Review – The Spiral Symbol by Rose Majors #rosemajors #thespiralsymbol

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The Spiral Symbol: A Psychological Thriller is my first novel by Rose Majors, but it is not her first novel, and I am sure it will not be her last. This fast paced thriller kept me following along, but the characters fell a little flat. I couldn’t connect.

Agent Kitty Forest is on the case of The Spiral Symbol. Body after body appears with the symbol carved into their flesh. Then packages begin to appear at her home. It’s not long before she feels the target on her back. What does the symbol mean?

Both victims were seen at a gala hosted by Senator Franz Stein. Is there a story he wants to keep hidden? Rose Majors does know how to keep the mystery alive.

Even though The Spiral Symbol is not the first Kitty Forest novel, I did not feel lost. But, it does make me want to read her earlier stories.

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4 Stars

Unraveling The Spiral Symbol Murders
Clara Kingsley, a wealthy socialite from Emerald Island, was found dead—her body eerily undisturbed, except for the spiral symbol carved into her flesh. A message. A warning. But from whom?

Days later, another victim is found with the same spiral carved on his body. The pattern is undeniable, but the connection remains elusive.

A photograph surfaces, showing Clara and the second victim at a gala hosted by Senator Franz Stein. They were all together just days before their deaths. Coincidence? Or the thread that unravels everything?

Rumors swirl around Stein’s “charitable foundation,” whispers of money funneled into something far darker.

The killer turns his attention to me. Strange packages arrive at my doorstep, and cryptic messages appear inside my house.

Now, I am part of the game. The spiral is sending a bizarre message to me.

Someone is watching, waiting. If I don’t decipher the message soon, I won’t just be hunting a killer—I’ll be his next masterpiece.

  • Genre: Conspiracy, Fiction, Mystery, Serial Killer
  • 226 pages, Kindle Edition
  • Published February 16, 2025

Rose Majors loves to read and write mysteries and thrillers. Growing up in a small Missouri town, she loved to play the game “CLUE”. It is a game where the players try to solve a murder, including who committed it, in what room, and by what weapon. Now, she uses her own experiences and knowledge acquired by reading novels by other famous mystery writers, to write her mysteries and thrilling stories.

Watch for her future novels. You won’t be disappointed.

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Review – Dragged Down Deep by Michael Okon @IAmMichaelOkon @pumpupyourbook


Will Logan and his friends expose the lies that have haunted him for years, or will they be Dragged Down Deep into the swampy, secretive underbelly of a town that guards its mysteries with deadly intent?



Title: Dragged Down Deep

Author: Michael Okon

Pages: 331

Genre: Action Adventure/Monster

Logan Osborne has spent his life chasing the shadows of the past.

As a child, he watched helplessly as his father was snatched from a fishing boat by what he swore was a mermaid. No one believed him then. No one believes him now.

Determined to prove that mythical creatures exist, Logan is drawn back to the small coastal town where his nightmares began after another mysterious disappearance stirs the waters.

Teaming up with his pragmatic colleague Elliot Sheppard and his fiercely loyal friend Penny Swanson, Logan dives headfirst into an adventure packed with danger and deception. As they dig deeper, the trio faces resistance at every turn—a secretive agency with its own agenda, a suspiciously unhelpful police force, and Logan’s old flame, who may know more than she’s letting on.

What they uncover is far darker and more terrifying than Logan ever imagined: the truth about his father, the secrets of Minatuck, and the horrifying reality of the Mermaid of the Hamptons.

Will Logan and his friends expose the lies that have haunted him for years, or will they be Dragged Down Deep into the swampy, secretive underbelly of a town that guards its mysteries with deadly intent?

Dragged Down Deep is available at Amazon.

I have read a couple other Michael Okon novels and loved them, so grabbing a copy of Dragged Down Deep was a no brainer. His novels are not your run of the mill creature features or paranoramal stories. They stretch the imagination and I love it.

Dragged Down Deep is about mermaids…or is it? Logan Osburne saw the mermaid, when she snatched his father from their fishing boat. No one believes him. Would you?

Logan is a scientist, but not your run of the mill type of scientist. He searches for those creatures of legend, like the Thunderbird and…

Now, he’s older and he’s going home to prove once and for all that mermaids are real. People and animals are missing. Why are the police doing more of a cover up than an investigation? And…who are the men in black?

