Twilight Zone meet David J Agostine
A futuristic, sci-fi, dystopian nightmare. Could it become our reality?
Not for the first time, he thought of eating his gun.
2016. Dalton is a dying town and there is no way out and nowhere to go.
The United States government is broke and there is no work. No one and no where is safe.
He was a scab cop, because he felt someone had to try and save the town from the rioting, looting, gangs, illegals, rape and murder. But, watch your step. The government has secrets it does not want you to know and the price you pay could cause you to be Unraveled.
4 STARS – Would Highly Recommend To Others
I love the cover. I keep looking at it, trying to see more. The book reads like an episode of Twilight Zone.
David J Agostine did an great job of taking me step by step through the decline of civilization as we know it. People are desperate. They have already lost everything, so there is nothing else to lose.The atrocities inflicted on the weaker are horrendous and realistic, as there is no one there with the will or the power to put a stop to it. That is, no one except a scab cop. Would you be willing and able to step up?
It has become the Wild West and you will have to protect yourself.
Could it happen today? Could the US have a Civil War? US against US. When you read Unraveled, it will make you wonder why it hasn’t happened already.
Could the reason our current society is still standing be because of the HERD mentality? The fear people live with, of risking what little they have and losing it all, so they blindly follow along, hoping tomorrow will be better?
The haves against the have nots. Isn’t that what is going on right now? Do the haves really believe it is their God given right to say – it’s our way or no way? The saying – History repeats itself – is used for a reason. This is neither the first nor the last time that greed, corruption, arrogance and egotism rises to the top, ignoring those that put them there.
The biggest question is – how far would they go to keep us from rising up?
“Some people are shit and some people are the lily-white paper, and it doesn’t matter one bit because we’re all going down the toilet together.”
Economic vigilantes – love that name.
I received this book in return for an honest and unbiased review.
David J. Agostine is a practicing fitness trainer and former larceny / fraud investigator. He worked for the past twenty-years managing investigations and security for several large organizations and is author of the highly acclaimed, dark fantasy novel, “Boys of the Great BB War.” Dave grew up in the small town of Cobleskill, NY and currently lives in Averill Park, NY with his beautiful daughter Annalise, who will never get a phone in her room that is not being recorded. “The Conspiracy Diet” is Dave’s first non-fiction title and has already helped over 1000 people achieve their weight loss goals.
To purchase a copy of any of David J Agostine’s books, simply click on the cover below.
David J Agostine is offering for the Giveaway 3 ebooks to 3 lucky commenters. International. Easy entry as always, just leave your email address and answer the question:
Do you follow the herd or do you walk your own path?
The Giveaway is over and David Agostine loved your comments so much, that he made EVERYONE a winner. Congratulations and thanks for your fantastic comments!!
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I’d like to say I’m not a follower but I’m not exactly cutting my own path right now. It’s confusing to know what you can do.
Great review Sherry and so true.
It is difficult to walk our own path. There is nothing wrong with a little help now and then. Plus, there is a saying, “It takes a village”. I think that shows how much more we can accomplish working together, but we still need to make our own decisions. Who knows, ours may be the one the others follow. ^_^
Who are you? What did you do with my sister?!! LOL
I am definitely NOT a herd-follower… certainly not the herd that’s screwing this country right down the toilet. As for a new Civil War, I think the proper term would be a new Revolution. It’s not a question of “if”, rather a question of “what’s taking it so long?” because it IS coming. We need to reclaim our position as one of the world leaders. Instead, we are continuing to slide down an increasingly slippery slope of mediocrity, non-competitive education, and the ever-present sense of entitlement to whatever we want whenever we want it. A day of reckoning is coming, but it won’t be caused by zombies, aliens, or sparkly vampires; it will be caused by people who still believe in the US Constitution and do not want to live in the United Democratic Socialist States of America. Unfortunately, we may have waited too long for a revolution to resolve anything.
WELL SAID!!! These kinds of books always get my juices flowing and my anger rises to the surface. I do believe that people will only take so much. When we are backed into a corner with nothing left to lose, why not rise up?
I follow the herd if it is the right thing and I believe it in otherwise I do my own thing, who knows I just might create my own path. I get tired of people who are afraid to color outside the lines.
I like that. Color outside the lines. Who knows what your picture could turn into.^_^
I follow what I believe in; what I believe to be true and right. If it’s with the herd, then it’s with the herd. However, if it’s not with the herd, I will not change my beliefs.
And Grampy, I agree with Sherry, WELL SAID!
I’m with you Taylor!
I always try and walk my own path. I don’t want to be a sheep!
It can be difficult at times. Good luck.
I think I do a bit of both! Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi Midu. That is probably the case with most of us. You are welcome and good luck.
I’m going to keep my comment simple. Unless the ‘herd’ is leading the dehydrated to the nearest water source , I’ll pass on the follow the leader mentality. When I think ‘herd’ I think of a huge cluster of people all trying to push their way to the same thing. I visualise the swarm at a concert, which honestly involves trampling, looting, and generally smells aweful.
Herd – to herd. Follow everyone else. Seems like we are always in line, following the person in front. Good thing there are those moments when we can break away from the pack. lol
Im not a herd follower by any means, but I dont exactly carve out my own path either. I think I give and take in this department. If the cause is something I believe in and its good and I feel comfortable with it, then I like to join in but if its something that puts me off, then I walk away and am ok with not being in the “in” crowd. I guess I follow my own moral compass and hope when its all said and done, Im a better, more enlightened person for it. Great review and love all these comments. Thanks for the chance to win
Hi Hazel. Very well put. Thanks. I am glad you stopped by and enjoyed visiting. Good luck in the giveaway.
I would definitely say I walk my own path. I don’t like anything too popular and am not a fan of “group think”. It’s too Stepford Wives for me.
Stepford Wives. I love it. Good luck. ^_^