destiny, Betrayal, Past lives, Passion 
“Don’t you ever forget about me…,” echoes the karmic whisper from lives past, poisoning her peace. 

“Don’t you ever forget about me…,” he whispers during their secret encounters. Like a curse, these simple words now haunt Leandra, a reputable psychiatrist, who finds herself in emotional chaos after the sudden breakup of her illicit affair. Unable to heal on her own and tormented by dreams in which supernatural forces create havoc with her fate, she desperately turns to David, a colleague psychiatrist, asking him to take her through past-life regression therapy. She hopes that this unorthodox and somewhat suspect technique will explain her profound connection to the lover who has abandoned her so abruptly.

The sessions take Leandra through 17th and 19th century Ireland, Italy and England, where love, loss and betrayal are the leitmotifs in an ambiance of co-mingled fantasy and reality. In her hypnotic state, Leandra recounts a saga of intoxicating love, dizzying passion, flaming lust and profound heartbreak. Despite the painful answers she finds under hypnosis, Leandra still cannot let go of the hope to reunite with her lover. Ultimately, the shattering revelations from her past-life incarnations, along with the turmoil over her ruined marriage, become the stepping stones of her introspective path to healing, self-discovery and an appreciation of true love.

With its seamlessly interwoven sub-plots, “Poisonous Whispers” lures the reader from one continent to another, from past to present. The affair at the center of the story is an anatomy of the heart in which the heroine’s sorrow-laced journey reflects the universal themes of love and loss.




“Under weak candlelight, I notice tiny rivulets of blood trickle down from the scratch on his shoulder. At the same time, he takes my right hand and looks at my palm, which is injured from the brambles. Gently, I lick the blood off his wound, tasting its metallic saltiness and feeling that by tasting his blood, I have now captured a part of him for eternity. I shudder as I feel his tongue remove the blood from my palm. He raises his eyes and I see soft candlelight playing in them. His gaze is becoming more and more intense, its heat boring into my soul. Searching for each other’s souls, we are finding hidden paths behind each other’s thoughts, treading into the uncharted territory of each other’s pure being and consciousness. Just as portals to our souls open and our energies touch and fuse into one, a bolt of lightning illuminates the room and colors it with a supernaturally blinding white, and the sky seems to split in two and tumble down to earth in thunderous fury.

At that epiphany of feeling no fear, but perfect tranquility, we are flooded by sudden and wordless knowledge. We read the same message in each other’s eyes:

“Only now do I know, I have always known you. Only now do I know, I have loved you before. I just know not when….”

Excerpt 3: I have always loved animals and found wolves especially fascinating me. It is no surprise that I had to weave one into the story of “Poisonous Whispers.” The excerpt below is from the scene in which the main heroine, Leandra (called Jilleen in that incarnation) recounts, under hypnosis, a segment from one of her past lives.

 “At the moment the stone circle is kissed by moonlight, a wolf howls and there is infinite solitude echoed in its sound, and it seems to have howled her name. Is the wolf really howling Jilleen’s name and if it is, what does it mean, what does it forebode? It sounds almost like a warning. Is the wolf her spirit guide warning her of her lover, Kieran’s advances and their import?”

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Audio Book Blast – The Voice of Divine Love by Arlene Dayrit

I will be sharing a lot of dark and gruesome this month, so I wanted to share The Voice of Divine Love by Arlene Dayrit to let you now, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

thevoiceofdivineloveaudioscreen-shot-2016-09-27-at-09-50-35“The truth of God’s love is a message many of us have always known, but we need to be reminded of it again and again. In our limited understanding, we have difficulty comprehending it.

God has loved you with an everlasting love, and yet no matter how deeply we feel him in our lives, the word of God often goes unheard. This is why, in the noise of the modern world, the simplicity of his message is all too easily lost. Yet while our prayers have no answers we can hear, that does not mean God has no voice.

The Voice of Divine Love brings his word to you, brings you the light of God’s acceptance, the comfort of his presence and love, and a guiding hand to live your life in his service. It is a chance to hear his voice amongst the raucous chatter of the world and choose to follow his way to righteousness and eternal love.