Michael Okon’s books never take me where I expect to go, and that is true for Dragged Down Deep. Above the water, in the water, below the water, there is danger. That doesn’t stop Logan, Elliot and Penny from doing their own investigation. They ignore the danger and return time and time again.

Dragged Down Deep by Michael Okon is a fast paced thriller with a mystery buried deep in the town’s history. Michael’s books that I have read have been stand alone, all in one story books, but I see where he could make this a series. There are plenty of legends out there to by proven true or false.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Dragged Down Deep by Michael Okon.


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5 Stars

Book Excerpt

The creature was indistinct in the dark night. A howl split the air, the noise somewhere between the lolling of a cow and with the shrillness of a siren. It traveled through Logan, making the fillings in his teeth hurt. If an elephant and a Tasmanian devil had a baby, it would have sounded like this, Logan thought inanely.

     It began to move purposely toward them, its arms outstretched. Its eyes shone like blazing yellow neon, mesmerizing them. There was no place to hide in the tidal pool. Logan spun, pushing Elliot toward the parking lot. 

     “That was no turtle,” Elliot gasped. 

     Logan ran, his heart pumping feeling like it would jump from his chest. “Run!” he yelled.

     They splashed heavily in the shallows; their feet weighted with water. Clamoring through the tide, Logan slipped, Elliot pulled him under the armpit propelling him forward. Their clothes were drenched, glued to their perspiring bodies, their feet heavy with trapped fronds and weeds. They made it onto the beach.

     Logan was afraid to look behind them. “Move this way!” Logan pointed to a perimeter of shrubs lining the sand.

     They took off, their arms slashed by the tall grasses. Elliot clutched his phone. He turned for a second, but Logan grabbed the back of his shirt to drag him through the reeds. “Not now, you idiot!” Logan screamed.

     They could hear the heavy splashes of the creature following them. They burst out of the grasses, running at full speed onto the sandy area toward the car. The reassuring outline of the jeep greeted them at the same time a club grazed Logan’s shoulder. 

     Logan heard Elliot grunt with pain, the distinct sound of a fist meeting flesh echoing in the still night. Ham-sized hands gripped Logan’s shoulder, spinning him to plant a fist that landed under his right eye. The night went silent but for the sound of the roaring of the blood in his head. He felt the trickle of blood leak onto his lips after his nose connected with what felt like a brick wall. He was on his knees, looking down at two sets of biker boots, silver skulls dangling over the insteps right in front of him. 

     Logan caught sight of another pair of footwear, polished traditional lace-ups. He pushed himself up on all fours, reaching out and grabbing the legs connected to those shoes. He clutched a handful of beige trousers, the gabardine material slipping in his hand. He recognized the uniform. He felt rock-hard muscles underneath the pants leg. His assaulter kicked, Logan’s head snapping back to see a field of spinning stars. Their attackers were laughing. Logan was outraged. 

     They wouldn’t be laughing when the mermaid from hell pounced on them, he thought grogilly. He opened his mouth to let them know they were about to be surprised by the alleged wild dog or imaginary alligator but decided he’d have more satisfaction watching them wrestle with whatever was following them from the marsh. 

      A strong hand picked him up by the hair and another pounded his ribcage. He winced, his vision blurred, trying to see when the creature from the Black Lagoon would arrive like the cavalry.

     Except that pursuer never arrived. It appeared that the monster had more brains than he and Elliot put together. 

     Logan listened vainly for whatever was following them to break through the marsh, but it must have been scared off. He chose that time to swing wildly, his fist finding a face that must have been hewn of stone. The impact stunned him more than the beating his ribs were taking. His arm went numb from knuckles to elbow. 

     His cheek landed in the dirt while Elliot was thrown against the car wheel. A baseball bat made contact with the windshield, showering them with shards of glass. The bat sailed through the air to smash the side mirror. More glass rained down on them.

Logan lay on his face, every bone in his body aching, his head heavy. He heard new footfalls, lighter one, followed by the sound of a plank of wood connecting with a body.

“Ow!” one of his attackers howled. 

Next he heard several grunts, and the hard slam of bodies falling. 

Logan picked up his head, his vision fuzzy to see two figures in wetsuits beating the crap out of his assailants. Tilting his head, he squeezed his eyes, discerning one was decidedly curvy and feminine. “Penny?” he asked, the word garbled by his swelling lips.

Running feet penetrated the fog that was swallowing his brain. Everything sounded muffled, as if he could barely hear it. There was a loud ringing in his ears.

“Done,” a woman’s voice came to him from far away. “Cowards,” she spat. 

