A.I.: Artificial Intelligence. Even today, machines that mimic human thinking surround us. As the intellectual feats of computing machines grow more and more astounding, will there be a day when their apparent intelligence approaches, or even surpasses, that of human beings? And what if these machines then become conscious, self-aware?
Get this latest title in the acclaimed Future Chronicles series of speculative fiction anthologies.
Thirteen authors confront the question of the Singularity: at and beyond that point of time when A.I. becomes more than simply a human construct. From first awareness to omniscience, these original short stories explore that territory where human intelligence comes face-to-face with what is either its greatest hope, or its greatest threat.
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Join us TODAY, March 13th, in celebrating the launch on Facebook from 5 to Midnight EST.
Get your copy of The A.I. Chronicles here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00TUIBHL4/
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Yeah! I’ve been reading a lot of science fiction lately and this would be excellent reading! Thanks for sharing the giveaway.
I love this cover and scifi can be excellent reading. Good luck in the giveaway. I too would love to win a copy.
It seems as though the answer to the proposed question is, YES, it would be a threat. But would it? I wonder about that. Turning control over to a machine instead of humans would be losing control, so it follows that it would be a threat. This looks like an interesting read!
With all the TV shows and books I’ve read, it makes me think it would be a huge threat. But in the real world…