With this book, written in the hope of drawing others closer to God, helping them understand the depth of his love, and narrated as in the voice of the Almighty, you are provided a retreat in times of stress; not to simply hide from your problems, but to find their true purpose, alongside the purpose in all things. Close your eyes and rest, find solace in knowing that, even when you are alone, he is always at your side, guiding you and taking care of you, in ways no other can.

And as you are consoled, as you hear the one guiding voice which no person’s life should go without, you will find arleneanswers to the questions you have always yearned to ask: why does God allow pain into your life, why do your prayers go unanswered, your wishes unfulfilled? There is no need to turn inward, to torture yourself for these answers. Simply listen, and understand The Voice of Divine Love. “



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New Cover & Sale for Award Winning Novus by Crystal Marcos

NOVUS (The Cresecren Chronicles, Book 1) has recently received two book awards and a revamped cover! To celebrate the eBook will be on SALE for $1.99 from 4/30/2016- 5/15/2016

Crystal Marcos is one of those authors who can write in multiple genres and keep you hanging on to the words spread across the pages of her novels. I am happy to share her award winning news and the new cover for Novus by Crystal Marcos.

2015NewAppleMedallion~”Official Selection” Winner in the E-Book Young Adult category, 2015 New Apple Book Awards!~


~Winner Best Books in the Young Adult category, 2016 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards!~


New Novus Cover Kindle-mediumDescription

Ideal for Hunger Games and Divergent fans, Crystal Marcos delivers Novus, a riveting novel set in a dystopian future of action-adventure, suspense, and romance. Intriguing characters and a gripping storyline keep the reader turning page after page.

Being a teenager is hard enough. And what if your life’s path is predetermined? On top of that, you aren’t even Human?

Cayden was given life as a Cresecren. He expected to live out his days with the dysfunctional Human family he was assigned to serve. One fateful night, however, landed him in Gavaron, the home of maimed, elderly, or defiant Cresecren.

Beyond its borders is the Den, an area much more dangerous than he ever imagined. Now seventeen, Cayden unwittingly becomes involved in a conspiracy and is one of a handful of survivors fleeing a deadly attack. They set off on a perilous journey in search of refuge and the truth. Along the way, Cayden begins to comprehend the difference between fully living and merely surviving, while trying to balance his emotions and a forbidden love.

Reviewed by Kim Anisi for Readers’ Favorite- 5 STARS

readersNovus by Crystal Marcos is one of those gems that make you care about the characters within the story, and while you definitely want to know what happens to them, you can’t help but also not want to get to the end of the book. It’s the kind of book whose characters you miss when you finish the book.

For full review visit http://www.readersfavorite.com/book-review/novus

Purchase Links:  Amazon  /  Barnes and Noble  /   Smashwords  /  Website

 Author Bio

Author Photo color - 347x387Award-winning author Crystal Marcos has been a storyteller her entire life. As the oldest of five children, she had to do a lot of entertaining. She lives on the Kitsap Peninsula in Washington State with her husband, daughter Kaylee, and infant son Jaxon. Crystal is the author of BELLYACHE: A Delicious Tale and HEADACHE: The Hair-Raising Sequel to BELLYACHE. Novus, her third book and first Young Adult novel, is Book One of The Cresecren Chronicles.

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I’m a 1%er…on Goodreads

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I’m a 1%er of reviewers on Goodreads!

I have written 477 reviews since joining Goodreads on May 1st, 2012.

One of my first reviews was 9 Lives by George Moser. See it HERE. Buy it HERE.

Nine Lives by George M. Moser

Out of all the reviews I’ve written, this is the review that got the most attention:

The Beach by Jaye Frances. See it HERE. Buy it HERE.

The Beach by Jaye Frances

I eat and breathe books and love to get lost in the words authors write. I love sharing all the wonderful books and authors I have found since being a member and I hope you do too.

Goodreads shares so many fantastic books and authors you may never hear of if you are not a member, so you are missing out. You may want to consider joining. I look forward to seeing you there!

If you would like to see what I have read and reviewed this year on Goodreads, go HERE.

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She’s a Dreamweaver – Night Shade by Helen Harper

nightshade tour banner
nightshade“I have special coping mechanisms for the times I need to open the front door. They’re even often successful…”

Zoe Lydon knows there’s often nothing logical or rational about fear. It doesn’t change the fact that she’s too terrified to step outside her own house, however.