“What do you want to do with these too?” a male voice asked. 

“Leave them. They’re harmless.”

“The boss isn’t going to be happy.”

“I said leave them,” the voice commanded. 

Logan tried to rise, groaned and fell down into the wet sand. “Elliot?” his voice a thread.

“He’s coming around. We have to go!” a man’s barked.

The cold touch of a wetsuit made his skin goosebump as a person knelt next to him. He tried to roll over. Logan felt a soft hand brush back his hair. “Stop tilting at windmills, you silly man. Go back to school.” He caught sight of a smile with a mole on the upper lip.

Logan felt the blood drain from his head as it fell onto a cushion of grass. 

     “Did you see them?” Logan spit out a mouthful of dirt. He was sprawled on a small mound and couldn’t move.

     “My eye is swollen shut,” Elliot’s voice was gravelly. “I feel like I got hit by a train. Am I imagining it, or were we rescued by the creature?”

      “It wasn’t the creature.” Logan was breathless with the effort, wondering if he should share what he thought. “I think it was Aimee.”

“Aimee!” Elliot coughed. “What’s she doing here?”

Logan ignored the question; he was wondering the same thing. 

     Rising painfully to his knees he crawled over to where Elliot was propped against the wheel of the jeep. “Anything broken?”

     “Only my pride. I feel like I’m trapped in an eighties crime drama. What are you doing?” he asked Logan, who was pulling his phone from his pocket with a battered hand.

     “I’m calling the police.”

     “I think that was the police,” Elliot retorted weakly. “What happened to your mermaid?”

     Logan growled, “She’s not my mermaid.” 

     “Did you get any pictures?” Logan asked.

     “Let me see with my good eye.” Elliot squinted as he looked at his screen. “Nothing good. Maybe it was one of those goons setting us up.”

     Logan shrugged. “I couldn’t see much, but I know it was that monster, Mitch and his playmates,” he paused and continued, “And Aimee and some other guy.”

      “You think she was working with them?”

      Logan shook his head. “No, they beat the crap out of them. Mitch practically crawled out of here.”

      “Are you sure it was Aimee? This is a major complication.”

      Logan didn’t answer. He spoke into his phone. “Pen? Can you swing by the marsh, and Penny… don’t say anything to anyone.”

– Excerpted from Dragged Down Deep by Michael Okon, Chelshire Publishing, 2024. Reprinted with permission.

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About the Author

Michael Okon is an award-winning and best-selling author of multiple genres, including paranormal, thriller, horror, action/adventure, and self-help. He graduated from Long Island University with a degree in English and then later received his MBA in business and finance. Coming from a family of writers, he has storytelling in his DNA. Michael has been writing from as far back as he can remember, his inspiration being his love for films and their impact on his life. From the time he saw The Goonies, he was hooked on the idea of entertaining people through unforgettable characters.

Michael is a lifelong movie buff, a music playlist aficionado, and a sucker for self-help books. He lives on the North Shore of Long Island with his wife and children.

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Review – All The Captive Girls by Linda Hurtado Bond #netgalley @authorlindabond #allthecaptivegirls

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All The Captive Girls by Linda Hurtado Bond picks up where All The Girls Are Missing left off. Mari Alvarez, Tampa Bay crime reporter’s, past comes back to haunt her….and everyone she cares about are in danger.

John Hanks, a former cop and a serial killer, had used his position to find his victims. Everyone thought he had died in a fire, but they were mistaken. I love books that use vigilantes to seek justice for those who escape it, but John has now taken it to a new level. He is playing a game with Mari…and the end goal is her death.

More and more books are dealing with artificial intelligence and it makes me more aware of how easily it can ruin someone’s life. How easy it is to to twist the truth, making our world smoke and mirrors, making it impossible to distinguish fact from fiction.

Mari does have a love interest, Detective Tony Garcia. He holds his emotions close to his vest. She believes he cares deeply for her, but he doesn’t show it. What will it take for him to commit?

Linda Hurtado Bond sure does know how to whip my emotions into a frenzy. The pacing of All The Captive Girls kept me on pins and needles. Her ability to lead me down a dark and dangerous path keeps me wanting more.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of All The Captive Girls by Linda Hurtado Bond.

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4 Stars

He’ll take who you love.

From Emmy Award–winning journalist Linda Hurtado Bond comes a ferocious, terrifying game where your own eyes can deceive you…and a killer will watch every move you make.

