Review – Defy by Raine Thomas @Raine_Thomas

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I have been reading a lot of murder stories, which are some of my favorites, but when I read Defy by Raine Thomas, I was more than ready for a change of pace. I am familiar with the Estilorians because I have been reading the series and lovin’ every minute of it. You might not get the fullest enjoyment of the story unless you begin at the beginning with The Prophecy, but I read it out of order and was hooked.

The pain was unimaginable.

…and that was the opening sentence. I was immediately hooked….again. 🙂

  • Defy: To challenge the power of; resist boldly or openly; to defy parental authority.

And that is how Tate ended up alone in the jungle and met Zachariah and Nyx. Poor Zachariah. You might think poor Tate because of the way Zachariah treats her, but he doesn’t know any better and he fights the attraction he feels for her.

The world that Raine Thomas has created is richly developed and the characters are sure to grab at your heartstrings. I love that the Estiloreans no longer have feelings…you know, like us humans. It made me think of Lucifer and how he had to learn what it meant to be human…and so do the Estilorians.

I loved walking step by step with Tate as she was forced to grow up. The characters that surround her have their parts to play and I loved getting to know them.

Even though it had been a while since I read the earlier books in the series, everything came back to me quickly. That only happens when I loved the stories so much they stuck in my head, whispering in my subconscious, saying, READ MORE. I am happy to say that I will, because Raine Thomas made sure I have the rest of the series on hand.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Defy by Raine Thomas.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars

Seventeen-year-old Tate is about to make her parents’ dreams come true. Unfortunately for her, their dreams foretell her death.
Eager to explore more of the Estilorian plane and prove her abilities, Tate goes against her parents’ wishes and leaves the area of protection surrounding her home. Her choice puts her on a deadly path…one that leaves her alone, severely injured and battling for her life.
Her possible savior arrives in the form of Zachariah, a male who has removed himself from Estilorian society for more than fifty years. Fighting an unexpected connection to Tate, he must decide whether saving her life is worth destroying his.
As Tate struggles to find a way home, she ends up drawn into a dark Mercesti plot involving multiple murders and a powerful ancient artifact. With the unpredictable Zachariah as her only source for aid, she’ll soon find out if her abilities are strong enough to help her defy her Fate.

  • Genre: Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Young Adult
  • 286 pages, Kindle Edition
  • First published April 28, 2012
  • Series: Firstborn Trilogy (1) Estilorian (4)

Raine Thomas is the award-winning author of more than 20 bestselling romances spanning contemporary romance, Sci-Fi romance, and YA fantasy romance. She’s a hopeless romantic with a background in the fields of mental health and wedding planning…two areas that intersect far more than one would think. She’s also a book fiend, grammar nerd, and editing Red Queen, depending on who you ask.

Be sure to follow Raine on BookBub (…) to be among the first to learn of any sales, and hop over to her website for your first free read!

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The Prophecy (Daughters Of Saraquel)

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