Haven’t even taken care of the issues from Sally and here we go again. Have everything crossed and hoping it stays west. Sorry everyone, but I have had enough.

Haven’t even taken care of the issues from Sally and here we go again. Have everything crossed and hoping it stays west. Sorry everyone, but I have had enough.
Oh, I hope for everyone’s sake that the storm weakens significantly before making landfall!
i have my fingers crossed
YIKES! I hope you are spared. Stay Safe.
me too. i have had enough….
I sure hope it veers left and you end up with very minor fallout. The Gulf needs a break!
yes, we all need a break. i have never seen so much activity before. makes it hard to deny climate change
Wishing you all the best on the west coast!
thanks so much ken. hope all is well in your neck of the woods
Take care,Take care, Sherry! Crossing fingers for you <3
thanks D. hope you are well and staying safe….and working hard on your next novel.
I always thinking about you guys during this season. Stay safe! I hope it stays away from you
i think it will go further west than they first anticipated. i feel for everyone.
See that western edge of the projected path? That’s me.
Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
oh no. it looks like it is coming your way. we seem to always be on the eastern edge, which is the worst. i hope it dies down and moves fast. i’ll be thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way
I’m hoping and praying that are both going to stay safe and the storm gives you a miss. *hugs*