Tampa Bay crime reporter Mari Alvarez thought the worst was behind her. She thought she could return to work, her sister, her friends, and her still-undefined relationship with Detective Tony Garcia. To find something almost normal…until a killer everyone thought was dead contacts her.

Because he wants to play a game—a twisted dance of revenge, where Mari must play by the rules…or lose everyone and everything she loves.

Now Tampa Bay’s lively Gasparilla pirate festival has turned into an event filled with terror and horror, and Mari is the unwitting star. Every move she makes is being watched by social media, even as the killer twists the truth and manipulates her with lies, deepfakes, and misinformation.

He can take her job. He can take her reputation. He can take everyone who loves her.

And unless she can stop him, he’ll hold her captive in the one cage she won’t be able to her own fear.

  • Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Romance, Suspense, Thriller, Women’s Sleuth
  • 329 pages, Kindle Edition
  • Expected publication February 17, 2025 by Entangled: Amara
Linda  Hurtado Bond

Be sure to follow Linda Hurtado Bond on BookBub for the latest book info:…

Author Linda Hurtado Bond is an Emmy award winning TV news anchor and an author of romantic thrillers.

She’s worked as a television news reporter and anchor in Fort Myers, Orlando and Tampa Florida. For the past twenty years, she’s shared important information with viewers on the latest medical breakthroughs and has written emotional, human-interest stories on those who have the courage and spirit to fight for their lives.

She writes every day, under deadline, but has always loved losing herself in a good fiction story. Her love for writing fiction actually started in high school, but a thriving, busy professional life, along with five kids ( 2 step-kids, an adopted son from Cuba and 2 daughters ) kept her busy for many years.

Entangled Publishing released three romantic adventures Alive at 5, Cuba Undercover and Flatline. Think James Bond meets Romancing the Stone. Cuba Undercover is based on her own true life love story.

She has received numerous writing awards for Alive at 5 , Flatline and Cuba Undercover.

Her latest book, All the Broken Girls, releasing in 2022, features two Cuban American characters and a deep dive into Cuban American culture.

Linda has won 13 Emmy awards, numerous Society of Professional Journalist awards, Associated Press awards, as well as a Florida Bar award and an Edward R. Murrow award.

This former baton-twirling beauty queen from The University of Georgia, now lives in Tampa Florida with her husband and kids.

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Nurse Dorothea Presents Why Coping Skills Work @pumpupyourbook


Mental health for teenagers and young adults, but older adults are saying they are learning new things too.


Title: Nurse Dorothea Presents Why Coping Skills Work and What Are Some That Can Be Done Anytime and Anywhere

Author: Michael Dow

Pages: 308

Genre: Nonfiction for Young Adults

We are starting the process of removing stigma about mental health issues. Let’s share ideas of the journey to well-being and seek to understand others as they are instead of how we wish them to be. By learning to know ourselves and trying different coping skills that are specific to the situation that we find ourselves in, we can achieve balance and peace. As we deepen our self-awareness and harness tailored coping mechanisms for diverse situations, we pave the path to equilibrium and serenity. Let’s foster an environment conducive to both individual and collective growth within our society. By doing this, we unlock potentials previously unattainable, empowering us to fully cultivate our knowledge, skills, and abilities. With gratitude in our heart, peace in our mind, and confidence in our capabilities, we can face the future with bravery, courage, and determination to help make the best lives for ourselves and others that we possibly can. If society wants something we have never had, we’re going to have to do something that has never been done.

Nurse Dorothea Presents Why Coping Skills Work and What Are Some That Can Be Done Anytime and Anywhere is available at Lulu.

Book Excerpt

“Hi everyone, my name is Nurse Dorothea. Thank you for coming to the after-school club on mental health. I hope to provide you with some tools to manage your emotions and navigate life’s challenges.Mental health is complicated because there are so many things that can affect it. This class was created to show that it is ok to talk about your mental health with others as well as to give you ideas to improve your mental health.

“We will be recording this session. People in the future will get to experience the same things you will today. Sometimes, I will speak to people watching this showor reading the future book about the class. This is an interactive class and I want you all to ask questions as you have them. We will stop sometimes and discuss things with each other. If you are watching the show or reading the book, then I want YOUall to also discuss the questions and topics with those in the room. This book is an experience, and you will only get the full experience by talking with others. Please take breaks from the show as you need to since this will be a long discussion.”

– Excerpted from Nurse Dorothea Presents Why Coping Skills Work and What are Some That Can Be Done Anytime and Anywhere by Michael Dow, Dow Creative Enterprises, 2024. Reprinted with permission. 