What Zoe doesn’t realise is that she’s also a dreamweaver – able to access other people’s subconscious minds. When she finds herself in the Dreamlands and up against its sinister Mayor, she’ll need to use all of her wits – and overcome all of her fears – if she’s ever going to come out alive.

This is a new contemporary series by Helen Harper, the author of Bloodfire.

Buy on Amazon UK | Amazon US


nightshade authorAfter teaching English literature in the UK, Japan and Malaysia, Helen Harper left behind the world of education following the worldwide success of her Blood Destiny series of books. She is a professional member of the Alliance of Independent Authors and writes full time although she still fits in creative writing workshops with schools along with volunteering to teach reading to a group of young Myanmar refugees. That’s not to mention the procession of stray cats which seem to find their way to her door!

Find Helen Harper on Goodreads and check out more about Helen on her website.


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Are you a Doomed Soul by Robert Boomsliter

doom soul tour banner
Doomed Soul
A man without faith shares his views as the end of life approaches.The views are reflections on religion, morality and death.The deeply religious will find little of interest here and may find some of the material incomprehensible. Some moderates who have noticed twinges of doubt or discomfort in certain beliefs may find some explanations for those feelings.

The faithless will probably understand it all. It is the author’s hope that for them, it will be a pleasant read.

Buy on Amazon

About the author:

Robert - Doomed SoulI am a retired electrical engineer, my career of 41 years spent mostly in Silicon Valley, California. I was one of those extremely fortunate individuals who enjoyed their work so much that it seemed unfair that I should be paid to perform it.

My profession required some technical writing but I never aspired to author anything that would be interesting to the general reader. Doomed Soul is my first attempt to do so and I hope that its introduction is a clear explanation why I chose to do it.

I currently live in Florida with my wife Babs and two bichon frise dogs named Boomer and Gabby.

Find Robert on Goodreads and connect on Literary Addicts


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Skull and Crossbones (c) Sherry J Fundin

Skull and Crossbones (c) Sherry J Fundin

Search for treasure in Drachen by Brendan Le Grange

drachen tour banner
A Marine Treasure-Hunting Thriller. Brett Rivera has spent three years searching for the Drachen, a sunken ship. The day she finds it is the day her life changes: there is no sign of its legendary treasure and now a cold-blooded killer is hunting her…A shipwreck. A lost treasure. A hell of a race from one to the other.

Buy on Amazon

About the author:

Brendan le Grange was born and educated in South Africa, though he now lives between Manila and Hong Kong with his beautiful wife and daughter.

Drachen -brendanphotoAs a business consultant, he has travelled to forty countries and lived in three. And it is reading binges to break up these transits – with the likes of Clive Cussler and Jack du Brul – that inspired the writer to emerge, bringing to life the cities, characters, and history he encountered.

Le Grange’s debut action thriller, Drachen, is a wild chase through North Europe along the Baltic coast. Based on a reimagined history of the medieval Hanseatic League, a young marine archaeologist discovers evidence of a treasure so valuable, it will test every allegiance.

Follow the author on Twitter and Goodreads. You can also connect on Literary Addicts.


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Skull and Crossbones (c) Sherry J Fundin

Skull and Crossbones (c) Sherry J Fundin

Check ME Out – I was interviewed by author Chrys Fey

Write with Fey banner
I am so honored to be interviewed by this wonderful author, Chrys Fey.
She posed some fun and challenging questions.
Stop by her blog and see what we had to say.
Look forward to seeing you there.

See the Interview here.

While you are there check out her books or see my reviews below:


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3 To Die 4 Novels 4 $.99 – Let’s Meet the Killers of the CORE trilogy by Kristine Mason

You can grab them now – I know it is very tempting – or read on for more information.

C.O.R.E. Shadow Trilogy (Books 1-3 C.O.R.E. Series)—Kristine Mason

 BUY NOW:  Amazon  /  Nook  /  B&N iBooks  /  Kobo  /  Google

I am so excited to be sharing this super sale of Kristine Mason’s Core Trilogy – the beginning creation of an thrilling selection of romantic suspense, with a paranormal twist, that you will want on you shelf, whether in the physical form or your ereader. They can all stand alone, but you won’t want to miss any of them, so let’s start at the beginning.