About the Author

Michael Stephen Dow is married to Perla in Arizona and has 3 kids.  Michael was on a path to attend medical school and then the events of September 11, 2001 occurred.  Michael became angry at the terrorists and decided to join the US Air Force.  He went through Officer Training School and then graduated specialized Navigator training to become an Electronic Warfare Officer.  Michael deployed 6 times for the Global War on Terror between 2005 and 2009 with the EC-130H Compass Call mission.  Michael medically retired in 2010 and then became an US Army contractor serving Wounded Warriors and ensuring they received all of their entitled benefits for 8 years.  Michael always had a love for science and the human body so he then used his GI bill to go through nursing school and graduated in August 2020.  Michael now works as a Registered Nurse at an inpatient psychiatric hospital.  Michael’s education is as follows: B.A. in Psychology from Auburn University in 1999, B.S. in Biology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2001, M.S. in Management from Troy University in 2010, Masters in Health Administration from the University of Phoenix in 2017, and M.S. from the University of Arizona in 2020 through its 15 month accelerated Masters Entry to the Profession of Nursing program.  Michael is the Founder and Manager of Dow Creative Enterprises, LLC.  His books have garnered the Silver Nautilus Book award in 2020 (Nurse Florence, Help I’m Bleeding) and an Award-Winning Finalist in the Religion category for the 2021 International Book Awards (A Prayer to Our Father in the Heavens: Possibly the Greatest Jewish Prayer of All Time).  Michael believes we will need the best of science and religion to successfully navigate ourselves, our civilization, through the future obstacles we will face.  More information can be found at and  Nurse Florence® is a federally registered trademark by Dow Creative Enterprises.  The Nurse Florence® series seeks to promote science and health among children and to help increase the health literacy levels of our society.  With teamwork, inclusion, faith and perseverance, we can bravely face our problems and help each other reach our better selves as well as our best collective good.

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Giveaway – The Russian Orphan by Deede Blake @ireadbooktours


Book Details:

Book Title:  The Russian Orphan: They Call Him the White Stallion (World Changers Book 1) by Deede Blake
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  628 pages
GenreAssassination Thrillers, Conspiracy, Espionage
PublisherWorld Changers Publishing, LLC
Release date:  October 2023
Content RatingPG-13 + MMild language, sex innuendos, mild violence. 
Book Description:

From the cold, haunting alleys of Russia’s orphanages to the grandeur of the Kremlin, The Russian Orphan: They Call Him the White Stallion unveils the enigmatic life of Commander Sergei Radkov. He’s not just any man; he’s a symbol, a force, a leader. Known as the White Stallion, Sergei’s journey from an abandoned child to the President of Russia is riddled with espionage, warfare, and undeniable charisma.

But beyond the shadows of Spetsnaz and the intrigue of the GRU lies a heart that yearns for connection. Enter Dr. Selena Frederick, a brilliant American physician.

Their unexpected romance isn’t just a tale of two hearts colliding, but a testament to the power of love in the face of geopolitics and looming danger.
  • A Tale of Power: Witness the rise of a boy from the depths of abandonment to the pinnacle of global influence.
  • Espionage & Action: Dive into the covert operations of Spetsnaz and the GRU, where every decision could be deadly.
  • Forbidden Romance: Amidst political turmoil, a heart-stopping romance between two unlikely souls blossoms. But at what cost?
  • World Changer: Join Sergei on his quest to reshape the world, battling internal demons and external threats, especially those that target his beloved Selena.

The stakes are high. The challenges, formidable. The passion, undeniable. Every page is a journey, every chapter an emotion. Do you dare to ride alongside the White Stallion?
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Meet the Author:

Graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Pharmacy, Deede Blake distinguished herself early on by winning the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award for humanitarian contributions and the Bristol Achievement Award.

Though rooted in science, Deede’s heart beats for storytelling. Her diverse portfolio boasts poems, songs, essays, and novels that echo her global adventures. The Russian Orphan, her riveting tale, is slated to become a TV mini-series, the first in the anticipated World Changer Trilogy.

As Deede crafts her sequels, she immerses herself in the cultures of Mongolia, Africa, and the Philippines to bring authentic depth to her tales. She’s also launching a clothing line, and writing music for the television screenplay.

When she’s not traversing uncharted terrains, Deede enjoys the comforts of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, with her two children and feline companions, and occasionally retreats to her partner’s abode in Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina. Dive into her world, where science meets boundless imagination. 

Connect with the author: Website  ~ Facebook ~ Goodreads
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Giveaway – Willful Parties by Liz Ellyn @xpressotours

Willful Parties
Liz Ellyn
Published by: The Wild Rose Press
Publication date: January 1st 2025
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance

Seth is the vibrant bisexual marathoner who sparked the relationship with Kat and Dylan. He remains undeterred in pursuit of their perfect love, even when confronted with a devastating blow. Kat, their sharp-witted pixie, treasures good moments as gifts due to past experiences. She hesitates to wholeheartedly commit based on a deep-rooted fear of heartache and pressing her luck. Dylan exudes irresistible confidence and brilliance and is marked for an impressive political future. However, his internal struggle with identity and career decisions poses a significant hurdle in committing to their love affair.

They share a sizzling three-way passion but are destined to part ways after graduating from their Chicago law school. Legal battles, heart-wrenching losses, and mounting obligations challenge the prospect of reclaiming their love.

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After the early evening rush, she headed back to her apartment. She opened her study materials and yawned. She read a few sentences, but her dry eyes begged for relief. Without any breaks since the early morning, she struggled to remain awake.

The red glowing numbers on her clock burned into her thoughts like a devilish distraction. Seth’s bar review class had ended. Did he stay to study in the library? Did he go home? Was he hooking up with someone he met in the class? Although he was born in Chicago and lived his entire life in the Midwest, he sported a California look. His vibe attracted lots of attention, both men and women. And, he was single.

Kat moaned.

Memories of her, Dylan, and Seth fooling around after study sessions danced in her thoughts. Their fun ritual balanced out the stress of studying. Her musings aroused her as well as stung. The absence of both guys made her heart ache.

Kat’s head dropped to the table with a thud. Why had she forced Seth away? Of course, he’s hooking up with some guy. Or girl.

A groan escaped her lips.

She had no one to blame but herself. She’d told Seth she wasn’t interested in continuing a relationship. Although she thought about reaching out, she didn’t want to interrupt him.

Picking at her cuticles. she reached out to Dylan instead of wallowing alone.

Kat—How’s the Cali sun treating you?

Dylan—Hey Kitty-Kat (smiley face with sunglasses)

Kat smirked at Dylan’s new endearment. She wondered if it had to do with her name or the fact she was the only woman he had had an intimate relationship.

Kat—Things going well?

Dylan’s life appeared easy to most people, as his family had lots of money. But with the fortune came a great deal of responsibility and high expectations.

Dylan—Weather’s great. Not complaining

Kat—Really?! Did you switch careers and become a meteorologist? What’s up?

Kat refused to allow Dylan to slink away from their friendship because of the distance. Even if they weren’t together anymore, they shared a serious bond.

Dylan—My family isn’t easy

Kat—How so?

She might not be able to relate as she got along well with her dad, but Dylan needed a friend to confide.

Dylan—They’re frosty (snowman)

Kat—How is that possible in the Cali heat? (melting smiley face)

Dylan—That’s SoCal, not NorCal. I’m their circus monkey. I only get fed if I perform

The way Dylan accepted his position made the hair on Kat’s neck stand on end.

Dylan’s sculpted body and chiseled face captured people’s attention. Only the fortunate cracked him open and got access to the affectionate core. Kat counted herself lucky to be among the select few.

Kat—You deserve better

Dylan—(heart) How did your first day go?

Kat—Not bad


Kat smiled. Neither she nor Dylan allowed one another to put on a fictitious front.

Kat—Difficult studying all on my own—

Dylan—You CAN do this. You WILL pass!

She wanted to believe Dylan. If only she shared his confidence in her ability to pass the bar. The desire to please her dad and make him proud motivated her each day.

Kat—(fingers crossed)

Dylan—If you have questions, call me


She had lots of resources for studying. Knowing Dylan offered her support as a friend strengthened her self-assuredness. She released some of the tension in her muscles.

Dylan—It’s late there

Kat—Yeah, I should get some sleep

Dylan—(kissing face)

Kat paused and considered her response. Rather than fixating on the choice of emoji, she returned the same.

She missed Dylan’s kisses. And Seth’s kisses. And fooling around with them after they studied. It was easy. It was convenient. More than that, it was amazing. Could she manage the insanely stressful process of studying for the bar without them?