I have read all her books (look for my review links below) and became an immediate fan.

Kristine develops complex characters that you will want to revisit over and over again. They do meet the new characters in each of the continuing novels, so you can keep up with what’s going on in their life and what trouble has been seeking them out. Each novel has a dominate male and female that…may fall in love. The peripheral characters are almost as important in their contribution to the story.

It all starts with Celeste Risinski, a clairvoyant whose visions bring horror, fear and danger into her life. You will want to keep your eye on her because she has a lot to share. She is a strong and determined, loving and sacrificing woman who overcomes the terror that sometimes rules her life.

You will also meet many other characters to fall in love with and they too pop in and out of Kristine Mason’s other stories. These romantic suspense novels will have you feeling the characters are family.

CORE Shadow BoxSet-Amazon



For a limited time…three romantic suspense novels—now for one low price! $.99

Get yours now! Amazon  /  Nook  /  B&N iBooks  /  Kobo  /  Google


My Review for Shadow of Danger

She sees too much…

Four women have been found dead in the outskirts of a small Wisconsin town. The only witness, clairvoyant Celeste Risinski, observes these brutal murders through her psychic visions. Called in by the local sheriff to help stop the killer, John Kain, former FBI agent turned investigator for the private agency, CORE, has no use for psychics. But as more dead bodies are discovered, the criminalist reluctantly turns to Celeste for help. Yet with each step closer to finding the killer, John finds himself one step closer to losing his heart.


My Review for Shadow of Perception

What happens when negligent plastic surgeons get a taste of their own medicine…?

When investigative reporter Eden Risk receives an unmarked envelope containing a postcard ordering her to watch the enclosed DVD or someone else dies, she turns to CORE for help. But that help comes with a catch. Her former lover Hudson Patterson is assigned to the case. And as more DVDs arrive, they not only find themselves knee-deep in a twisted investigation, but forced to deal with their past and the love they’d tried to deny.



My review for Shadow of Vengeance

Welcome to Hell Week. You have seven days to find him…

At Wexman University male students will do anything to join a top fraternity. They’ll prove their worth during Hell Week by participating in a variety of pranks. But those shenanigans aren’t so funny when pledges start disappearing. CORE agents Rachel Davis and Owen Malcolm are on the hunt for a killer who’s kidnapping and murdering pledges. Time is ticking. They have only seven days to find the latest missing pledge and catch a killer. Seven days before the body count rises with another victim. Seven days to fight their attraction for each other before one of them ends up hurt.

C.O.R.E. — Criminal Observance Resolution Evidence

When having the best is a matter of life and death…

C.O.R.E. Shadow Trilogy (Books 1-3 C.O.R.E. Series)—Kristine Mason

 BUY NOW:  Amazon  /  Nook  /  B&N iBooks  /  Kobo  /  Google


AuthorPicI didn’t pick up my first romance novel until I was in my late twenties. Immediately hooked, I read a bazillion books before deciding to write one of my own. After the birth of my first son I needed something to keep my mind from turning to mush, and Sesame Street wasn’t cutting it. While that first book will never see the light of day, something good came from writing it. I realized my passion and found a career I love.

When I’m not writing contemporary romances and dark, romantic suspense novels (or reading them!) I’m chasing after my four kids and two neurotic dogs.

Website  /  Email: authorkristinemason@gmail.com  /  Facebook  /  Twitter


Shadow of Danger  /  Shadow of Perception  /  Shadow of Vengeance

Ultimate Kill  /  Ultimate Fear  /  Ultimate Prey (read, review coming soon)

Perfectly Twisted (read, review coming soon)

Celeste Files: Unlocked  /  Celeste Files: Unjust (read, review coming soon)

All covers link to Amazon, I am an affiliate.

Thank you internet, blogging and bloggers, independent authors and publishers, Amazon (well, you know I had to give them kudos for being ahead of their time)…without you, I never would have read even one of her books…until it came to the library or the movie screen. LOL This way, I got in on the ground floor.

Haven’t we all come such a long way?

 BUY NOW:  Amazon  /  Nook  /  B&N iBooks  /  Kobo  /  Google


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