Author Bio:


Liz Ellyn nourishes people’s cravings for the irresistible. Like the decadent desserts she delivers, she creates alluring characters deserving of happy endings.

With degrees in both engineering and law, she argues that the positive energy gained by indulging in one’s guilty pleasure appropriately counterbalances the serious forces of daily life.

When she isn’t writing or devouring steamy romance books, she spoils her family, including her two dogs, Boomer and Tanner.

Bon Appetite and Happy Reading!

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Review – The Apartment: Fear Stalks The Halls by Kevin Bachar @KevinPangolin

THE APARTMENT : Fear Stalks the Halls (Part 3 Houses of Horror Series)
THE APARTMENT : Fear Stalks the Halls (Part 3 Houses of Horror Series)
THE APARTMENT : Fear Stalks the Halls (Part 3 Houses of Horror Series)


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As a youngster, Kevin Bachar had biked to Roosevelt Island and had become so curious, he went to the library to learn about the place. A lot of what he learned is now part of this novel, The Apartment: Fear Stalks The Halls. The apartment building used to be a lunatic asylum, so it’s the perfect setting for a horror novel.

Kat is the star of the show, so I’ll tell you about her. She was different than other people. She had a gift, but to her it felt like a curse. When her and her boyfriend moved to Roosevelt Island, it caused a disturbance. Her boyfriend was changing, going from right handed to left handed. She also noticed that her limp, a genetic disability, was gone. She was seeing ‘people’ in the hallways.

Murders were happening on the island. We have numerous suspects, and, boy, did I get this wrong. I love it. I had to race through the pages, couldn’t stop. Kevin led me down a road and I followed blindly. The ending was so unexpected and I love an author able to leave me with my jaw hanging open. That’s why I’m always happy to review one of his books.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Star

An unholy being is unleashed in the terrifying novel From the EMMY-award-winning producer and screenwriter of the LIONSGATE horror film THE INHABITANT. What if the horrors of the past seeped into the present? THE APARTMENT is a place where every hallway, door, and staircase leads to madness. And where a serial killer by the name of THE HARVESTER has decided to stalk their victims.

Benjamin and his girlfriend Katherine move to New York City. Instead of stylish Manhattan, or hip Brooklyn, the couple end up on Roosevelt Island, a spit of land in the middle of the East River.

It’s secluded and steeped in sordid history. The place was once known as the ‘Island of the Damned’ when it was home to a prison, a small-pox hospital, and a mysterious building where strange experiments occurred.

Katherine starts to feel isolated and is tormented by terrifying dreams. She also notices changes in her boyfriend, subtle things and some not so subtle, like how he now eats with his left hand. Even his voice sounds different to Catherine, but is all this in her mind, or has Benjamin become host to a horrifying entity from the past?

  • Genre: Fiction, Horror
  • 264 pages, Kindle Edition
  • Published December 20, 2024

Kevin Bachar is a national EMMY award-winning natural history documentary filmmaker and WGA writer. The elevated horror film he wrote – The Inhabitant –… – was released through Lionsgate and is available on most streaming services.

If you’ve watched National Geographic, PBS, or The Discovery Channel over the years you’ve seen his work. He’s the idiot in the water filming sharks or crawling into caves to photograph vampire bats. You can see Kevin at work filming sharks here –

The natural world has always captured his imagination and the supernatural world inspires his stories. Through his journeys, he’s interviewed scientists who’ve enlightened him, heard folk tales that have frightened him, and seen quite a few things that have challenged his skeptical mind.

His collection of short stories that weaves together the natural world and the supernatural world entitled, DREAD, is available on Amazon. He’s currently working on his second collection entitled – CREEP.

Complimenting his writing, Kevin has lectured and given presentations at prestigious institutions such as Rutgers University, American University, and the Rubin Museum of Art.
To keep up to date with Kevin’s movies, documentaries, and books –…

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Apocalyptic/Dystopian Review – My Only Friend, The End by Steven Owad

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How do you review a book when there is only one character?

Get lost in his mind. Share his highs and lows. He won’t run out of food for a long time. He can create power through solar energy. He can have hot showers and cold drinks. But, there is no one to talk to. He will always be alone. His memories, especially his regrets, hound him, dragging him so low he can’t function. There is no one to help him. He must help himself.

Travel with him. See the sights while looking for survivors. Where are they most likely to be…if they are anywhere? Transportation is easy to find and gas is plentiful.

Could there be animals? Pets? My mind kept going to Terminator, when Sarah Connor is in the Jeep with her dog.

How do you end the book? I kept wondering how the book would end. I mean, he is the only human left on the planet. Would he drink and drug himself to death? Would he create a homestead and settle down? Would there be no dramatic or happy ending?

I love apocalyptic/dystopian novels and was surprised at how much I enjoyed My Only Friend, The End by Steven Owad. Steve managed to keep me turning pages, having to know what comes next. The emotional journey hit every high and low you can imagine. The ending…I was satisfied. What else could I ask for?

I want to thank Steven Owad and Paper Angel Press for the opportunity to read My Only Friend, The End.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars

Surviving was easy. The hard part—living alone—starts now.

For Owen Bale, life in Great Falls, Montana, is good. He has a loving wife and son, a career as a writer, and plenty of reasons to get up in the morning.

The charmed existence ends one sun-kissed day when everyone in town—maybe everyone everywhere—drops dead. Owen is left alone in a city on fire.

The options sit tight and wait for help or seek out survivors. One thing’s if Owen doesn’t move—and move fast—the stresses of the flash extinction will swallow him whole.

He sets out in search of people—and of the cause of the devastation. Cosmic cataclysms. Pandemics. Bio-warfare. Earth has been through five mass extinctions. How do they differ from what’s happened now? Maybe God was behind the carnage. Or little green men. Whatever the answer, why was Owen spared? And if he’s alive, it stands to reason others survived, too. If all people everywhere are in fact gone, will there be any point in going on?

Staying sane and strong in a hostile landscape filled with unexpected dangers would be easier if Owen’s own inner demons weren’t along for the journey. Finding the post-civilization promised land will take every ounce of courage and self-knowledge he can muster.

  • Genre: Apocalyptic, Contemporary, Disaster Fiction, Dystopian, Fiction, Literary, Science Fiction
  • 241 pages, Kindle Edition
  • Published November 26, 2024 by Paper Angel Press

Steven lives in Calgary, Canada, where he works as an editor. His novels have won praise in publications such as Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine and Mystery Scene, and his stage plays have been produced in theaters throughout North America.

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2024 Ho Ho Ho Readathon #2024HoHoHoRAT


12th Annual Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon

This year the annual Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon will begin at 12:01 am Thursday November 21st and will end Monday, December 2nd at 11:59 pm in your time zone. Giving us twelve days of fun.

Get your holiday & winter setting books and be prepared to have fun! Audiobooks, library books, ebooks, old books or new books we don’t care. Don’t forget the hot chocolate!

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Giveaway – Be Still: Lessons From An Angel by E D Perry @ireadbooktours


Book Details:

Book TitleBe Still: Lessons from an Angel by Ed Perry by E.D. Perry
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction (18+) , 316 pages
Genre:  Christian
Publisher:  Be Still Publications
Release date:  Aug. 27, 2024
Content Rating: G. The book is a study of Philippians, Colossians, Philemon and Ephesians to gain a deeper perspective on God’s recommended way of life.
Book Description:

Discover a powerful collection of spiritual insights and life lessons in Be Still: Lessons From an Angel.

In this evocative book, E.D. Perry presents a carefully curated compilation of Biblical lessons that blends theological study with practical life guidance. Each lesson is aimed at enriching the reader’s spiritual journey and deepening his or her understanding of the magnitude of The Bible.

Be Still: Lessons From an Angel is born from Perry’s hope that readers will experience the transformative power of the Bible as he has. Through diligent study and reflection, Perry has assembled these teachings to illuminate the richness and depth of Christian faith. This book is not just a collection of lessons but an invitation to explore a deeper relationship with God.

Whether you are a lifelong Christian seeking deeper spiritual insight or someone curious about the transformative power of faith, Perry’s reflections, drawn from years of study and personal experience, provide a path to understanding and experiencing the blessings that come from a true relationship with God.
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Meet the Author:

Edgar “Ed” DeWitt Perry was born on Nov. 20, 1913 in Forest Grove, Oregon in a home his father built in 1911. He was a successful businessman with decades of business and life experience that he was happy to share with anyone who wanted to hear. He had a smile that could bridge any gap between folks, like an angel sent from God.

Ed spend the last decade of his life writing and teaching Bible lessons, which he would send weekly to peers and loved ones. He would eventually take the time to put those lessons into physical form and bind them to give to others, such as Ron L. Frey, leading to the creation of this book.

Everlasting life began for Edgar DeWitt Perry when his time on Earth ended in 2010. He was 97.
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